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The Iraq Handover: Lessons For Next Time


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June 29, 2004 -- IRAQ is again a sovereign state, this time without a dictator. Despite ongoing violence, the country's moving toward democracy. And even if that democracy proves imperfect, it will still be better than anything else between Israel and India.

We have done a great thing. Now it's up to the Iraqis to make the most of the gift of freedom we gave them.

Much could still go wrong, of course. Ethnic hatreds, religious prejudice, greed and personal ambition pose greater dangers to this reborn state than do foreign terrorists or domestic insurgents. The men temporarily in charge of their country will need strong moral muscles to lift the weight of the past from the people's backs. If they can't work together for the greater good, a year from now Iraq may not exist as a unified state.

There are a thousand uncertainties. In 10 or 15 years we may begin to understand what we really accomplished. But with our soldiers still dying in freedom's cause, it's time for an initial review of our experience in Iraq. We must start preparing now for future wars and occupations — they'll come, despite no end of wishful thinking.

What lessons should we take from the last 15 months? Here are just a few out of the many:

Plan for the worst-case scenario, not just the one you hope for. The gravest practical error the Bush administration made was the failure to listen to military professionals and regional experts. We went to war with too few troops and no serious planning for an occupation. Despite the virtue of our cause, this was a breathtakingly irresponsible approach to warfare. Nearly all of our difficulties in Iraq stem from ideology masquerading as knowledge.

In the wake of combat operations, always impose martial law. Once you've thrown away your initial chance to impose order on the defeated population, it's almost impossible to recover. The rule of law and respect for authority must prevail for peace to have a chance.

Fight terrorists and insurgents immediately, remorselessly and comprehensively. For such enemies, survival itself is a victory. If they live to fight another day, they'll fight another day. Armed and determined, a tiny fraction of one percent of the population can undermine efforts to rebuild the state and reform the society. If you don't kill the enemies of peace promptly, they will multiply exponentially.

Kill terrorists, rather than taking them prisoner. Legally, we must accept the surrender of even the bloodiest monster. So our military must do everything it legitimately can to kill terrorists before they can wave a white rag. Targeting must be more lethal and less cautious. There's nothing humane about mercy for mass murderers. And they're rarely of much intelligence value. By seeking prisoners we acquire large detainee populations that play into the hands of America's critics. Kill terrorists, and you get a few self-righteous complaints. Spare them, and you get Abu Ghraib.

Don't treat an occupation as a bonanza for American contractors — hire locals. Hurling sweetheart deals at unscrupulous American corporations for the reconstruction of Iraq ripped off the American taxpayer, raised impossible expectations among Iraqis and let our soldiers down.

We need a small but robust force of technical experts, assigned to the Pentagon or the State Department, who can follow closely behind our military and immediately begin hiring local talent to do any needed rebuilding. This would give reconstruction a local face; make the occupied population responsible for its success or failure; reduce costs dramatically; ease dangerous local unemployment levels; and give native opinion leaders a financial stake in the occupation. Anyway, state-of-the-art infrastructure isn't affordable, maintainable or desirable for broken countries.

Don't place blind trust in émigrés. No explanation required.

Preventive War is a concept that's here to stay. Because Iraq didn't turn into Iowa overnight, we've heard no end of claims that preventive war has been eternally discredited. Nonsense. Saddam's gone. We've taken the War on Terror to our enemies. There's a chance of an actual Arab democracy emerging. Our losses have been remarkably low, considering what we achieved. And, yep, the Europeans are back in line — despite warnings that we'd burned our bridges forever.

In the post-9/11 strategic environment, club rules no longer apply. At the hint of a threat, America needs to strike first. And we will.

The globalized media demands new rules. Responsible media outlets, no matter how critical their coverage, should be given maximum access. Embedding works. And Americans can't keep secrets, anyway. But we must learn to distinguish between the authentic news media and propaganda organs, such as al-Jazeera, that actively support our enemies. Al-Jazeera's lies kill American soldiers. Its hatemongers don't deserve the protections accorded genuine journalists.

Ignore the Left. The hard Left in America has gone European. They live in a fantasy world in which dictators are virtuous as long as they're anti-American. They care nothing for human rights or women's rights — unless Washington can be blamed for abuses, real or imagined. As far as the Left is concerned, America is always wrong. When making strategic decisions, ignore them entirely.

Speak softly, and carry a big stick. Show, don't tell. This applies to everyone in our chain-of-command, from the president down to ambitious generals who turn cities over to terrorists. TR was right a hundred years ago, and he's still right. Don't threaten your enemies. Shut up and kill them. Speak through deeds.

Trust the troops. Everything that's gone right in Iraq can be credited to the quality of our soldiers. The political hacks got it wrong again and again, in Baghdad and in Washington. Next time, let the military control the occupation.

And there will be a next time.

Ralph Peters is the author of "Beyond Baghdad: Postmodern War and Peace."

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That guy is a nut, Bush lied and got 800+ Americans killed and the world is still waiting for 100`s TONS of WMD. Oh he moved them or hide them- bullshit, Dick,W, are quoted saying "we know where they are" and now they can`t find them??? Don`t you think we had as many sat`s looking down as we could and

some how we didn`t see them moving truckloads around? come on you or I can

veiw sat. photos of the USA and I can even tell you want car is in my driveway-

But we couldn`t see them hauling shit away...

The world knows Bush lied and to say we did it for the people of Iraq is a lie too, the world has dozens of evil rulers and yet we do trade with them, hmm .

The story goes on to say we(usa) need to start invading more countries? Oh yeah now the world will love us even more, quick history lesson- all empires fall.

Oh no I`am free thinking again--better turn on FoxNews to get my facts right.

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Ignore the Left. The hard Left in America has gone European. They live in a fantasy world in which dictators are virtuous as long as they're anti-American. They care nothing for human rights or women's rights — unless Washington can be blamed for abuses, real or imagined. As far as the Left is concerned, America is always wrong. When making strategic decisions, ignore them entirely.

to this I say:

Where was the Right's support during NATO's toppling of Misolvec? or liberating Liberia?


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"There's a chance of an actual Arab democracy emerging."

A democracy chosen by us, believe me if the people of Iraq wanted to elect someone who the US does not want, then that guy will not be elected. Plain and simple.

"They care nothing for human rights or women's rights — unless Washington can be blamed for abuses, real or imagined. "

That is a little out of control.

"Plan for the worst-case scenario, not just the one you hope for. The gravest practical error the Bush administration made was the failure to listen to military professionals and regional experts. We went to war with too few troops and no serious planning for an occupation. Despite the virtue of our cause, this was a breathtakingly irresponsible approach to warfare. Nearly all of our difficulties in Iraq stem from ideology masquerading as knowledge."


"Kill terrorists, rather than taking them prisoner. Legally, we must accept the surrender of even the bloodiest monster. So our military must do everything it legitimately can to kill terrorists before they can wave a white rag. Targeting must be more lethal and less cautious. There's nothing humane about mercy for mass murderers. And they're rarely of much intelligence value. By seeking prisoners we acquire large detainee populations that play into the hands of America's critics. Kill terrorists, and you get a few self-righteous complaints. Spare them, and you get Abu Ghraib"

Yeah good plan shoot first ask questions later. We do not want to end up with another Abu ghraib. We should of just killed everyone in the prison even the ones they let go. That is some fucked up shit right there. Let me just ask everyone say someone killed your brother or father, and someone comes by and offers you revenge, chances are you would take it. I do not think killing everyone is a good idea. Killing some people good killing everyone bad.

Good plan when for we invade Iran. :gang:

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That guy is a nut, Bush lied and got 800+ Americans killed and the world is still waiting for 100`s TONS of WMD. Oh he moved them or hide them- bullshit, Dick,W, are quoted saying "we know where they are" and now they can`t find them??? Don`t you think we had as many sat`s looking down as we could and

some how we didn`t see them moving truckloads around? come on you or I can

veiw sat. photos of the USA and I can even tell you want car is in my driveway-

But we couldn`t see them hauling shit away...

The world knows Bush lied and to say we did it for the people of Iraq is a lie too, the world has dozens of evil rulers and yet we do trade with them, hmm .

The story goes on to say we(usa) need to start invading more countries? Oh yeah now the world will love us even more, quick history lesson- all empires fall.

Oh no I`am free thinking again--better turn on FoxNews to get my facts right.

I am not sure whether to laugh or snore first at this pile of bullshit

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And even if that democracy proves imperfect, it will still be better than anything else between Israel and India.

wrong... this guy has obviously never been to the middle east. Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, and the UAE might not be 100% democracies, but they work well and the people are happy. They're much better off than Iraq will probably be in the next 20 years. I'm not even gonna bother to read the rest of the article if the guy fucks up his first sentence.

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