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2004 Democratic Convention


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(my opinion)

Yes I have been watching and the only person who gained my respect so far in this years Democratic convention was State Senator Barack Obama. Out of all the Demz he was the only one that I felt was speaking truthfully and from the heart. I got a good vibe from him and that says allot coming from a hard core Republican like me. I wouldn't doubt it if he become the first black President of the United States Of America (considering that the highly respectable Colin Powell won't accept the position).

As for the Kerry hype. No one has yet to explain his 20 yrs. voting record in the senate. All I've heard is that he says he'll do better. How he'll do it is still an enigma. I've been home watching a lot of this Democratic Convention and all I've learned is that Kerry went to Vietnam and he says he'll do everything better. If that's all it took for the Demz to decide on Kerry, then the Republican National Convention will probably blow most minds. Expect facts, ideas, specifics and most importantly, VISION. If you're already convinced, then you'll surly be voting for Bush once you hear his side next month.....

ex: Kerry voted for this war which did not have UN support which he now claims was necessary? Only problem is, he voted against Gulf War 1 when the entire world was in support of it (including the UN and most Arab Countries offering soldiers w/ boots on the ground). Which one is it??? Just another flip/flop which should shed some light.

If you just hate bush, say so but don't blow smoke about Kerry. The guy is hollow and transparent. Look at how he's voted, not what he now says......actions speak louder than words.

They can't campaign on what they want to do because it will ensure their demise. They'll keep doing everything to deflect attn. from Kerry's atrocious 20 yr. voting record. I'm sure the Bush campaign will make sure everyone focuses on what he's done, not what he claims he'll do.

They perfect the politics of personal destruction for almost 4 yrs, and now decide to "go nice"?

Can't fool me.

Again, just my opinion.


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i missed Obama...but i did catch Edwards...and i thought Edwards was very very good...i think he also captured the lime light last night...great speech and has that "believable" character....but hands down Sharpton was the funniest speaker i have heard, i love when he gives speeches....

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i missed Obama...but i did catch Edwards...and i thought Edwards was very very good...i think he also captured the lime light last night...great speech and has that "believable" character....but hands down Sharpton was the funniest speaker i have heard, i love when he gives speeches....

I thought Edwards had a great delivery...but no substance......again, he simply stuck with the theme of "Same Bush policies, but we will do it better", at the same time saying Bush policies suck.....that what is really came down to....Of course, no details or alternatives on how they would do things better

They ran away from Kerry's voting record (of course), tried to tame their anti-Bush rants and extremism (after 18 months--they got tired or realize it was baseless) and hid their liberal views (how come the libs aren't in an uproar--although I heard Tim Robbins is fuming)) for the pereception that they will simply do what Bush does, but better....hmmmmm

Absolutely laughable too that Edwards and the DNC are spinning the "we are against negative politics"....Do they mean now or over the past 18 months?....Do they mean their support for moveon.org or Moore with a grandstand seat?.....Do they mean Howard Dean then, or the new, tamer Howard Dean?

Laughable....If I was a Dem, I would be completely disappointed for the first three days (except Obama) ...I think the Dems have blown a big opportunity here.....I personally hope the GOP does not fumble the ball for their convention.......Kerry better hit a home run tonight

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To have right wing folks like yourselfs speak about the DNC convention is a "good sign" . :)

PS....i hear Jerry Fallwell and other religious honchos are gonna tear up the RNC in Ny in a few weeks time .

It called hearing and listening to both sides schmuck.....something an imbecile like yourself has shown to be incapable of.....

Fucking jerkoff...

p.s...the references to Jerry Fallwell was really funny!....what a brilliant, witty mind you have.....fucking bafoon ...I bring up Edwards and the DNC, you come back with Fallwell.....you must be so proud of your intellect

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:lol3::lol3::lol3: Igloo response of the year so far .

Fucking clown....don't be proud that you are just another imbecile with the IQ of a fart.......take some pride in yourself, show a little initiative, and get informed....

No one likes a blowhard, especially an unoriginal one.....and you are certainly striving to become one.....

I understand that the "Bush Lied" cry pathetically provides some type of sad lift to your self-esteem, and some sense of belonging to something......but at the end of the day, you really are nothing more than a tired, blubbering bafoon in a "No War for Oil" t-shirt

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Fucking clown....don't be proud that you are just another imbecile with the IQ of a fart.......take some pride in yourself, show a little initiative, and get informed....

No one likes a blowhard, especially an unoriginal one.....and you are certainly striving to become one.....

I understand that the "Bush Lied" cry pathetically provides some type of sad lift to your self-esteem, and some sense of belonging to something......but at the end of the day, you really are nothing more than a tired, blubbering bafoon in a "No War for Oil" t-shirt

:aaah: " i see dumb people "

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Bush will win, and expect more law suits and recounts when reality comes crashing down on the libs. Kerry was expected to get a 15 point bounce from this convention,,,,,guess what his bounce was? ZERO! This Country is split! It's going to be another tight one. Kerry inspires no one!

Some here need to stick to sports! Especially the ones that can't vote.

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Bush will win, and expect more law suits and recounts when reality comes crashing down on the libs. Kerry was expected to get a 15 point bounce from this convention,,,,,guess what his bounce was? ZERO! This Country is split! It's going to be another tight one. Kerry inspires no one!

Some here need to stick to sports! Especially the ones that can't vote.

:rofl: ......yea obby , im tall ,dark & handsome and a very good athlete ,thanx .

Let people vote in peace and not have african american voters be turned away at the poles and we'll see who will win florida .

PS....you superiority complex definatly suits your political party .

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Let people vote in peace and not have african american voters be turned away at the poles and we'll see who will win florida

in all fairness...what about the voters in the Panhandle? they were turned away by the announcing of Gore as a winner and many were also told that the polls were closed...

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you can blame the major networks for the panhandle fiasco. they called the race in florida well before polls had closed .which confused many voters both democrat and republican.florida will be under heavy scrutiny in this election, I hope we don't fumble the ball again.

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