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Bling's Party 93.1 4th of July Blast Review


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OMFG I DIEDDDDDDDD......... and not in a good way..... i feel like a complete POS. I have never in my clubbing life felt like i do now. That dirt was horrific I am coughing up my lungs as i speak. the dirt is up my nose, my ears and god knows what other orifices. What sucks is i got my NV Afterhours pass right when i walked in..... Hell no i cant go to that...... I am not as young as i used to be ....

I got there very early and went to go eat some pizza. thats when Raul and amber meet me . we pretty much hung out all day and nite. thanks for being my party buddies u two

So we are hanging around and we decide to hit a piercing shop. so ambs gets a new belly ring put on of a star very nice. im sure her dad wont mind. heh...... so i decide to get a pic of her in the chair getting it put on.. (to be posted... )

Afterwards, we walk to Raul's car to get my TA vol 4 and we hear Sahara. Raul is like OMFG. so we run over and markus is on at 3 pm....... early like Heather said on the board.

Markus set

Very good set. pretty empty at this point still but markus threw down the classic markus tracks..... it was awesome.

Oscar G and Ralph Falcon

They didnt have a really long set but it was still nice. First time i ever saw Murk spin together .

Little break here and they start to give out free shirts. So funny cuz buster SCREAMS "PARTYYYYYY 931 AMERICAS PURE DANCE CHANNEL" AND he throws a shirt with all his strength but it unraveled and fell to the floor like a foot in front LOL. (we love ya bro)


About a year ago i would have gone nuts to as the rush comes but quite frankly i thought she was not good at all. Nuff said.

Markus set part 2

same goodness as before.... oh yeah forgot to mention markus's adorable boy dancing on the stage next to him....

George Acosta (with Jon Secada)

Never seen him before and i must say it was pretty damn good. very high energy stuff. surprised that he played a markus track .. good stuff

on the stage i guess george's manager or friend who was passing cds pointed me out and threw me down a LOST World cd...

best track he dropped Mauro Picotto circa 1999 "IGUANA" omfg sick

Jon Secada.

I wasnt too hyped goin in but damn he was really good. i was very impressed he blew away MOtorcycle IMHO.... great stuff.

ARound this time ( i may be confused... Buster comes out and says no ATB cuz he got sick coming to Miami... ). Myself and the TA's just looked at each other cuz it was ironic.... considering the stuff ive heard...Hope u get better soon ATB

Edgar V

cant say much about the "papi chulo" like faye calls him it was like a 15 min set. we died when he played WHITE ROOM..... esp u know who



what a set. not many vocals but just banging stuff to some old skool pvd with a twist. He had me dancing my ass off. He even played Traffic. i think he played Crush, and he played Beautiful Place but a sick remix ( OMFG amazing) then i lost my ever loving mind when he played born slippy from underworld. omfgggggggggggggggg myself and jessica were goin nuts... then his remix of mindcircus.. oh shittttttttt. (lets just say i really want this set ) whoever recorded it online HOOK ME UP !!!!

PVD had more energy then i ever saw him he was messing with the insane crowd and even grabbed a camera and started to film us. he was having a blast and the crowd was eating it up

At this point I had to leave the front and i hung with Jeskot (jessica) had fun dancing with u and watchin u with the sticks there "


amazing stuff. better than last years stuff. loved it

just want to shoutout to Patrick, manny, miriam, feli, felipe, tranceman and his wife,arturo, harold, fallingmoon,happykandy(melissa) smartest girl there with the cloth over her face. im suffering so bad now cuz i didnt. (no voice), JP and Stan. and every other TA that was there. GOOD TO see also grooveric. (really cool that they were using ur cdj's i would have had paul sign the side of my cdjs if i were u . LOL but then again im a dj whore . good to also see POD who took my pic. damn cant wait to get my pics developed and post them omg im sure we all look so sexy in them covered in dirt HEH

Trip home..

horrendous traffic it took 1 hr and 20 min to leave the damn grove... ugh..............

Party 931 crew. u definitly need to move this event. its getetin too big for the grove. why not bayfront? ( i know there are issues and stuff with downtown but the grove is too small ;( )

OMG i feel so bad.....LOL

PS i think i got the order of the acts wrong but oh well.. cough gag ughhhhhhh

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markus set was good , didnt see murk , motorcycle sucked big time ass from what i hear , george acosta was pretty good i must admit .. i guess someone musta told him he sucked ass recentlt and came to redeem himself and imo "DID" !! untill the point where jon secada came on :rolleyes::no:

edgar beat everyone with his intro alone !! you guys know what im talkin about ;) that shit was just intensely outta hand !! :eek:

pvd was actually a huge improvement from the past few times ive seen him ! he was pretty damn good !

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Amazing party....but that dust was absolutely ridiculous, didn't think it was that bad until I just hacked up a huge ball of it....NASTY. Had we been dancing on concrete this would have been a perfect concert. A+++!!!!!!!!! :pint::pint:

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PvD OWNED every single part of my body.... EdgarV and Markusss OMFGGG and hearing Acosta play Mauro Picotto - Iguana.. Classic Moment !!!!!..

The Dust Storm lol.. stampede.. thats what I was.. STAMPEDE of party people.. that looked amazingly AMAZING at night from the back.. seen all that dust coming from under and the lights heh.. Great event.. THanks Party !!

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nice event.....i have a suggestion though....next year dont give away frisbees...or if u do make it those cloth ones.....i saw at least 3 girls get busted in the face with those things, and im sure that took away from the fun experience they were having.....that and they were trying to throw them at jon secade as well...which wasnt to bad of an idea...but still we dont want any1 to get hurt!!!!!!!!!!!:D

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Awwww poor Bling!!!! You sound so miserable as I am reading your posts! Yeah, the dust was pretty bad. When I first got there, my friend and I would go to Coco walk and use their bathroom to rinse off the dust from our faces and shit, but at one point the dust just got so bad, so we gave up on trying to clean ourselves. Thats why I kept the bandanna on my face for the rest of the night.

I had a really good time though. I was really tired, so once PVD came on, I couldn't really dance as much as I wanted to, cuz my legs decided to go on strike (I went to SPACE the night before and danced my ass off too, so my legs needed a break) haha, I hope no one thinks I am a dork for saying this, but I sorta liked motorcycle. I think the chick sounds pretty good live. THat Jon Secada dude was, um, o.k. That was an interesting performance.

One of the highlights of the evening for me was as I was leaving to go to my car, this chick comes up to me and compliments me on my pants. She then pulls out this mini flyer and tells me she is with HOT JAM entertainment and wants me to audition to try to become one of their dancers. I almost nut in my pants because I never thought in a million years that some one from HOT JAM would even notice me!!! That totally put a smile on my face!!!!

Anyways, the car ride home sucked because of traffic and I got stuck bringing home this rolling chick and she was bugging the hell out of me!!! She kept complaining about shit and that she needed water. I think she passed out a couple of times. I don't care if people get messed up and shit, but don't get to a point where there is a possibility you could die or get really sick. No wonder a lot of people don't like candy ravers...drugs are bad, Mmm k?

It took me about an hour and some minutes to take a shower and remove all the dust from my body. My bathtub was black!!! Gross..........

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It took me about an hour and some minutes to take a shower and remove all the dust from my body. My bathtub was black!!! Gross..........

u should have called one of the many single c.p. guys...they would have gladly helped u rinse the dirt off....4 hands is better than 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh:

glad u had a good time!!!!!!!!!!! i thought the dust was kind of cool....definatly added too the vibe when u would try to walk through the crowd!!!!!!!!!!! but it must of been hell on the peeps that it made their allergies act up!!!!!!!!!!!

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nice event.....i have a suggestion though....next year dont give away frisbees...or if u do make it those cloth ones.....i saw at least 3 girls get busted in the face with those things, and im sure that took away from the fun experience they were having.....that and they were trying to throw them at jon secade as well...which wasnt to bad of an idea...but still we dont want any1 to get hurt!!!!!!!!!!!:D

well bling, at least you avoided any mishaps with the frisbees from hell!!!!!!!!! ...

... or did you?????????? :laugh:

btw, south beach fireworks were pretty LAME and made even worse by the fact that we were forced to listen to julio iglesias junior :vomit2: who as far as i could tell couldn't speak english at all and didn't mention independence day or the fourth of july (although i was desperately trying to tune him out) ... sobe's planning committee gets a big :no: imo!!!

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I hope no one thinks I am a dork for saying this, but I sorta liked motorcycle. I think the chick sounds pretty good live. THat Jon Secada dude was, um, o.k. That was an interesting performance.

You're giving props. That's cool enuff.

Motorcycle started out as a very small but hopeful & eager project.

Jon Secada is just trying to get back in the scene...not my cup of tea BUT...

Let's see anyone else try to perform a live show,..... raise your hands up,


Yeah, they wouldnt last a minute on the stage. :nono:

Wanna see a cool live performer?

JAN JOHNSTON doing some of her classics!

That'd be interesting. :bounce:

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not trying to be biased or anything but when the party mixologists got announced i think that was the best part......especially STEPHEN PETERS came on stage!!!!!......lol.........the party kicked ass!!!you guys forgetting when PVD played dreaming from ruffdrivers.....i was like damn!glad to see so many people had there!

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Great Event!

Hats off to Party 93.1 for throwing a great concert.

PVD rocked it...no question.

I got there right when Acosta went on. Within 10 minutes of him spinning, the crowd tripled. Say what you want but George always packs them in and his set was flat out SICK! GA and PVD were AMAZING back to back.

Jon Secada's performance was very cool. The tracks he and GA are coming out with are awesome. When he performed Just Another Day - everyone around me was singing...good to see that more major artists are starting to realize that Dance music is the real deal...

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