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Shroom Prep

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first off you should take them with some one who knows about them and has taken them before. i perfer to be in nature but if that is not possible just be safe and with ppl you love (like what ever).

if they are dry just bite the bullet so to speak and eat it. one cap the size of a nickel or quarter should be fine. wait like an hour to see how you feel. you could eat more if youd like...just be with people expierenced. it always makes any trip better. peek comes in like three or four hours. total trip should be like eight to ten. shrooms for me are way different than lsd because they produce a more emotional high. more empathy. groovy.

you can crush them up and eat them in a peanut butter sandwich if you can take the taste. they dont taste good.

i just chew em. shit.

i'm from the south and we used to collect them by the shoe box after the first big rain in the spring. they grow on cow shit.

vary in size and stregnth. check out erowid.com because they have lots of good info.

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Yoo...im thinkin of doing shrooms for the first time....

WHAT SHould i expect?

How many should i take?

WHat should i do to prepare?

Just telll me anything....thanks yo!

most importantly, the provider of your shrooms should be someone highly recommended. you want to make sure you are receiving a good quality product.

i found making a tea is an excellent way to avoid chewing the shrooms. just drink some orange juice after the tea to help to kill the taste. make sure to do them in the company of a sober person you really trust, so if your trip is bad they will help you and when you're talking like an idiot they won't care too much.

also, start out with a small amount, because they can upset your stomach and it's best to work up to the right amount for your body. do it at home or wherever you feel the safest. make sure to turn off the t.v., it could be too much for you to handle.

another very important thing is to relax. i mean be totally relaxed, lay down if you want to and don't use any other drugs or alcohol with the shrooms. have fun. :)

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A) BE IN THE RIGHT MINDFRAME! It's ver important not to have things (breakup with an ex, death in family, etc..) that will just ruin the high

B) go for 1/8th. I've done shrooms a fair amount of times, and that amount always seems to be the best. (about 2-3 heads and 3-4 stems)

C) eat them with pizza. They're not very appetizing, but it just seems to go Plus, i never liked to "cook" or insert the shrooms in tea, cuz i wanted the full effect. but to each their own!

ENJOY! It's one of my favorite drugs of ALL TIME :D

ps, smoke weed with it after it's kicked in ;)

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just to dispell a few "shroom myths".... never make tea or pizza or anything else that has to be heated above 110 degrees with your shrooms. The psychoactive compounds break down when they're heated.

Always do shrooms on an EMPTY STOMACH ... If you absolutely must kill the taste use sugar free gum... eating shrooms while trying to digest food is a sure fire way to produce horrible stomach cramps...

Dont ever trip alone

depending on your weight and how hard you want to trip... 1.5 grams dry or 10 grams wet per 100lbs of body weight is a good rule of thumb for a good trip. you can actually enhance the effects of shrooms using MAo inhibitors.. so if you're on them for medical reasons..be very careful eating shrooms...

definately make sure you're in a good mood and around people you like and trust.

start small... you can easily eat more

If you feel like you're tripping too hard... eat sugar... the carbs in the sugar with help you come down without filling your stomach and causing cramps..

the best thing I can recommend is to grow your own.. shrooms have a shelf life.. they become less potent with age...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't agree with the 10 grams per bodyweight statement. It all depends on the type of mushrooms you are taking. Take 10 grams per bodyweight of Hawaiian shrooms and you'll probably regret it. Hawaiians are among the most potent variety around, and my personal favorite. By the way, there is a myth that caps are better to ingest than stems. That's NOT true. There's no evidence of one being better than the other.

Personally I have no problem with the taste, I just chew them and down them with some apple or grape juice. Be sure to drink lots of water. Shrooms can trigger sweating/dehydration.

As for the actual trip it varies from person to person. Take a look on Erowid and you'll see just that. There isn't a typical trip on shrooms, although some strains have a reputation for producing certain common effects, like visuals. A trip is what you make of it. A bad state of mind can result in a bad trip, so can being in an unfamiliar environment. Personally, I love doing them in clubs, but that's not something I'd recommend to everyone. Fresh shrooms are legal in the UK and can be bought in stores so I never have a problem with "bad" shrooms, but since most of you live in the states, make sure you know what you are getting! Shrooms are not all the same.

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I don't agree with the 10 grams per bodyweight statement. It all depends on the type of mushrooms you are taking. Take 10 grams per bodyweight of Hawaiian shrooms and you'll probably regret it. Hawaiians are among the most potent variety around, and my personal favorite. By the way, there is a myth that caps are better to ingest than stems. That's NOT true. There's no evidence of one being better than the other.

Personally I have no problem with the taste, I just chew them and down them with some apple or grape juice. Be sure to drink lots of water. Shrooms can trigger sweating/dehydration.

As for the actual trip it varies from person to person. Take a look on Erowid and you'll see just that. There isn't a typical trip on shrooms, although some strains have a reputation for producing certain common effects, like visuals. A trip is what you make of it. A bad state of mind can result in a bad trip, so can being in an unfamiliar environment. Personally, I love doing them in clubs, but that's not something I'd recommend to everyone. Fresh shrooms are legal in the UK and can be bought in stores so I never have a problem with "bad" shrooms, but since most of you live in the states, make sure you know what you are getting! Shrooms are not all the same.

When people talk shrooms here in the states, 99% of the time they're getting cubensis strains... mostly mexican, B+, Equadorian, or some other common cubensis strain that grows quick and large. There are many different species and strains of hawaiian shrooms. The Hawaiian strain you refer to (copelandia syanescens) while common in the UK is not a cubensis stain and would never be seen here unless they're home grown (not a strain that is easy to grow either) . They also cost about 50% more to buy and are sometimes 3-4 times as potent as cubensis strains. There's no comparison when it comes to the selection of shrooms in europe. In europe you can buy a kilo of fresh mexican shrooms for about about 175-200 Euros which dries down to about 4 ozs or dried shrooms. 4 ozs dry here can cost 5 times that. As for dosages... If you know what you have you can easily figure out how much to take by using this: http://www.shroomery.org/index/par/12195

By the way ... If anyone is going to europe for an extended period of time be sure to check these guys out http://www.de-sjamaan.nl/en/index.html

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