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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

10 questions answered by Shawn Rudiman

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The 10 question feature this week over at Pitch Adjust is with Shawn Rudiman from Technoir Audio. Check it out at the site now!

Forthcoming schedule;

28th July - Raumagent Alpha (Festplatten)

4th August - Chris Fortier (Fade Records)

11th August - Philib Braunstein (GFR)

18th August - Domenico Ferrari (Straight Ahead Recordings)

25th August - Dominic Stanton aka Domu aka Umod (Sonar Kollektiv)

1st September - Jussipekka (Dessous Recordings)

8th September - John Arnold (Ubiquity Records)

The first Competition!

We have the first competition up on the site now and contestants fight for three copies of the new CL Recordings compilation u60. Check it out by either clicking on the banner on the site if it's visible (it's a rotating banner thing) or click on the Competitions menu item on the left side of the site.

More writers needed

We are always looking for more writers who are interested in covering reviews, make interview features and stuff like that. Right now we need more writers who can cover Trance and Techno in the first place but the other genres are welcomed to. If you are interested, hit us back for further info and please tell us a bit about you and your writing skills in the message.

Best regards,

The Pitch Adjust Crew


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