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Kerry Iraq Documentary (Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani)


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Denial about what?

bro....It's not even worth wasting more than 30 seconds on responses to you or Obby since you guys don't seem to think for yourselves too much .....you guys simply post whatever right wing article you guys finished reading on the web .

..let me just say that i think BOTH OF YOU have lied to yourselves so much that you actually believe the nonsense that you spew ( hence Denial ) .

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bro....It's not even worth wasting more than 30 seconds on responses to you or Obby since you guys don't seem to think for yourselves too much .....you guys simply post whatever right wing article you guys finished reading on the web .

..let me just say that i think BOTH OF YOU have lied to yourselves so much that you actually believe the nonsense that you spew ( hence Denial ) .

Let me be the first to say. What the fuck are you talking about? I shouldn't be surprised you liberals like changing the generally accepted definitions of words to make your selves feel more superior and better than. But I will try once again to try and Educate you. the word you're looking for is Delusion. not denial. A refusal to grant the truth of a statement or allegation; a contradiction. thats denial. I hope I helped

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So, let me get this straight......

Bush's claims about WMD meant he lied and mislead the country...(as Kerry and the anti-Bushies repeatedly state)

Kerry makes the same exact claims, including a history of making those claims that pre-date Bush, and Kerry simply "changed his mind".....


I guess the UN inspectors, European and Russian intelligence services, and Arab intelligence services must also have "changed their minds" since they all thought the same thing.....

Only Bush lied.......

I think both are lying. Bush and you.

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bro....It's not even worth wasting more than 30 seconds on responses to you or Obby since you guys don't seem to think for yourselves too much .....you guys simply post whatever right wing article you guys finished reading on the web .

..let me just say that i think BOTH OF YOU have lied to yourselves so much that you actually believe the nonsense that you spew ( hence Denial ) .

Nice spin and avoidance.....

I ask again, denial about what? and lied to ourselves about what?

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Guys: the american public has been lied to by our presidents, its dumbass like us who keep thinking we are living in a democracy, as long as their is enough bread on the table, the next american dream would be to own or pay off your house....we are such assholes cause, regan lied to us about iran-contra, bush sr lied to us about nicaragua, clinton lied just about everything, bush jr lied about economy, wmd, terrorist connection, that he didnt know an attack on america was in the making etc....come to think of it, we the american people are the biggest dumbasses on the face of the earth, we have been lied to by the people that you and I pay for! and now we want kerry who lies about what he said 12-13 months back.....

So everyone who does'nt realize this are all living in a delusional world, igloo or obby are'nt the only one, we all are....

I rest my case....thanks for making it easy useful idiot
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