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I'm sick of guys who - - - -

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Originally posted by misskittie:

actually, Im still deciding on what I feel about monnogamy

Ahhh .. now we're getting to the heart of the matter. Do you want to overcome your basic animal horniness and have a meaningful relationship with just one person (male or female)? You sound confused, which probably means you do want something monogamous but are afraid of getting burned by someone who doesn't share that belief.

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Originally posted by misskittie:

Honestly it depends. dating a man exclusively then no I wouldnt also have a girlfriend...its either one or the toehr. Basically, it depends on the way the guy feels about it. If he has no problem with me seeing women...then hellz yea I will (and maybe even share with him) but if he doesnt agree...I wont.

ok aright then .. i guess that a lot of guys would be down .. i wouldnt want my " girlfriend :" to have a girlfriend , bu ti might not mind a guest in bed one nigth maybe ... anyways i was just curious , cuz z lot of bi people thinks its ok to have one of each , which to me is total bullshit ... so aigth .. cool deal ...



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Originally posted by roby:

Ahhh .. now we're getting to the heart of the matter. Do you want to overcome your basic animal horniness and have a meaningful relationship with just one person (male or female)? You sound confused, which probably means you do want something monogamous but are afraid of getting burned by someone who doesn't share that belief.

Uhhh...gee Rob....that was uhh blunt...hahah

Im not horny..hell I love sex like any giy does but I have calmed down with that. I was just basically reflecting on the past relationship sI have been in and the reason why I fear one now but I shouldnt be tlaking about this because well, I uhh shouldnt.

I would like monogamy someday and I dont shun it either. Right now though Im just letting everyday flow ya know.....see what happens.



"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

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Originally posted by misskittie:

Uhhh...gee Rob....that was uhh blunt...hahah

Im not horny..hell I love sex like any giy does but I have calmed down with that. I was just basically reflecting on the past relationship sI have been in and the reason why I fear one now but I shouldnt be tlaking about this because well, I uhh shouldnt.

I would like monogamy someday and I dont shun it either. Right now though Im just letting everyday flow ya know.....see what happens.

and everything will flowwwwwwwwww.. flowwwwwwwwwwwf.. flowwwwwwwwwwww..



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."


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Guys probably do suck more than girls in this situation. I think a guy is more likely to stray before a gal, but his real reasons for doing it a huge guy secret(we rarely discuss it amongst ourselves) but it is really no excuse. However, I'm a firm believer in forgetting the past because it will only pervert the future. We demand happiness in this life and dwelling on past bad experiences will prevent it from happining! See you at Twilo!!!


Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

Smithers, come here. I need you.

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Kat, I believe you have gotten more mature since your FIRST posting! I remember back when your reply would of been different. Glad to hear how you responded to that question now!


Casey I have to say Im beginning to shock myself as well. Lately Ive been doing a lot of thinking. I dont know whats really going on but slowly and surely, its been happening!




"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

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And here I was thinking monogomy was a natural state------- and was totally unaware of the horny little monkey syndrom.....

I must live under a rock.

Originally posted by roby:

Serious melancholy for a Monday afternoon, Kathy. The "problem" remains one of impossible expectations when entering a relationship. Monogamy is not a natural state for humans ... we're all just horny monkeys, despite our fancy computers and psychologists. You've got to CHOOSE to be with someone exclusively. How can you know enough about that person until you've spent lots of time with them, in and out of bed? So until you know that person well, you'll have wandering eyes (among other body parts). I'm not defending the act of sleeping around, I'm just trying to explain it the way I see it. You may disagree. Any other thoughts?



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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Originally posted by misskittie:

Uhhh...gee Rob....that was uhh blunt...hahah

Im not horny..hell I love sex like any giy does but I have calmed down with that. I was just basically reflecting on the past relationship sI have been in and the reason why I fear one now but I shouldnt be tlaking about this because well, I uhh shouldnt.

I would like monogamy someday and I dont shun it either. Right now though Im just letting everyday flow ya know.....see what happens.

I've always been a blunt guy, Kathy ... speaking candidly always gets the best results because it gets people to think honestly. (don't you hate talking to an old guy like me?).

You should always reflect on past relationships as you move forward .. you learn from your mistakes. But you have to make those mistakes first .. I never understand people who marry their high school sweethearts - don't you have to screw up a few relationships before you figure out who is "the one"?

Don't fear a new relationship. No one likes messy breakups, but the fear of it should not keep you from getting involved at all (believe me, I know .. that's how I've always been running my love life. So I tend to be single more often than not). Keep on partying and having fun with your friends, and see what kind of companions life throws at you. Just don't shy away from it, and definitely continue to talk about it with those you care about.

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Umm how did this get turned around to me??? I was just making a comment baout how i hate "cake and eat it too guys"...lol and now we are breaking me down...hahahah too funny!



"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

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Originally posted by artful:

And here I was thinking monogomy was a natural state------- and was totally unaware of the horny little monkey syndrom.....

I must live under a rock.

It's pretty crowded under that rock ... I've spent plenty of time there. smile.gif

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Originally posted by misskittie:

Umm how did this get turned around to me??? I was just making a comment baout how i hate "cake and eat it too guys"...lol and now we are breaking me down...hahahah too funny!

Sorry for making you the class project .. this is far more interesting subject matter than my job this afternoon. I'd volunteer my love life for public consumption, but it is far too boring. That's the price you pay for living in the ClubNYC spotlight, Kathy (complete with newfound enemies. That MisssKittie imposter is an asshole!).

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Originally posted by roby:

Sorry for making you the class project .. this is far more interesting subject matter than my job this afternoon. I'd volunteer my love life for public consumption, but it is far too boring. That's the price you pay for living in the ClubNYC spotlight, Kathy (complete with newfound enemies. That MisssKittie imposter is an asshole!).

Hon, Im one project that shouldnt be taken on. Im wayyyy too difficult and confused of a person at all this dating mumbo jumbo! lol



"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

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Originally posted by misskittie:

Hon, Im one project that shouldnt be taken on. Im wayyyy too difficult and confused of a person at all this dating mumbo jumbo! lol

It ain't mumbo jumbo, it's merely life. If it wasn't confusing, we wouldn't care so much about it.

I think I owe you a vodka/Red Bull and a big hug on Friday for making you deal with an impromptu psychology seminar. smile.gif

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