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anyone else quit their job recently?

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sorry about the lay off's and congrats to those of you who have found employment you enjoy...Yes, being gainfully unemployed is scary but hey life's too short to stress.


"And that is what empower-meant when she said; you'll miss me baby but I'm not going anywhere." - mbd

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i just spent the last 8 months changing my carrer i studied nothing but networking passed my little cert tests and interned for 2 months at some shitty internet startup when the offered me a full time position at 70k finally i lost my mind when i was going to sign my contract and said i dont want to do this for the rest of the day, how the hell will i do this for the rest of my life??

i walked away eveyone thinks i ve lost my mind, but secretly im happy poor but i know when i wake up i nobodys slave. i think your mental health is worth more than any job

any carrer advice anyone????

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I don't know, but maybe I have my shit all screwed up.

I have worked for the same company for the last 9-1/2 years. Yep, I started when I was 18.

The last time I was unemployed was as a senior in High School. I don't think that I have a current resume on hand.

Anyhow, I like my job. Great perks and great schedule.




Revenge is a dish best served

with an appetizer of whoop-ass.

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congratulations! doesn't it feel great?? i actually gave my 2 weeks notice not too long ago (friday is my last day) without having another job lined up. it was scary as hell, but it got to the point where my job was unbearable and it was time for me to go. it was so liberating! and one of the best decisions i've made in a long time.

you go, girl! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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Originally posted by misskittie:

My job is letting my department plus an attached department go on Friday...adn they havent even told us yet.

Does that count?

crud that sucks!

i just ended an assignment that was straight up the best fuckin job anyone can have. i spent 6 months doing about 5 hrs of work/week. to top that off, i was in a lab all day, no managers around, listening to mp3s all fuckin day. come in at 10, leave at 4 and 2 hr lunches in between. now i'm workin this wack ass job where i got a manager practically hangin off my back. moral of this long ass story, enjoy shit while u can. btw i'll be at afterhrs even if i dont make twizles.


chronic is the answer...

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