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Junior @ Disco Meetup Review

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First the impressive (and early) rollcall: great meeting everyone


Rita (wifey)

Alex (IamSamurai)

Al (Deepspell)

Rudy (RudeboyYouth)

Kim (KuteKimee) truth in advertising :)

Rosa (NYbeauty)

Tony (actingItUP)

Mask (Dragon 0401) too many Id's to remember




Housedog ??

(and Despina/Glowgirls' twin) lol

Now the rundown:

10:30pm Got in. Good amount of Early birds, Music was already pumpin.

11:00pm Still pumpin, everyones a rockin

11:30pm Still groovin, weren't feelin all the vocals right about now

12:00am Second wave of people startin comin in, crowd was getting energized

12:15am Junior starts

12:30am He does his Todd Terry House routine :)

12:45am some techincal problems are causing some mixing errors

1:00am we're all pretty much going strong, gettin a little tired

1:15am notice there's a CD playing, someone went to get a new turntable.

1:30am Few heads left for other parties (which I think was the plan anyway)

2:00am Me & wifey left

I really only have 2 "cons" for the night:

1. It was just too Loud and "boomy" (especially for that tiny room)

2. I got really tired of just standing in relativley the same spot all night. I never liked that venue. Theres just no place to walk around to "change the scenery"

As far as the music goes itself:

I personally loved the energy, it just kept getting harder n harder.

As far as people commenting on Junior in other threads, The man just had his records stolen, and was having a very BAD night. I've been there. Regardless he is *not "done with" and I still enjoyed myself :)

What's your opinion?

We'd like to know. :)

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It was wonderful seeing everyone there friday night! had a blast! :beer:

Apotheosis is pretty much on point with all the comments regarding disco. The EQ's were pumpin out wayyyyy too much bass for such a small room. yet the beats were still good. I feel bad for JR. ive had records stolen before and that shit PISSES you off. they are like your children....but thats NOOOOOO JUSTIFICATION for a DJ at his level to trainwreck just cuz your pissed. your there to PUT ON A SHOW AND HAVE PEOPLE ENJOY THEMSELVES. its YOUR JOB TO MIX FLAWLESSLY. everyone is human and makes mistakes but to do the bufoonery that he was pulling last night was way outa line. I was very sad that i left cuz i wanted to hang with all the CP heads more but the music was just geting to me wayyyy too much. i cant take 3 trainwrecks in a row. especially if they were deliberate. i was hoping of reliving Jr at twilo or paladium since there was sooo much hype behind this party. but he completely whacked it. Thank god for the opium den!! went with silverbull and iamsamurai. INSANE set from the downdeep boys. Major props! nuttin like dancing madd drunk to some deep funky hizzouse. Jr. should stop being a catty biotch and take a lesson from these boys. Jr. i hope u redeem yourself soon. cuz i WILL go see you again and give you another chance since u have been consistent in the past......please......do not dissapoint next time! :(

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I got there AT 2 a.m. (just when you and the "wifey" was leavin'), and I'm happy to report that Junior is still THE QUEEN!!!

It fucking ROCKED. The music was way too fucking fast for the first hour or so ... junior's records were stolen??? Which ones? He was playing some of the same fierce shit he played on Pride. Anyway - the music was nowhere near as beautiful sounding as it did on Pride - the EQ's were messed up and it was just LOUD. But as the night progressed, he worked it and by the time he played his mix of "Love2LoveYou" by Suzanne Palmer around 5:30 a.m. - it sounded GREAT in there. Genius!!!! Things slowed down slightly around 3 a.m. when Kevin Aviance took to the runway. Junior found his groove and everyone seemed happy. Sure, his mixing was all over the place and he trainwrecks and whips you all over the place - but so what!?!?! AT least he's working the turntables, baby. Nobody plays a Techniques like Junior. God bless him. He's fucking incredible. Loved hearing samples of "Last Night a DJ Saved My Life", Corinna's "Whispers" over No Doubt's "It's My Life" instrumental. Junior's GENIUS mix of "I'm Coming Out". Avenue D's "Do I Look Like a Slut?" with the Halloween theme music. Tori Amos and a bunch of other nutty samples that ONLY JUNIOR CAN DO. Vernessa Mitchell's performance was also LEGENDARY. I had a fucking GREAT time. My girlfriend, however, did not - she left early. To each their own!!! Oh well .... what can you do?


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hey guys nice meeting all of you.

i've been to this party almost every week, and junior's mixing always leaves something to be desired, but for some reason I love it there.

and you guys should have stayed, as always the music got 100x better late. I left about 5:30 (damn I missed the Suzanne Palmer song my fav).

thanks for the cd apotheosis! kim and mask thanx for the 'lessons'. talk to you all soon

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Yah nothing to add, just happy it was free and the drinks where fucking weak :mad: yah sucks so many bad things happened to him but when he was doing his thing every now n then i was feelin it. Not really feelin that venue though.

Apothesis, great cd thanks, listening to it right now, diggin it :hat:

Great meeting everyone last night :hat:

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Hello everyone .. finally got a chance to post a review ... being busy all weekends with parties and gf ... hehe .. what can u do .. gotta do what u gotta do ...

ok .. so .. the night was generally fun .. it was my first time to hear Junior .. i think the man tried hard .. since his records were stolen .. i enjoyed his music some parts of the nights but not the later parts .. but then again .. i am not into this type of music .. i like techno and transe .. however, junior did impress me couple of times in the beginning .. i just cant believe how slow the music was at the end . like after 3-6 ..

as far as the meetup .. it was awesome to see everyone finally and to attach a face to a name (or a screen name .. hehe) ..

Apetheosis ... nice CD kid .. and nice meeting you and your wife . you guys werent really dancing tho .. i was wondering if you were enjoying it or just being tired

IamSamurai ..nice moves man .. i like those sliding foot work .. pretty impressive .. and u got the attitude to to go with .. good stuff kid

Deepspell .. nice meeting you dude and thanks for inviting me to your gig . we will come check it out one night .. garaunteed ..

RudeboyYouth .. good to meet you dude .. and hey .. where have you been hiding those dancing moves .. good stuff .. no doubt ..

NYbeauty and actingItUP .. you guys looked a great couple .. and soo cute together .. i liked how tony dance and how rosa reacted to it .. cute guys .. nice meeting you finally

BinaryCool .. nice meeting you kid .. you started being shy .. and then you warmed up and did nice moves .. thats the way to go .. and u dont need no lessons .. just feel it and make it move you .. nice atttitude son ..

Despina/Glowgirls' twin (sorry i dont know the screen name either) .. and her bf .. where did you guys go ... i really wanted to see you dancing as usual but could not .. did u enjoy the night?

Silverbull ... havent seen you that night dancing .. i guess i was busy watching over my girl .. and meeting people . .hehe .. but i saw you later in Deep and you kicked it as usual .. nice moves dude ... keep it going ..

Beatkah ... soo happy you came out .you always make my night when u do .. esepcially when u kick the dance floor .. with kutekimee .. what can i say .. awesssssome

last and definetly not least .. my baby .. KuteKimee .. your energy . .your desire to dance .. you love for music .. and your amazing friendly attitude say it all .. when i cant dance or when i am tired .. it is your energy that brings me up .. nice moves kid .. i cant believe u doing those moves after only 2 weeks of practicing .. loved them .. oh .. and when u dance with Beatkah .. lemme tell u something . people would be walking .. they look . .they stop ... and they start shaking their heads to your beats .. and they can't move anymore .. they are mesmorized by your beauty and your harmony .. dam kid .. when i grow up i wana be just like u

overall .. good night .. and definely meeting the cp people was a blast .. when everyone else left and i was hanging out with my girl ..lots of things happened .. cant even start to say it .. hehe .. lets just say .. it was different .. ;)


the MASK

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thats soo freakin awesome that you guys all met up @disco..i wish i was there to meet you all too.unfortunatly i couldnt be there=(alot of you i have seen on here many of times and think that you are really cool relaxed peeps.i really want to see mask and silver dance there ass's off too i hear u 2 can get it on.i am sorry jv was having such a bad night.all my buddies that go everyweek said things were messing up left and right.i guess the thing was junior hadnt been there in a month cuz of his overseas engagements and he got there and everything was messed up in the booth and he was trying all night to fix it and he was getting aggravated because he was having a hard time.and than he finds out that a few of his own label pressed records got stolen out of a lock and key box that they have there for him and that just sent him over the edge.i hope this doesnt discourage you from meeting up there again.that is the one thing i love about the place it is soo diverse soo many diff kinds of people.if you guys plan on having another meet up sometime there please lemme know would love to meet you all.im not as evil as i seem on the board i swear lol. :bounce:

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aww thx hun! u n kim are such a cute couple also.....it was nice meeting everyone and putting a face to the screen name :)

we deffinately need to do this more often......next meetup is at Al's gig this fri!!! :bounce::bounce::pint:

NYbeauty and actingItUP .. you guys looked a great couple .. and soo cute together .. i liked how tony dance and how rosa reacted to it .. cute guys .. nice meeting you finally


the MASK

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thats soo freakin awesome that you guys all met up @disco..i wish i was there to meet you all too.unfortunatly i couldnt be there=(alot of you i have seen on here many of times and think that you are really cool relaxed peeps.i really want to see mask and silver dance there ass's off too i hear u 2 can get it on

starscream .. dude ... too bad u did not make it .. meeting up those folks was the best thing that happend in a while .. u know u talk to ppl and stuff .. cool . but when u meet them and realize how cool they are .. it is awesome ..

and ya .. silver can get down .. i only try .. but when u show up .. i will take extra rest and may be some pain killers and i will get down .. hehehe

and btw .. next time .. dont give me this .. "my friends could not make it" kina bs .. ok !!! we are your new friends and you should just come out and meet us ... :)

take care my "new" friend


the MASK

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aww thx hun! u n kim are such a cute couple also.....it was nice meeting everyone and putting a face to the screen name :)

we deffinately need to do this more often......next meetup is at Al's gig this fri!!! :bounce::bounce::pint:

thanks darling . u r a sweetie .. and so is Tony


the MASK

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I definitely had fun Friday night, despite the mishaps with the music.

I posted sort of a review in another related thread, but I will say the following:

Apotheosis - Definitely glad to finally meet you. You're a crazy-cool kat to chill with, and we need to meet up again sometime soon and get some drinking done. I bounced not too long after you and the Mrs. broke out. I didn't realize you came equipped with your mix CDs in hand, lol. Bring some out next time, and we'll exchange. I have a few laying around as well.

Mask - Good running into you. Definitely enjoyed vibing with you early on in the evening. Nice moves on the floor as well. Hope you guys stayed late and enjoyed the night.

Silverbull - Glad to meet you, and hopefully you enjoyed your other ventures that night a little more than you did Disco.

As for the rest of the CP heads I met (whose names escape me right now), I enjoyed your company very much. The night was definitely a lot of fun, and would have probably lasted longer if I didn't get such an early start drinking.

I always have a good time at Disco. I love the spot very much, probably because it's so small and intimate. I've had much better times at smaller spots like Disco than I've had at bigger spots.

For those of you who stayed for Vernessa's performance, how was it? Also, where exactly did she position herself for the performance?

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I definitely had fun Friday night, despite the mishaps with the music.

glad to hear you had good time ..

dude . kutekimmee and i were worried about you later .. coz u just disappeared or something ..

did u make it home ok? did u end up in some weired place .. with a 300-ibs woman .. preforming screaming orgazm on you .. hehe .. totally kiddiinnnngggggggggggggg


the MASK

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glad to hear you had good time ..

dude . kutekimmee and i were worried about you later .. coz u just disappeared or something ..

did u make it home ok? did u end up in some weired place .. with a 300-ibs woman .. preforming screaming orgazm on you .. hehe .. totally kiddiinnnngggggggggggggg


the MASK

Yeah, I got caught behind Vernessa and couldn't escape the bone-crushing pressure of the crack of her ass.

Where the hell did she actually stand when she was performing? Was she directly in front of the booth?

I told KuteKimee I was bouncing in a little while, but she uttered something to me, which I didn't really understand, and said she'd be right back. I looked around for a while, failing to look in the bathroom area, and thought you guys just went off to grab a drink or have a smoke. I wound up leaving, and figured that Kim would realize I left (in light of what I told her). Sorry to bounce so suddenly, but I was hungry as hell. I wound up grabbing a sandwich and some more beers downtown before I made my way back home.

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did u have wendy's? wendy's is the best after a long night......

:) I stopped at a pretty nice deli that was open, and ordered Boars Head Maple Glazed Turkey Breast (thinly-sliced) on a roll with mayo, mustard, American Cheese, lettuce, some vinegar, black pepper, and 2 Michelob Ultra Lights. I also picked up two packs of Hostess chocolate cupcakes with the white frost cream filling.

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:) I stopped at a pretty nice deli that was open, and ordered Boars Head Maple Glazed Turkey Breast (thinly-sliced) on a roll with mayo, mustard, American Cheese, lettuce, some vinegar, black pepper, and 2 Michelob Ultra Lights. I also picked up two packs of Hostess chocolate cupcakes with the white frost cream filling.

dude. minus the cheese & beer... YES!!!

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Werd.....I need to grab some lunch. So far, I'm thinking: Turkey burger (well done) with american cheese, onions, mushrooms, black pepper, and ketchup, with a large Manhattan Clam Chowder, a side order of mozzarella cheese fries, and a few pickles on the side (no coleslaw).

Luckily, there's a diner nearby.

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