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I'm sick of guys who - - - -

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THINK THEY CAN HAVE THEIR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO! (Im not dating someone like this thank the LORD!) Its pathetic how they think its okay to have one chick here and another one there. And then the immmature little bashing which comes along with it! Soo sad!



"ShAke YoUR FaCE"

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That outburst came from out of the blue!! Are you sure you're not dating one of these guys? Can we dump on women who cheat on their men as well? Wouldn't want this to degenerate into a pure guy-bashing thread ...

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Originally posted by trickyd19:

don't play miss inocent girls are just as bad as guys, you girls think that we aren't sensitive but we feel just like you

i agree smile.gif there are a lot of sensitive guys in the world.

and just some guys are jerks, all girls aren't so perfect and sweet . . that's life.




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."



AIM: loves2cox

i love Rob *always&forever*

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alright im gonna stop this before this gets any further. first off not all guys are like this. i know because im one of them. and sedcond off girls are just as bad as guys if not worse. most of the girls i know juggle 2 or three guys, and some do it out in the open. so stop the abuse now


TWILO'S WACK !!!! I only speak the truth



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Originally posted by roby:

That outburst came from out of the blue!! Are you sure you're not dating one of these guys? Can we dump on women who cheat on their men as well? Wouldn't want this to degenerate into a pure guy-bashing thread ...

Trust me Im not...and yes it did come out of the blue because Im reflecting on the past I guess. Trying to make sure that never happens again. But I know women are just as bad. I cheated once on one of my ex's after I found out he did. I know it didnt make it right but it made me feel better. But go ahead and rag on anyone or anything you want. I agree...many relationships now a days are fucked up from the get go....but then you wait around for a lil bit and someone pops up out of nowhere......



"ShAke YoUR FaCE"

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Originally posted by msoprano13:

alright im gonna stop this before this gets any further. first off not all guys are like this. i know because im one of them. and sedcond off girls are just as bad as guys if not worse. most of the girls i know juggle 2 or three guys, and some do it out in the open. so stop the abuse now

Or we could be even more diplomatic and say there are fucked up people on BOTH sides and PLEASE let's not get into another boys vs. girls thing!!!! cwm31.gifcwm32.gifcwm31.gif

We've done that to death!!



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Miss Kittie,

You are 100%. This person is obviously obsessed with you, as you can't tell by all the posts by this impostor.

FYI, i know who it is, too. I pointed him out on another board. He is obviously bitter about something.

His lame attempt at humor or to embarass tease you, is imaature.

In summary, as i advised you before, ignore this LOSER.

keep it real

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Originally posted by keepitreal:

Miss Kittie,

You are 100%. This person is obviously obsessed with you, as you can't tell by all the posts by this impostor.

FYI, i know who it is, too. I pointed him out on another board. He is obviously bitter about something.

His lame attempt at humor or to embarass tease you, is imaature.

In summary, as i advised you before, ignore this LOSER.

keep it real

Oh Im ignoring him. I could care less hon..hehe I find it amusing. Its making my day go by a little bit quicker!

<3 kat



"ShAke YoUR FaCE"

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Originally posted by misskittie:

Trust me Im not...and yes it did come out of the blue because Im reflecting on the past I guess. Trying to make sure that never happens again. But I know women are just as bad. I cheated once on one of my ex's after I found out he did. I know it didnt make it right but it made me feel better. But go ahead and rag on anyone or anything you want. I agree...many relationships now a days are fucked up from the get go....but then you wait around for a lil bit and someone pops up out of nowhere......

Serious melancholy for a Monday afternoon, Kathy. The "problem" remains one of impossible expectations when entering a relationship. Monogamy is not a natural state for humans ... we're all just horny monkeys, despite our fancy computers and psychologists. You've got to CHOOSE to be with someone exclusively. How can you know enough about that person until you've spent lots of time with them, in and out of bed? So until you know that person well, you'll have wandering eyes (among other body parts). I'm not defending the act of sleeping around, I'm just trying to explain it the way I see it. You may disagree. Any other thoughts?

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Originally posted by roby:

Serious melancholy for a Monday afternoon, Kathy. The "problem" remains one of impossible expectations when entering a relationship. Monogamy is not a natural state for humans ... we're all just horny monkeys, despite our fancy computers and psychologists. You've got to CHOOSE to be with someone exclusively. How can you know enough about that person until you've spent lots of time with them, in and out of bed? So until you know that person well, you'll have wandering eyes (among other body parts). I'm not defending the act of sleeping around, I'm just trying to explain it the way I see it. You may disagree. Any other thoughts?

I agree with you to a point but I mean...why hurt those other individuals in the situation? I mean especially when they all know about each other? Its just fucked up. I see this sort of thing happening to MANY of my friends! And Im sooo sick of hearing all of this garabage but I have no choice but to sit and listen.

People need to start growing up with regards to ppl's feelings emotionally.



"ShAke YoUR FaCE"

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Originally posted by roby:

Monogamy is not a natural state for humans ... we're all just horny monkeys, despite our fancy computers and psychologists.

I don't agree with that. I've dated many guys and had intimate relationship with a few of them but one thing that I've always believed in is monogamy. Monogamy comes very natural for me and I'm human. Horniness depends on who it is . . . for me.



“No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.” - P.J. O’Rourke angel.gif

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Originally posted by blueangel:

I don't agree with that. I've dated many guys and had intimate relationship with a few of them but one thing that I've always believed in is monogamy. Monogamy comes very natural for me and I'm human. Horniness depends on who it is . . . for me.


That's my point .. you BELIEVE in monogamy. I'm sure it does come natural for you, but that is because you get more out of a monogamous relationship than from screwing around. You wouldn't intentionally do something that made you feel uncomfortable. But not everyone is like that. I really believe that we've got to CHOOSE to overcome our baser instincts. You obviously do by prefering monogamous relationships, as does MissKittie (and for what it's worth, me too).

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Originally posted by joeydollaz:

kitty ... i have aquestion for you ... since you're bi , do u think it is ok for you to have a boyfriend and a girlfriend ??

Honestly it depends. dating a man exclusively then no I wouldnt also have a girlfriend...its either one or the toehr. Basically, it depends on the way the guy feels about it. If he has no problem with me seeing women...then hellz yea I will (and maybe even share with him) but if he doesnt agree...I wont.



"ShAke YoUR FaCE"

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Originally posted by misskittie:

Honestly it depends. dating a man exclusively then no I wouldnt also have a girlfriend...its either one or the toehr. Basically, it depends on the way the guy feels about it. If he has no problem with me seeing women...then hellz yea I will (and maybe even share with him) but if he doesnt agree...I wont.

Kat, I believe you have gotten more mature since your FIRST posting! I remember back when your reply would of been different. Glad to hear how you responded to that question now!




“No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.” - P.J. O’Rourke angel.gif

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Originally posted by roby:

Monogamy is not a natural state for humans ... we're all just horny monkeys, despite our fancy computers and psychologists.

a possibility, but not a fact



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To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

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