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club tolerance

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just wanted to share something that i was thinking a lot about this weekend, kids. . .

one of the greatest things we all have in common is our love of music. and part of what unites us, and separates us, is the venue in which we hear our music. . .

everyone on this board has one place they consider their second home. for me, it's Twilo. . . for others, it's Exit, or Sound Factory, or some dirt bar down the block. . . but nonetheless, it's completely "theirs."

this weekend i went to a bar/club i'd never been before, far away from any normal comfort, and this is where i had a revelation: i have absolutely NO right to judge a scene, club, bar, or environment. people fervently defend their clubs to people, because deep down in their hearts, their club represents them, what they love, the scene they feel the most comfortable with, and the music that centers them. . .

i mean i could've had a horrible night. . . but why? 'cause it wasn't exactly my cup of tea? i didn't know anyone? the music was mixed horribly or it was too commercial? instead, i had a freakin' blast. . . everyone was there with one thought on their mind: to have a good time. to bitch and moan about how any other club is better would have been foolish and petty. . .

remember, just because you had one horrible night at Centro-Fly doesn't mean that every other night there is gonna be wack. . .

so do yrselves a favor. . . lighten up about which club sucks the most, and appreciate the differences from club to club. . . not to mention the fact we have such a wide array of scenes to choose from. . . each night is too short to not have fun, wherever you are!! cwm35.gif

ps - sorry to sound so preachy tonite. . .


i wanna give you everything, i wanna give you energy. . .

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Yet again, right on target Mikey. I would love to think that a testimony like this might actually quiet the drama for a bit...but then what would people have to argue about.

Look for the next rant of Twilo vs. SF in the next weeks clubplanet newsletter...it'll be a nail biter.

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My thoughts exactly.....its definatley about the music, music makes the world go round!

We often bash one another's ideas of where and what is fun because its much easier to be negative than positive.....

The way I see it, music is all we really have. No matter where we are....our cars, in the shower, at our desks, or in the clubs...we can have music, it is the best legal drug anyone could have. It gives you a high of your own, you determine the emotion it has on you and you are in complete control smile.gif Can't beat that....



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I have to agree also....too many times I have passed up an opportunity to go somewhere different because I heard bad reviews about it. In reality, I should check these places out for myself and see how good they really are (people and music).

Thanks for making me see the light, Mike.

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Well said noise. I never went to places like Twilo. Been to Exit but hung out in the Hip-Hop room and other places as well. I finally have been exposed to Trance and House and I like it. I needed a change from the Latin clubs and this was a great opportunity to see what others do. I went in with an open mind and really enjoyed it.


Neo: You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?

Choi: All the time. It's called mescaline, it's the only way to fly.



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Debates about music and venues are fine, as long as all opinions are informed. You shouldn't shit on a club or a musical style (or a movie or a book or whatever) unless you've experienced it firsthand. If you go to a club and hate it, fine! As long as you don't hate it just because you heard about it secondhand. Noiseboy is right .. have fun wherever you are. But if you don't like a scene after experiencing it .. dont' go to that scene anymore! Simple.

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I definitely think having an open mind about music is necessary. There's so many clubs out there that have different rooms that have different music. If you stick to one room how are you going to experience the wonders of the other sounds. It's nice to hear that someone who enjoyed Latin music all the time could also enjoy house music at the same time. Music is diverse and should be heard by everyone!

I hope that made sense. cwm32.gif

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i should've been a philosophy or sociology or psychology major sometimes. . .

i'm always waxin' poetic about somethin'. . .

thanks fer readin!! cwm35.gif


i wanna give you everything, i wanna give you energy. . .

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