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Hypocrite Kerry 'Couldn't Think' for 40 Minutes on 9/11


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Hypocrite Kerry 'Couldn't Think' for 40 Minutes on 9/11

John Kerry is getting his comeuppance for his snotty comments about President Bush's actions on 9/11.

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Here's what the Massachusetts Democrat said July 8 when Larry King asked where he was on 9/11, according to CNN's own transcript:

'Nobody Could Think'

"I was in the Capitol. We'd just had a meeting - we'd just come into a leadership meeting in Tom Daschle's office, looking out at the Capitol. And as I came in, Barbara Boxer and Harry Reid were standing there, and we watched the second plane come in to the building. And we shortly thereafter sat down at the table and then we just realized nobody could think, and then boom, right behind us, we saw the cloud of explosion at the Pentagon. And then word came from the White House, they were evacuating, and we were to evacuate, and so we immediately began the evacuation."

How appropriate that Kerry lumps himself in with fellow leftist do-nothing non-thinkers such as Boxer, Daschle and Reid.

Thanks to the several readers today who sent us this fascinating bit from Blog for Bush: "the second plane hit the World Trade Center at 9:03 a.m., and the plane hit the Pentagon at 9:43 a.m. By Kerry's own words, he and his fellow senators sat there for forty minutes, realizing 'nobody could think.'"

And here's what former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani told the New York Post about Kerry's latest display of insolence:

"John Kerry must be frustrated in his campaign if he is armchair-quarterbacking based on cues from Michael Moore.

"John Kerry is an indecisive candidate [with] an inconsistent position on the War on Terror, who voted against funding for our troops and who cannot give a clear answer on his position concerning the decision to remove Saddam Hussein."

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There is a difference between Bush and Kerry when the 1st and 2nd plane hit.. John Kerry was a Senator.. and George Bush was the freakin President of the United States.. It was ok that John Kerry sat there for 40min.. but it was not OK that Bush sat there with a dead look on his face..

and come on.. Do you really think Guiliani would back Kerry?

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most people where in shock, so what would make Kerry any different?? as I recall the President continued reading, to students at the elementary school he was at even after he received information about the attacks. as was already pointed out Kerry was not the President at the time. with regard to Republican former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani comments. I’m sure his comments are not laced with political motives.:laugh:

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