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After the Presidential elections....


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An elderly man that had served in the second World War approached the White House gate.

The Marine guard on duty asked what business the man had.

"I would like to see President Bush." said the old man.

"I am sorry sir, he is not the President and doesn't live here anymore."

said the Marine.

"Okay. Thanks." said the old man and he turned and left For the next 3 days the old man keeps coming back to the White House and asking the same question about seeing President Bush to the same Marine guard and always gets the same answer.

Finally on the 5th day when the old man comes up to the Marine guard and asks him again to see President Bush the Marine has finally had enough.

"I have told you the last 4 days that he is not the President and doesn't live here.

What part of this do you not understand, sir?!" the Marine guard says.

"Oh I understand it alright." said the old man.

"I just love hearing it."

With that the Marine guard snaps to attention and salutes the old man and says "See you tomorrow, sir."


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