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Ever Been in a Fight in a Club?

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Every single club I have been to in Jersey I have seen crazy Fights only one or two in the city and both where at Sound factory.

But the only fight I have every been in was at the surf club at Jersey shore last summer. I was down there one Sunday after noon hanging with some friends just taken it easy when this little argument broke out between to Juice head that both of them must have weighed at least 300 pounds each they start going crazy on each other it look like two guerillas wrestling and mauling each other it was crazy.

The bouncers come running threw the crowed knocking people over. I see these group of girls who where about to get smashed into so I jump in between them and the 2 bouncers that are about to run them over. Well, I get ran into and I went flying and I fell on top of one of these girl both of use fell to the ground so I get up and help her up and she was really nice about it.

So I turn around and some guy sucker punches me write in the face my friends saw this and came over and they grab this guy kick the shit out of him. I found out it was the girls boy friend trying to be a tough guy. The best part is I saw the girl a few weeks later and she broke up with the dude and we hooked up that night.


Guest list Info for TWIRL or Sound Factory Please contact TRINITY promotion at trinitygstlst@aol.com

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