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A Cock Hardening, Pussy Moistening sex story...


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When a man and a woman engage in sexual activity, each goes through an arousal phase. In both the man and the woman, nerve impulses from the brain cause their heart rates to increase and dilate peripheral blood vessels. They feel warm, and they begin to sweat. The Cowper's glands in the man and the vestibular glands in the woman secrete fluid that lubricates the man's urethra and the woman's labial area and vagina.

The man's brain sends nerve impulses to the blood vessels in his penis and tells the arterioles to dilate and the venules to constrict. The blood flow engorges the spongy tissue of his penis, causing it to become erect. As the couple engages in intercourse, the man inserts his erect penis into the woman's vagina. As intercourse continues, the man reaches a point at which muscle contractions in the epididymis, prostate and seminal vesicles propel semen from the penis into the woman's vagina (ejaculation) at the base of the uterine cervix. Muscle contractions in the woman's body periodically dip her cervix into the semen.

Once the semen is deposited at the base of the uterus, the sperm begin a long journey to fertilization. :makeout:

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ok lets play more of this game....does any1 know how long it takes for the sperm to reach its destination, and part b.....out of the like millions of sperms that get ejaculated into a woman....how many are left when they finally get to where they want to go!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?:D

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ok lets play more of this game....does any1 know how long it takes for the sperm to reach its destination, and part b.....out of the like millions of sperms that get ejaculated into a woman....how many are left when they finally get to where they want to go!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?:D

The long journey to fertilization must be completed within 12 to 48 hours, before the sperm die. They must first cross the barrier of the cervix, which will be thin and watery if the woman has just ovulated (for our purposes, we will assume that sexual intercourse has occurred within a couple of hours after ovulation).

Once the sperm have traversed the cervical mucus, they travel up the moist lining of the uterus into the Fallopian tubes (only one of the Fallopian tubes contains an egg, so many sperm travel in the wrong direction). Fewer than 1,000 sperm out of the millions in the semen actually reach the Fallopian tubes. :beer:

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The long journey to fertilization must be completed within 12 to 48 hours, before the sperm die. They must first cross the barrier of the cervix, which will be thin and watery if the woman has just ovulated (for our purposes, we will assume that sexual intercourse has occurred within a couple of hours after ovulation).

Once the sperm have traversed the cervical mucus, they travel up the moist lining of the uterus into the Fallopian tubes (only one of the Fallopian tubes contains an egg, so many sperm travel in the wrong direction). Fewer than 1,000 sperm out of the millions in the semen actually reach the Fallopian tubes. :beer:

this is a very good answer....but there is more updated info than this....so yes this is kind of right...but its a bit outdated!!!!!!!!!! ill give u more time to dig....i know u can come up with the closer answer!!!!!!!!!!!!

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ok lets play more of this game....does any1 know how long it takes for the sperm to reach its destination, and part b.....out of the like millions of sperms that get ejaculated into a woman....how many are left when they finally get to where they want to go!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?:D

During ejaculation, millions of these sperm cells find their way inside the female, swimming through the semen which includes a variety of chemicals and nutrients, all intended to assist the sperm on their journey. These chemicals include the sugar fructose, which provides most of the energy to be used by the sperm. A man ejaculates about 2 to 5 cm3 of semen, with every cm3 containing about 50 to 130 million sperm.

Off they are on their way to seek their prize… the egg cell and the opportunity to hand in their genetic material to the future offspring. But the story is not over yet. Along their way they have to face many perils and hazards. … and not even our science knows the full drama of this story. Relative to their size, the distance sperm cells need to navigate through is roughly equivalent to a 25 –50 kilometre journey for a human.

But then only ONE winning ‘champion’ sperm cell will succeed in gaining entrance through the egg membrane. In fact, immediately after the sperm nucleus is delivered inside the egg, changes happening in the egg’s surface will ensure that no further sperm will gain entry.

The genetic material carried in the sperm’s head would now have been delivered safe and sound inside the egg. The rest is another story which takes nine full months to unfold.

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this is a very good answer....but there is more updated info than this....so yes this is kind of right...but its a bit outdated!!!!!!!!!! ill give u more time to dig....i know u can come up with the closer answer!!!!!!!!!!!!

What in the world are you talking about? I'm coming up with this stuff off the top of my head.

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