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American Hostage Beheaded by Saudi Militants


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It's like a movie coming true............

People In the gov are tooo busy with politics and worried about what other contries would think if we openned a can of whooooop ass in that area..


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Three chilling photographs on an Islamist Web site appear to show the beheaded body of American hostage Paul Johnson, who was kidnapped a week ago by Islamic militants connected with al Qaeda.

Abdel Aziz Al-Muqrin, the self-proclaimed military leader of al Qaeda in Saudi Arabia, claimed responsibility for Johnson's kidnapping and the death of another American, Kenneth Scroggs, on the same day on behalf of a group called the Al Falluja Squadron.

On Tuesday, he threatened to kill Johnson in 72 hours unless the Saudi government released al Qaeda prisoners and all Westerners got out of the Arabian Peninsula.

A statement posted on the Web site, translated from the Arabic, said: "We slaughtered the American hostage Paul Johnson after the deadline we gave to the Saudi tyrants."

Johnson was an employee of Lockheed Martin, working on Apache helicopters in Saudi Arabia.

The statement that the group wanted Johnson to "taste a bit of what the Muslims have been suffering from Apache helicopter attacks." The statement said Johnson had been "working on maintaining and developing the electronic systems of these planes."

The statement also said the killing was "a lesson for them to learn for whoever comes to our country, this will be their punishment."

Muslim friends of Johnson -- including some clerics -- also pleaded for his release. But the militants were not swayed.

Lockheed Martin spokesman, Tom Jurkowsky, said the company is "dealing with the family."

"All we can say is we're very distressed, very disheartened," Jurkowsky said.

Earlier Friday, Al Arabiya as well as CNN had aired an emotional appeal from Johnson's Thai wife, Noom.

U.S. and Saudi investigators concluded an intensive meeting Friday, Saudi officials said, as security forces spread all over the kingdom searching for Johnson.

Johnson, 49, had been kidnapped Saturday in the Saudi capital of Riyadh. He helped maintain the U.S.-built Apache helicopter gunships for the Saudi military.

The State Department has urged all Americans to leave Saudi Arabia, but Johnson's sister, Donna Mayeux, said in a CNN interview that her brother "always felt safe in Saudi Arabia."

"My brother is an honorable man," she said. "He has always treated people with dignity and respect."

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its a war.....people r gonna get fucked up....the only thing about this war is that its the most unconventional war ever!!!!!!!!!!!!! sad the things humans to do each other!!!!!!!!!!!!! thousands of years of being taught the wrong priorities on the planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it will never end........this is our course... that we have set for ourselves.... and we must stay true to it till the end.... were just that hard headed!!!!!!!!!!!! humans!!!!!!!!!

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The State Department recommends that US citizens leave Saudi Arabia. I hope that the troops do soon too. Let those camel fuckers figure out their own problems if they are so cool and civilized.

Fucking savages, all of them. If I were in charge, I'd already have sent my SSBNs their Emergency Action Message, and given the insurgents 24 hours to comply while I move my forces to Bahrain.

Bahrain is cool, that is a good example of a civilzed Arabic nation. Wonderful beaches, hotels, and people...you'd think the barbarians in Iraq and Saudi would follow their lead.

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I don't want to be pesimist, but when people from one country begin decapitating people from another country, it's usually because relations between them are in very poor shape. I recommend all american contractors not to sacrifice their lifes for blood money, apparently the colateral investment on this business could sometimes include one's neck.

americans should stay away from saudi arabia, american in saudia arabia should come to the u.s. this are not accidents, the world is at war,traveling overseas at this time is not as safe as it used to be.

Instead of seeing Michael Jackson or Courtney Love on the news, I want to hear a representative from the national security council giving the american citizens a sincere and comprehensive explanation of how bad things really are...news of prisoners of war and hostages being decapitated are rapidly becoming part of the daily news, that's very bizarre and disturbing.

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the US should entirely leave saudi arabia. unfortunately, our need for oil from the top producer of oil in the world saudi arabia. will keep americans in saudi arabia, and in harms way in definitely.

I'd get on the horn and tell everyone to ride the fucking bus for awhile and deal with it. Joe WASP and his fucking SUV aren't worth getting people killed over. Times like this I'm glad I don't drive, yeah yeah I know the bus takes diesel fuel, but at least I'm not contributing a huge amount to Sheikh Camel Jockey's fortune. Fuck 'em.

We've got enough in the SPR for 3 months or so of normal usage, that would give us enough time to get oil from other sources, and begin the shift to other forms of automotive fuel.

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I'd get on the horn and tell everyone to ride the fucking bus for awhile and deal with it. Joe WASP and his fucking SUV aren't worth getting people killed over. Times like this I'm glad I don't drive, yeah yeah I know the bus takes diesel fuel, but at least I'm not contributing a huge amount to Sheikh Camel Jockey's fortune. Fuck 'em.

We've got enough in the SPR for 3 months or so of normal usage, that would give us enough time to get oil from other sources, and begin the shift to other forms of automotive fuel.

um lets not blame the oil crisis on just suv and truck owners....

At least i use mine to get to/from work............. why don't people point a finger at the boat owners who just leisurely take their boats out for a spin on miami beach............. those things have 800 gallon tanks and blow through gas quicker than yo momma through an 8-ball o' coke..........


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um lets not blame the oil crisis on just suv and truck owners....

At least i use mine to get to/from work............. why don't people point a finger at the boat owners who just leisurely take their boats out for a spin on miami beach............. those things have 800 gallon tanks and blow through gas quicker than yo momma through an 8-ball o' coke..........


the rate of boats against cars is minimum...hell, If I had a boat I'd go out on that suckah every single day...Miami was built by boaters, if you think this city is beautiful, get on the canals...now that's even more beautiful...:)

Miami Beach skyline from a boat at night, then you've seen it all.

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We are a victim of our own laziness. we allow oil companies and their lobbyists to control our elected officials. it is impractical to believe a country with natural resources, advanced technology, and so much wealth. is unable to come up with actual alternative fuel sources. or at best, find a way to not be so reliant on other countries for resources such as oil.

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We have been holding back for political reasons (such as fallugia). I think it's time we hold back no longer. WHEREVER our enemies are I say we go after them with full force. Politics aside for now. If you get in our way, I feel sorry for ya.

Acts like this are true atrocities. Stacking naked enemies aren't and does not even compare.

I hope our admin gets even tougher now.

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