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Sound Factory addicts...please read.

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The surgeon general has just made an announcement that SOUNDFACTORY has been classified as a Class-A addictive habit. In light of this, i've done some research and compiled a list of the top 10 ways to help quit this habit. Please read carefully.

1) CHANGE YOUR VOCABULARY.- eliminate the words SOUNDFACTORY, SF, FACTORY, etc, permanantly from your vocabulary.. replace with "THAT PLACE" (say with disgust and say it like you mean it!)

2) MAKE A LIST OF YOUR CURRENT FRIENDS AND AQUAINTENCES.- mark off the ones on the list that you see in SF... call them and tell them you can no longer associate with them and ask them to please leave you the fcuk alone.

3) MAKE A TALLY.- calculate how much money you will save in the next month by not going to that place. take that money and treat yourself to a weekend in florida, or if you prefer, a decent looking hooker.

4) BURN ALL OF YOUR HOUSE MUSIC CD'S.- ask a friend how that thing called the radio works… find a newfound love and appreciation for country western music.

5) VISUALIZATION.- picture your moms face if she were to ever walk into "that place" and see what was going on. would it break her heart? can you hear her now? "i spent 19 hours in labor to bring you into this world so you can spend your time HERE?"

6) MAIL PARIS A MILLION DOLLARS.- along with a passport photo and a letter asking nicely never to let you in ever again.

7) FIND A BUDDY.- find someone who will quit with you. it will be nice to have someone with you when the withdrawal symptoms set in.. the twitching legs.. the hallucinations and night sweats are much easier to get through when you have company.

8) BREAK A LIMB.- throw yourself in front of a car. ask a neighbor to knock down a tree and have it land on your leg. nothing like a broken limb to put a damper on Saturday evening excursion. think: crutches in “that place” would be NOOOO fun.

9) FIND A BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND WHO THINKS SF IS HELL ON EARTH.- it always helps when you have someone by your side threatening to withold sex if you set foot in that place.

10) TAKE UP DRINKING.- consuming alcohol until you are blind is always a good move on a saturday night when you feel the urge to go there. passing out unconscious will also greatly lessen the temptation.

DISCLAIMER: not responsible for the idiots who actually try and think they can really quit.



I thought it was cute!!!



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