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Danger of E .. i need advice

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hey biscuit60 ... i think u r confused on where i got the quotes from .. right?

if that is the case . i took them from this article http://www.cnn.com/2004/HEALTH/02/25/ecstasy.study/

hope that answers your question dude

take care


the MASK

Mask - Interesting articles - your killing me,

I just wanted to point out some Facts no harm meant -

A well conducted clinical study is total different then a cnn reports....

The thing I hate the most is seeing cars turn over early a.m.....

Tot Bum Rush.

Show her that and I think she handle her choice/usage of Drinks fine

Mask your ok

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hey biscuit60 ... i think u r confused on where i got the quotes from .. right?

if that is the case . i took them from this article http://www.cnn.com/2004/HEALTH/02/25/ecstasy.study/

hope that answers your question dude

take care


the MASK

Mask - Interesting articles - your killing me,

I just wanted to point out some Facts no harm meant -

A well conducted clinical study is total different then a cnn reports....

The thing I hate the most is seeing cars turn over early a.m.....

Tot Bum Rush.

Show her that and I think she handle her choice/usage of Drinks fine

Mask your ok

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[quote name=mursa

oh and one more thing

...............no need to stereotype anyone that has or takes E as a addict . recreational user is much more apropriate .

PS...str8 edgers with attitudes are not cool


the mursa .

you are right .. did not mean to say it that way ... my apology shroomy

thanks mursa for pointing that out


the MASK

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Mask - Interesting articles - your killing me,

I just wanted to point out some Facts no harm meant -

A well conducted clinical study is total different then a cnn reports....

The thing I hate the most is seeing cars turn over early a.m.....

Tot Bum Rush.

Show her that and I think she handle her choice/usage of Drinks fine

Mask your ok

biscuit60 your cool dude . i understand .. :)


the MASK

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lmao ...you don't put anything foreign in your body , but yet WEAR a MASK when you go out , and Dance with it on .. why don't you show your face ? are you so self consious ?


.. and since your so pure (why the heck do you go clubbin ?) , bro become a Monk and move to a monistery somewhere in the hillsides of Bulgaria .

..kids so close minded and with a superiority complex just get on my nerves.

haha .. funny dude .. no .. i dont wear mask all the time .. it is my signature dancing that is all .

actually most of the time, i wear it backwords to create an illusion that i am walking backwords, .. but i am not hiding anything dude ..

why do i go clubbing .. coz i love dancing .. and i love to make friends . whats wrong with that man???? monk . nhaaa ... that is not me .. i have my defaults and i aint a saint .. but i am working on fixing what i can as a human .. i advocate good well .. good attitude .. helping people . making friends ... dancing body and soul free dude .. that is all

kid??? hahaha .. thanks but i aint no kid .. i have been going to clubs for more than 15 years .. but i keep on going back for dancing and since i made many friends ..

i dont know why u taking this personal dude .. i was not attacking you or anyone who does E .. i wanted to find out about the + and - of E .. coz i care for my partner and i dont know much about it . that is it ..


the MASK

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Hello people .. .. i am looking to find out about the dangers of E .. does anyone know of any documented disadvantages of E ??? i need to convince someone dear to me that E can kill her or ruin her life ..but don't know anything about this subject

if E is your cup of tea .. this thread is possibly not for you .. but you are most welcome to participate if you like ..


the MASK[/QU



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Hello people .. .. i am looking to find out about the dangers of E .. does anyone know of any documented disadvantages of E ??? i need to convince someone dear to me that E can kill her or ruin her life ..but don't know anything about this subject

if E is your cup of tea .. this thread is possibly not for you .. but you are most welcome to participate if you like ..


the MASK


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Hello people .. .. i am looking to find out about the dangers of E .. does anyone know of any documented disadvantages of E ??? i need to convince someone dear to me that E can kill her or ruin her life ..but don't know anything about this subject

if E is your cup of tea .. this thread is possibly not for you .. but you are most welcome to participate if you like ..


the MASK


Suspicion With a Smile: Hosting a Teen's Party

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Kid's Eye View

Time to find how they feel about drugs.

Ecstasy: Goodbye Fun... Hello Depression

Ecstasy is a synthetic drug that, according its proponents, produces a relaxed, euphoric state. Sensations are enhanced, music sounds better, and feelings of understanding people, getting along in groups, and general well-being are claimed to occur. Most users report that it makes them feel happy and social.

So, no problem, right? Wrong. Recently, a researcher at the University of Toronto School of Medicine in Canada found severe neurological damage in a 26-year old man who'd been using Ecstasy over a nine-year period. In fact, when the researchers examined his brain, they found reduced levels of serotonin, the brain chemical controlling moods, sleep, pain, sexual activity and violent behavior, less than 50 to 80% of what non-users have.

Although people using Ecstasy think it will make them feel good, they often have little knowledge about the drug they are using, including whether the drug has been changed or mixed with something even more harmful.

Because it is often created in illegal labs, Ecstasy can be mixed with PCP, methamphetamine, acid or DXM, dextromethorphan, a legal drug found in over-the-counter cough suppressants. Large doses of DXM can cause stomach pain, cramping, dizziness, vomiting and seizures.

Ecstasy users are likely to consider the drug to not be a big deal. After all, how harmful could something called Ecstasy be?

Ecstasy can cause depression, anxiety and paranoia, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). It also may increase the heart rate and raise the body's blood pressure and cause faintness, chills, or sweating. Some studies have shown that Ecstasy can cause long-term brain damage and memory impairment.

Ecstasy is not just being used by ravers and club kids, like many people think. It has recently begun to appear all over the country and outside of clubs. It can be extremely dangerous in high doses and can cause a marked increase in body temperature leading to muscle breakdown. According to NIDA, kidney and cardiovascular system failure have been reported in some fatal cases at raves.

Details of the University of Toronto study can be found at the Journal of Neurology's Web site: http://www.neurology.org.

For more information on Ecstasy's effects, visit www.clubdrugs.org.

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Hello people .. .. i am looking to find out about the dangers of E .. does anyone know of any documented disadvantages of E ??? i need to convince someone dear to me that E can kill her or ruin her life ..but don't know anything about this subject

if E is your cup of tea .. this thread is possibly not for you .. but you are most welcome to participate if you like ..


the MASK

I'm not trying to judge anybody coz everybody has "free will" and has rights to do everything what he wants with his own life.

But my opinion is this all "E" crap is bullshit. One of my friends died coz of this shit and another one land up in a mental hospital.

I was beeing stupid myself and wannted to know how is it, I almost died......but I'm not gonna talk about it.

...........I guess the choice is yours folks.

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Suspicion With a Smile: Hosting a Teen's Party

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Kid's Eye View

Time to find how they feel about drugs.

Ecstasy: Goodbye Fun... Hello Depression

this is exactly the sort of hearsay bullshit that pisses me off when it tries to pass it self off as science....

"So, no problem, right? Wrong. Recently, a researcher at the University of Toronto School of Medicine in Canada found severe neurological damage in a 26-year old man who'd been using Ecstasy over a nine-year period. In fact, when the researchers examined his brain, they found reduced levels of serotonin, the brain chemical controlling moods, sleep, pain, sexual activity and violent behavior, less than 50 to 80% of what non-users have."

so.... they took one guy who was obviously depressed and found he had 50-80% less serotonin.... well so do 99% of the millions of people who suffer from depression. Thats why SSRI such as prosac, zoloft etc work, they raise the seratonin levels in the brain. How can they know if he was taking the MDMA because of the reduced seratonin in an attempt to self medicate his depressed feelings??

What they need to show is that it is MDMA that causes the reduction of seratonon (long term, and it doesnt return to normal)

and they also say they found "severe neurological damage" then don't mention what that is .... propaganda crap

and this line ..."and can cause a marked increase in body temperature leading to muscle breakdown"

lol... gimme a break. that is exactly what exercise does!!!

When are we going to get a real unbiases study??

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ANYTHING in excess can be harmful...ANYTHING....

I never went over 1 tab while I was experimenting with it...EVER...and I NEVER tried K...because I saw how these assholes would try to get girls into k-holes so they could molest them....so, you got told to go to hell if you ever offered me it, and I didn't know your ass.

Alcohol is just as deadly, I lost someone close to me who overdosed on Heroin...because he was so drunk, he "tried" something to make him "feel better"......but, he had a family history of alcolholics, anyway...which is a disease...for anyone that doesn't seem to understand that.

With E, you don't know what shit you are getting cuz they mix it with everything nowadays...so, I wouldn't even bother with that one. As for me, I didnt see any addiction it it......

Too much of ANYTHING is harmful...ie. to many damn stalkers, too much gossip, too much of a nosey interfereing government....yes, all these things can cause you nausia, breakdowns and paranoia....just like a bad drug.

Drugs are better....atleast it lets you forget these assholes are on your tail.

pieces of shit. *sigh*

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ANYTHING in excess can be harmful...ANYTHING....

I never went over 1 tab while I was experimenting with it...EVER...and I NEVER tried K...because I saw how these assholes would try to get girls into k-holes so they could molest them....so, you got told to go to hell if you ever offered me it, and I didn't know your ass.

Alcohol is just as deadly, I lost someone close to me who overdosed on Heroin...because he was so drunk, he "tried" something to make him "feel better"......but, he had a family history of alcolholics, anyway...which is a disease...for anyone that doesn't seem to understand that.

With E, you don't know what shit you are getting cuz they mix it with everything nowadays...so, I wouldn't even bother with that one. As for me, I didnt see any addiction it it......

Too much of ANYTHING is harmful...ie. to many damn stalkers, too much gossip, too much of a nosey interfereing government....yes, all these things can cause you nausia, breakdowns and paranoia....just like a bad drug.

Drugs are better....atleast it lets you forget these assholes are on your tail.

pieces of shit. *sigh*

make sense .. thanks for sharing


the MASK

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when ur "partner" starts to wake up the morning after doing pills and feels like she got hit with a mack truck...then he/she will stop...i dont believe that xtc cant hurt u if you could wake up feeling that awful...

mdma might not be harmful if you avoid taking it in excess...tell ur partner to make sure she knows what shes taking

the only thing that is stopping me from rolling again is the thought of the famous "AFTERMATH"

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when ur "partner" starts to wake up the morning after doing pills and feels like she got hit with a mack truck...then he/she will stop...i dont believe that xtc cant hurt u if you could wake up feeling that awful...

mdma might not be harmful if you avoid taking it in excess...tell ur partner to make sure she knows what shes taking

the only thing that is stopping me from rolling again is the thought of the famous "AFTERMATH"

1 or 2 pills normally won't make you feel like you've been hit a mack truck .

Moderate and you'll be fine . Abuse it and it'll catch up with you in time .

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when ur "partner" starts to wake up the morning after doing pills and feels like she got hit with a mack truck...then he/she will stop...i dont believe that xtc cant hurt u if you could wake up feeling that awful...

mdma might not be harmful if you avoid taking it in excess...tell ur partner to make sure she knows what shes taking

the only thing that is stopping me from rolling again is the thought of the famous "AFTERMATH"

1 or 2 pills normally won't make you feel like you've been hit a mack truck .

Moderate and you'll be fine . Abuse it and it'll catch up with you in time .

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when ur "partner" starts to wake up the morning after doing pills and feels like she got hit with a mack truck...then he/she will stop...i dont believe that xtc cant hurt u if you could wake up feeling that awful...

mdma might not be harmful if you avoid taking it in excess...tell ur partner to make sure she knows what shes taking

the only thing that is stopping me from rolling again is the thought of the famous "AFTERMATH"

good to know . thanks for sharing


the MASK

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"and to say that govermnet lied about drugs . is a bit strech for me .. (i know you did not say that but i heard people saying it) .. i mean why would the gov say it is illegal if it should be . someone needs to convince me .. "

You are either extremely young or extremely naive. I hope you are happy in the world you have chosen to live, b/c it is not reality.


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i know u wanted facts on the dangers, but

i have a fact of the postive----

there now using x in studys with very severly emotional damaged patients,

patients that have been serverly sexually abused, very bad rape victums, , patients so withdrawn, years of intensive therapy doesn't work, are using e to have them come out of there shell and open up, :aright:

i wish i had time to give u the link, but theres a copy of the article somewhere in here...

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i know u wanted facts on the dangers, but

i have a fact of the postive----

there now using x in studys with very severly emotional damaged patients,

patients that have been serverly sexually abused, very bad rape victums, , patients so withdrawn, years of intensive therapy doesn't work, are using e to have them come out of there shell and open up, :aright:

i wish i had time to give u the link, but theres a copy of the article somewhere in here...

I saw that also and believe that on that channel 7 report it was said that it was the original intent of the drug and who created it.


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"and to say that govermnet lied about drugs . is a bit strech for me .. (i know you did not say that but i heard people saying it) .. i mean why would the gov say it is illegal if it should be . someone needs to convince me .. "

You are either extremely young or extremely naive. I hope you are happy in the world you have chosen to live, b/c it is not reality.


everyone choose their own life dude .. and ya i am very happy .and it is very real ... thanks for asking


the MASK

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