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Quotes from our future president John Kerry INCONSISTANT LIAR

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Quotes from future president John Kerry:

September 2001: "...Saddam Hussein has used weapons of mass destruction against his own people, and there is some evidence of their efforts to try to secure these kinds of weapons and even test them."

December 2001: "Oh, I think we clearly have to keep the pressure on terrorism globally. This doesn't end with Afghanistan by any imagination.... And it is absolutely vital that we continue, for instance, Saddam Hussein."

October 2002: KERRY VOTES IN FAVOR OF WAR. "The Iraqi regime's record over the decade leaves little doubt that Saddam Hussein wants to retain his arsenal of weapons of mass destruction and to expand it to include nuclear weapons. We cannot allow him to prevail in that quest. The weapons are an unacceptable threat."

September 2003: Kerry when asked about adding more funding for our troops in Iraq: "I don't think any US senator is going to abandon our troops and recklessly leave Iraq to - to whatever follows as a result of cutting and running. That's irresponsible."

October 2003: Kerry votes against additional funding for Iraq. (see September 2003)

January 2004: Kerry declares he is running for presidency as an ANTI-WAR candidate. (see October 2002)

March 2004: Kerry on his vote against additional funds: "I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it."

This is just a quick clip of Kerry's inconsistency. It is directed towards all on this board who love calling Bush an idiot and are so looking forward to removing him from office. At least Bush sticks to his guns. God help us if this phony liar gets elected.

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anybody who even considers voting for Bush has serious problems......Billy.....you are shot kid...the economy blows....we have no jobs....nobody has $$....and we are at war....this is the same fucking shit that Bush Senior put the country into when he was president....and to top that off his administration does nothing But LIE about everything that has gone on since he has become president...fucking bunch of idiots....I would rather have a pot smoking hippy like Kerry in office any day rather than a fucking hill-billy cow tipping white trash gun-slinging Texan like Bush....I mean the guy waged war on a country and still hasn't proven any of those grounds for which he went to war with Iraq...come on give me a fuckin break we have guys our age dying every fucking day because Bush wants control of that region for its oil...DYING, DEAD, and FOREVER GONE because Bush and his administration felt like it....think about that just for a moment...now if they were there because Iraq waged war against us or IT WAS PROVEN that they were funding terrorists then GOD BLESS THE SOLDIERS AND OUR GOVERNMENT FOR THEIR EFFORTS AND SACRIFICES...BUT this has not yet been proven and will never be proven in my opinion and Bush used a tradgedy in our country such as 9-11 to take it upon himself to decide who is good in the world and who is bad and by doing this he associated a country with the attacks onto our country BUT has yet to porve it...so i say SMOKE POT BE MERRY AND VOTE KERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!....shit if you don't like Kerry write in PeeWee Herman just don't vote Bush....

Just my Opinion....thanx for reading....

Bobby Digital.

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anybody who even considers voting for Bush has serious problems......

if you don't like Kerry write in PeeWee Herman just don't vote Bush....

Just my Opinion....thanx for reading....

Bobby Digital.


"One of the most controversial and provocative films of the year, Fahrenheit 9/11 is Academy Award-winning filmmaker Michael Moore's searing examination of the Bush administration's actions in the wake of the tragic events of 9/11. With his characteristic humor and dogged commitment to uncovering the facts, Moore considers the presidency of George W. Bush and where it has led us. He looks at how - and why - Bush and his inner circle avoided pursuing the Saudi connection to 9/11, despite the fact that 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis and Saudi money had funded Al Qaeda. Fahrenheit 9/11 shows us a nation kept in constant fear by FBI alerts and lulled into accepting a piece of legislation, the USA Patriot Act, that infringes on basic civil rights. It is in this atmosphere of confusion, suspicion and dread that the Bush Administration makes its headlong rush towards war in Iraq - and Fahrenheit 9/11 takes us inside that war to tell the stories we haven't heard, illustrating the awful human cost to U.S. soldiers and their families. Lions Gate Films will release the film nationwide on June 25th. "

http://www.fahrenheit911.com/ :werd:

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anybody who even considers voting for Bush has serious problems......Billy.....you are shot kid...the economy blows....we have no jobs....nobody has $$....and we are at war....this is the same fucking shit that Bush Senior put the country into when he was president....and to top that off his administration does nothing But LIE about everything that has gone on since he has become president...fucking bunch of idiots....I would rather have a pot smoking hippy like Kerry in office any day rather than a fucking hill-billy cow tipping white trash gun-slinging Texan like Bush....I mean the guy waged war on a country and still hasn't proven any of those grounds for which he went to war with Iraq...come on give me a fuckin break we have guys our age dying every fucking day because Bush wants control of that region for its oil...DYING, DEAD, and FOREVER GONE because Bush and his administration felt like it....think about that just for a moment...now if they were there because Iraq waged war against us or IT WAS PROVEN that they were funding terrorists then GOD BLESS THE SOLDIERS AND OUR GOVERNMENT FOR THEIR EFFORTS AND SACRIFICES...BUT this has not yet been proven and will never be proven in my opinion and Bush used a tradgedy in our country such as 9-11 to take it upon himself to decide who is good in the world and who is bad and by doing this he associated a country with the attacks onto our country BUT has yet to porve it...so i say SMOKE POT BE MERRY AND VOTE KERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!....shit if you don't like Kerry write in PeeWee Herman just don't vote Bush....

Just my Opinion....thanx for reading....

Bobby Digital.

Not for nothing Bobby but the current condition of the economy is directly related to the Administration before Bush.............Effects on the economy are not instant, they take time to take effect and unfortunately the current admin always gets blamed for the current condition............Clinton got to ride the waves of a flourishing economy that probably had nothing to do with him!!!!! What his admin did without a doubt affected the future years!!! Like now and Bush takes the blame.........think about it. When a disease spreads it spreads over time and there is no instant cure of any kind...


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"One of the most controversial and provocative films of the year, Fahrenheit 9/11 is Academy Award-winning filmmaker Michael Moore's searing examination of the Bush administration's actions in the wake of the tragic events of 9/11. With his characteristic humor and dogged commitment to uncovering the facts, Moore considers the presidency of George W. Bush and where it has led us. He looks at how - and why - Bush and his inner circle avoided pursuing the Saudi connection to 9/11, despite the fact that 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis and Saudi money had funded Al Qaeda. Fahrenheit 9/11 shows us a nation kept in constant fear by FBI alerts and lulled into accepting a piece of legislation, the USA Patriot Act, that infringes on basic civil rights. It is in this atmosphere of confusion, suspicion and dread that the Bush Administration makes its headlong rush towards war in Iraq - and Fahrenheit 9/11 takes us inside that war to tell the stories we haven't heard, illustrating the awful human cost to U.S. soldiers and their families. Lions Gate Films will release the film nationwide on June 25th. "

http://www.fahrenheit911.com/ :werd:

it's nice to see people who know what they are talking about and that know the facts......I am looking forward to seeing this as soon as it is released...and of course why would Bush go after a country in which we have soooo much $$$ into such as Saudi Arabia when he can just look the other way...I really wish that people would start looking around and questioning instead of listening to the media and watching Bush's cheesey ass speeches in which all he ever does is talk up beeing patriotic while not answering the important questions on all of our minds.....

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Between the two will take Bush anyday

Honestly.... how can you say that? Im not a big time Kerry fan.... but since you looked up facts on him - here's some facts on your boy Bush that you can think about for a little while....

Narration: Bush’s good friend James Bath was hired by the bin Laden family to manage their money in Texas and invest in businesses. And James Bath himself, in turn, invested in George W. Bush.


Author Dan Briody: George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush worked for the Carlyle Group, the same company that counted the bin Laden family among its investors.


Author Dan Briody: Carlyle Group was holding its annual investor conference on the morning of September 11th in the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Washington, D.C. … George H. W. Bush … left the morning of September 11th. Shafiq bin Ladin, who is Osama bin Laden’s half-brother, and was in town to look after his family’s investments in the Carlyle Group. All of them, together in one room, watching as the planes hit the towers.


Narration: With so much attention focused on the bin Laden family being important Carlyle investors, the bin Ladens eventually had to withdraw. Bush’s dad stayed on as Senior Advisor to Carlyle’s Asia Board for another two years.


Author Dan Briody: As unseemly as it seems, to know that George H.W. Bush was meeting with the bin Laden family while Osama was a wanted terrorist, well before September 11, it’s very discomforting for Americans to know that.



James R. Bath and George W. Bush were friends. They served together in the Texas Air National Guard. According to records released by the Bush campaign in 2000, in 1972, both Bush and Bath were suspended for failing to take their medical examination (although Bath’s name was blacked out in records released by the White House in 2004). National Guard Bureau, Aeronautical Orders Number 87, September 29, 1972. Time Magazine reported in 1991 “ Bath, 55, acknowledges a friendship with George W. Bush that stems from their service together in the Texas Air National Guard, and says he is ‘slightly’ acquainted with [then President George H.W. Bush].†Jonathan Beatty, “A Mysterious Mover of Money and Planes,†Time, October 28, 1991.

In 1976, Bath became the Texas money manager for the Bin Laden family. Notarized Trust Agreement, Harris County, Texas, signed by Salem M. Binladen, July 8, 1976, Bath’s business relationship with Salem bin Laden, and other wealthy Saudi businessmen, has been well documented. See, e.g., Mike Ward, “Bin Laden relatives have ties to Texas,†Austin American-Statesman, November 9, 2001; Jerry Urban, “Feds investigate entrepreneur allegedly tied to Saudis,†Houston Chronicle, June 4, 1992; Thomas Petzinger Jr., et al., “Family Ties: How oil firm linked to a son of Bush won Bahrain Drilling Pact,†The Wall Street Journal, December 6, 1991.

James Bath invested in George W. Bush’s oil company, Arbusto. See 1981 Schedule 4 spreadsheet showing $50,000 investment by James Bath in George W. Bush’s Bush Exploration. According to Time Magazine, “[E]arly 1980s tax records reviewed by Time [Magazine] show that Bath invested $50,000 in Bush's energy ventures and remained a stockholder until Bush sold his company to Harken in 1986.†Jonathan Beaty, A Mysterious Mover of Money and Planes, Time Magazine, October 28, 1991.


In the early 1990s, George W. Bush served on the board of directors for CaterAir, an airline catering company. CaterAir was owned by the Carlyle Group. Kenneth N. Gilpin, “Little-Known Carlyle Scores Big,†The New York Times, March 26, 1991. See also, Nicholas M. Horrock, “With friends like these…,†United Press International, July 16, 2003. “Fred Malek, a senior advisor to Carlyle, who also served as the director of the 1988 Republican Convention, suggested to Carlyle that the President’s eldest son, George W. Bush, would ‘be a positive addition to Caterair’s board.’ Mr. Malek was also a Caterair director and vice chairman of Northwest Airlines, a major Caterair customer. ‘I thought George W. Bush could make a contribution to Caterair,’ stated Malek.†Kenneth N. Gilpin, Little-Known Carlyle Scores Big, New York Times, March 26, 1991.

George W. Bush left the company in 1994, a year after his father’s presidency ended. Ross Ramsey, et al., “Campaign ’94 Fisher’s Staff Slips Up On Spanish,†The Houston Chronicle, September 17, 1994 .

Former President George H. W. Bush joined the Carlyle group in the mid-1990s after losing his bid for re-election. He became a member of the company's Asia Advisory Board and stayed as a Senior Advisor to the Asia Board until 2003. Kevin Phillips, “The Barreling Bushes,†Los Angeles Times, January 11, 2004; Kurt Eichenwald, “Bin Laden Family Liquidates Holdings With Carlyle Group,†The New York Times, October 26, 2001. See also, Conal Walsh, The Carlyle controversy: With friends in high places: Former world leaders give Carlyle Group unrivalled prowess in lobbying for business,†The Observer, September 15, 2002.

According to Carlyle, “Former President Bush was at one time the Senior Advisor to the Carlyle Asia Advisory Board but retired from that position in October 2003.â€

The bin Laden family first invested in Carlyle in 1994. Representing Carlyle’s Asia Board, George H.W. Bush visited the bin laden family's headquarters in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Kurt Eichenwald, Bin Laden Family Liquidates Holdings With Carlyle Group, The New York Times, October 26, 2001.

Following the attacks on September 11, the bin Laden family’s investments in the Carlyle Group became an embarrassment to the Carlyle Group and the family was forced to liquidate their assets with the firm. Kurt Eichenwald, “Bin Laden Family Liquidates Holdings with Carlyle Group,†The New York Times, October 26, 2001.


On the morning of September 11, 2001 , “in the plush setting of the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Washington, DC, the Carlyle Group was holding its annual international investor conference. Frank Carlucci, James Baker III, David Rubenstein, William Conway, and Dan D’Aniellow were together, along with a host of former world leaders, former defense experts, wealthy Arabs from the Middle East, and major international investors as they terror played out on television. There with them, looking after the investments of his family was Shafiq bin Laden, Osama bin Laden’s estranged half-brother. George Bush Sr. was also at the conference, but Carlyle’s spokesperson says the former president left before the terror attacks, and was on an airplane over the Midwest when flights across the country were grounded on the morning of September 11. In any circumstance, a confluence of such politically complex and globally connected people would have been curious, even newsworthy. But in the context of the terrorist attacks being waged against the United States by a group of Saudi nationals led by Osama bin Laden, the group assembled at the Ritz-Carlton that day was a disconcerting and freakish coincidence.†Dan Briody, The Iron Triangle, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003, p. 139-140. See also, Melanie Warner, “What do George Bush, Arthur Levitt, Jim Baker, Dick Darman, and John Major Have in Common? (They all work for the Carlyle Group),†Fortune, March 18, 2002.

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Not for nothing Bobby but the current condition of the economy is directly related to the Administration before Bush.............Effects on the economy are not instant, they take time to take effect and unfortunately the current admin always gets blamed for the current condition............Clinton got to ride the waves of a flourishing economy that probably had nothing to do with him!!!!! What his admin did without a doubt affected the future years!!! Like now and Bush takes the blame.........think about it. When a disease spreads it spreads over time and there is no instant cure of any kind...



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Quotes from future president John Kerry:

September 2001: "...Saddam Hussein has used weapons of mass destruction against his own people, and there is some evidence of their efforts to try to secure these kinds of weapons and even test them."

December 2001: "Oh, I think we clearly have to keep the pressure on terrorism globally. This doesn't end with Afghanistan by any imagination.... And it is absolutely vital that we continue, for instance, Saddam Hussein."

October 2002: KERRY VOTES IN FAVOR OF WAR. "The Iraqi regime's record over the decade leaves little doubt that Saddam Hussein wants to retain his arsenal of weapons of mass destruction and to expand it to include nuclear weapons. We cannot allow him to prevail in that quest. The weapons are an unacceptable threat."

Who said he is our future president???? Bush will kick ass again

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Couldn't have said it better myself!

call me crazy or selfish but the main thing i care about is taxes....who the hell would want to pay more intaxes we pay enough anyway....kerry will raise all kinds of taxes... bush will keep them the same or he says he will try to lower them..he already did alot... who wants to give anymore $ to goveremnt than we already do?? not me

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people dont realize that democrats for the most part in the past have raised taxes to start such programs as welfare so that mothers with 800 children can keep having kids and collecting more money from us!! Not saying republicans havent done similar things but democrats are more in favor of programs of this nature which are constantly abused and never implemented the way they should be!!!!

Oh yeah, and Im all for WAR!!!! Fuck everybody else we are the baddest mofos on this earth and should let it be known!!!! BRING Back the ROMAN EMPIRE!!!!! ALL hail KING GEORGE!!!!!


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Just to let all you peeps know, Im not even really reading what your writing nor do I even care!!! My posts are semi real semi fuckin wit ya!!!!Im glad to see that some of you have a strong passion and beliefs in something other than the club scene. Maybe just maybe our children will have a future!!!!!

Other than that let me add that this board sucks lately and this was the most interesting thread in a long time!!! Go figure!!!

Oh yeah.....Bobby D.........your ghey, smoke some hey, and you cant vote in may!!!

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Just to let all you peeps know, Im not even really reading what your writing nor do I even care!!! My posts are semi real semi fuckin wit ya!!!!Im glad to see that some of you have a strong passion and beliefs in something other than the club scene. Maybe just maybe our children will have a future!!!!!

Other than that let me add that this board sucks lately and this was the most interesting thread in a long time!!! Go figure!!!

Oh yeah.....Bobby D.........your ghey, smoke some hey, and you cant vote in may!!!

Stiffler Stiffler he's our man......if he can't do it KERRY can!!!!!!!!!!..........oh yeah.......always a pleasure sticky....

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Bobby D for president!!!!

Actually I cant vote anyway!!! They stripped me of that right........something to do with being a fellon or something like that!!!LOL

But if I could vote....Id vote for Bush based on the fact that he is a republican only...I dont get taken in by all the bs they spew at us.......they barely ever live up to their promises and if they do there is always a catch!!!

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