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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

The NYC club scene is at an all-time low.

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Then people went to a club because it was going to be fun .... not soley based upon the DJ. DJ's didn't make thousands of dollars a week. Club owners forget to just make a party fun. I use to go to Club USA because it was fucking amazing and fun. Hardly didn't know who the DJ was. You just knew you were going to be entertained and the place would be decked out. Parties should be based upon FUN!!

i go to clubs for that exact reason... to meet some cool people and enjoy myself... to have FUN. I don't give a shit who the DJ is, as long as he's playing good music... I don't have time researching DJs and finding out where who is going to be on a given night... I go to a club and if i don't like the vibe, I go elsewhere... some places the vibe is usually great and some places attract a crowd that I am not into... that's that for me. When did things become so fucking complicated??

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The scene has been low. I come from the late 80's. In the 90's the whole lounge thing started. Thats what killed the scene. Then club owners got greety with money. They started raising prices and not spending the money on entertainment. Then there became such a thing as promoters and sub promoters. Thats crazy. Before you were fab or not fab. Then people went to a club because it was going to be fun .... not soley based upon the DJ. DJ's didn't make thousands of dollars a week. Club owners forget to just make a party fun. Not just book a DJ and forget about the other elements involved. I use to go to Club USA because it was fucking amazing and fun. Hardly didn't know who the DJ was. You just knew you were going to be entertained and the place would be decked out. Parties should be based upon FUN!! Thats the element thats missing. I was also around during the club kid era. Theres no such thing as club kids anymore. You would have to pay someone to dress up now. Lets not say special K helped the zombie scene either. Enough said....

well said mrs thing.. it seems that people take this shit way too seriously... since when did going out with some buddies, drinking a few beers and dancing with girls turn into a crime... why do you have to be all about the music... why do some people rip people apart on here for "grinding"... since when did dancing with a member of the opposite sex become a crime.. lol why is it "lame" to do that, but "cool" to dance by yourself or in a circle of people??? i mean i like getting into circles too but c'mon when our parents went out dancing i dont think they were dancing to frankie valley by themselves ya know??? or their parents weren't swing dancing by themselves ya know??

sorry i didnt man for this to get so tangential..

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Guest distort909
The scene has been low. I come from the late 80's. In the 90's the whole lounge thing started. Thats what killed the scene. Then club owners got greety with money. They started raising prices and not spending the money on entertainment. Then there became such a thing as promoters and sub promoters. Thats crazy. Before you were fab or not fab. Then people went to a club because it was going to be fun .... not soley based upon the DJ. DJ's didn't make thousands of dollars a week. Club owners forget to just make a party fun. Not just book a DJ and forget about the other elements involved. I use to go to Club USA because it was fucking amazing and fun. Hardly didn't know who the DJ was. You just knew you were going to be entertained and the place would be decked out. Parties should be based upon FUN!! Thats the element thats missing. I was also around during the club kid era. Theres no such thing as club kids anymore. You would have to pay someone to dress up now. Lets not say special K helped the zombie scene either. Enough said....


Crobar on thursday night i thik is the best party in NYC...........

keeps me going to it every thursday......................

but then again im jadded.

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