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bush will prevail!

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yes i can undertand the democtrats frustrations but bush will win the electoral college after the recount and start cleaning up the mess that clinton and the blacks and chinese monks have created starting in january. . and who knows bush might win the popular votes if all 50 states recount the votes?

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mess that clinton made?

oh right i hate having budget surpluses w/ the economy growing to its largest ever, also the largest in teh world, also w/o inflation and in affect raising the overall standard of living...

yup i hate that shit

and bush will not get in. florida is more corrupt then unlv and as is evident the recount has been highly in GORE'S favor thus far




"No sane man will dance" - Cicero -


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Well, if it were not for Reagan's drastic economic measures (increasing spending on technology/military, cutting taxes), this country would have been in deep shit. You gotta give Clinton credit for maintaining things the way they are without fucking anything up. But the prosperity that we are currently enjoying is due to the reforms implemented by republicans. Also, how can someone vote for a lieing stiff like Gore. Bush, on the other hand, used to shoot coke and drive drunk - my kind of president!

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Originally posted by ichernomor:

Well, if it were not for Reagan's drastic economic measures (increasing spending on technology/military, cutting taxes), this country would have been in deep shit. You gotta give Clinton credit for maintaining things the way they are without fucking anything up. But the prosperity that we are currently enjoying is due to the reforms implemented by republicans. Also, how can someone vote for a lieing stiff like Gore. Bush, on the other hand, used to shoot coke and drive drunk - my kind of president!



thats true though, i'm so glad ronnie came along and put us in the hole $800 billion

and the star wars defense system...

clutch rolleyes.gif



"No sane man will dance" - Cicero -


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i forgot...clinton was savior to all of our problems in 92...what a mandate there with only 40% of the vote

Reagan rocked--he took no bullshit from anyone. He made us the military power that we need to be, and that Carter took away (remember that little iran hostage thing). He spent money....but got reelected astoundingly by over 60% of the vote---i don't think the public cared. Reason being, people hated Communism and he ended it. Period. And as if Mondale wouldn't have spent money either---biggest spending increase proposed in years was in 1984 (till Gore). Bill Clinton has done shit while in office---i dare you to name 1 thing he has done to improve the economy. All he has caused is a loss of respect for the Presidency.

As far as the missile system...hell, N.Korea already has tech for long range missiles. Not to mention, that is govt's CHIEF function or responsibility---to PROTECT THE PEOPLE...not give them special rights, money, etc. Read the Preamble of the Constitution....Defense is first. Period.

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clinton stepped in a pile of shit coming into office during the time he did.

it's unfortunate that people will give him credit for the condition of the economy when it was the republicans in the congress that more to do with it than he ever did.

but he *did* stick an intern with a cigar, so you have to give credit for that...

i'm proud that our president is a lying cheater. sure makes me proud...


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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At least Bush is an honest man. . . whatever, we need a republican its time for a change!! cwm9.gif


~The poor long for Riches,

The rich long for Heaven,

But the wise desire Tranquility.~

*"The only good is knowledge. The only evil is ignorance."* Socrates

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Originally posted by lsully:

At least Bush is an honest man. . . whatever, we need a republican its time for a change!! cwm9.gif

hey i'm sure the oval office will be a great new spot for Bush to blow his lines

republicans got the economy where it is??

what a joke. fucking budget deficit would be in the damn trillions by now at the rate he was going. How many recessions?

brilliant idea lets not give a dam about running the economy into the ground b/c we're trying to stop the spread of communisim so its ok

are you that naive?

people dont' give a shit about communism. that shit was all a dam ploy, a guise, a curtain to hide behind. you honestly think the people in this country care about anyone but themselves?? rolleyes.gif CAPITALISM- its the motivating factor of every decision made in this country. We were sooooo concerned about communism, yet NO ONE wanted to be in vietnam. but your right. the people cared about it so much.


"No sane man will dance" - Cicero -


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Originally posted by peeps:

clinton stepped in a pile of shit coming into office during the time he did.

it's unfortunate that people will give him credit for the condition of the economy when it was the republicans in the congress that more to do with it than he ever did.

but he *did* stick an intern with a cigar, so you have to give credit for that...

i'm proud that our president is a lying cheater. sure makes me proud...

If we're gonna decide that Clinton deserves 0 credit for the economy being its strongest ever and the strongest in the world, then lets give the credit where its truly due

certainly not the damn repulblicans and Voodoo economics rolleyes.gif

the man behind the economy now is greenspan. he's controling the growth and is the reason its where it is today. He's managed to create tremendous growth w/o tremendous inlfation. If you ask me, HE should have been running for president


"No sane man will dance" - Cicero -


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Originally posted by PFloyd40:

the man behind the economy now is greenspan. he's controling the growth and is the reason its where it is today. He's managed to create tremendous growth w/o tremendous inlfation. If you ask me, HE should have been running for president

Hey, Rob - Greenspan is a Republican, appointed by Reagan. The budget surpluses started after the Republicans gained control of Congress (we were in deficits until 1 year after they controlled the nations's purse strings!) and perhaps you don't remember a particular speech of Reagan's, where he stated that he took away the money, and the deomcrats STILL found new ways to spend more. Yes, in fact, it IS reaganomics, which finally got rammed down Clinton's throat in the "Contract With America" that put us in the comfy position we are in today. Credit where it is due. I abhor most of the social stand of the republican party, but their economics are spot-on.

My humble oppinion, worth what you paid for it.


New and improved --- Coming to you now from NYC!

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since clinton has been in office, the dow has tripled. do you really think that cutting taxes and spending the money you aren't getting in those taxes on building up the military to deal with the communist "threat" which was as much of a threat by the start of reagan's term as a kid with a july 4th sparker in his hand. bush and reagan left this county one big mess HELLO RECESSION. i think clinton will go down as one of the greatest presidents of the 20th century. As for the lewinksky scandal, our counry became the laughing stock of the world. not because of clinton's cheating ways, but because the press was focusing so strongly on something which is taken for granted in almost any other country. in other countries, everyone knows that the presidents have mistresses, and almost every president of the 20th century has had a mistress INCLUDING REAGAN AND BUSH!

just my two cents


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I was in a 'conversation' on AIM, well, more an argument, over the economy and the impact of the 'internet'.

If it were not for StarWars (a George Lucas film), we would not have Princess Lea. There was no such thing as StarWars under Reagan. So much smoke and mirrors that it was not funny. Get real. It is called bluffing the other guy. Give it up, it never was.

The internet was the development of Reagan and his defense spending. The internet precursor DARPAnet was a defense department high speed network connection that linked military research labs, bases and a few key universities. In the late 80's, UNDER REAGAN, DARPAnet was expanded to colleges and universities.

It was renamed internet. Clinton and Gore, as an executive team had no direct hand in the development of the internet. Bush helped to implement it, but only as a president, not as a tech guru.

Mosaic, the first graphic browser debuted in '93, a development of a grad school student, not ALGore. After that it was nothing but private sector investment. The government stood back and watched it take off.

Now with the NASDAQ tech stocks tanking this year, who is to blame? Clinton? Gore? Look at the total # of layoffs in the tech business. Look at a dear fellow-poster that is being laid off from her TelCo job. The only reason that there is not a bigger noise about the layoffs - see Priceline.com - is because there are other companies out there with crap for a business model.

It used to be called vapor ware. Today it is called the Next Big Thing and money gets thrown at it.

My Point? Clinton and Gore have done so little to encourage economic growth, it is pitiful. The president does not, and can not under the Constitution, spend money or raise taxes. It is the function of Congress.

Hate to remind people that Congress has been republican for the last few.

Ichi_gami - I agree that there are some social leanings that I disagree with, I fully support the economic packages that come with the republicans.

My couple of cents....




Revenge is a dish best served

with an appetizer of whoop-ass.

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yea well turn the oval office into a huge oval bar and bush can get mad bent and deny his drinkiong problem and drive around drunk with the lights off. yea great role model


TWILO'S WACK !!!! I only speak the truth



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Bush will prevail?? God, I hope not! cwm31.gif



“No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.” - P.J. O’Rourke angel.gif

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Ummm ...

Cold War ended b/c the people wanted to end it. Like hell Reagan ended Communism. It still exists today. We have no power to end Communism in other parts of the world, only the citizens of those countries can do it.

I don't really care who "invented" the internet and co., can we really say any one person or group is responsible for our economic prosperity? Point is, our government authorized the spending of a lot of money and it paid off. Thank god.

As for our military technology ... let's not forget we invested a lot of money into that ... $800 billion PFloyd40? ... I don't know ... defense is a business like everything else in this world ... why not sell it if other people that are willing to pay for it? At least then we'll be "threatened" again and then we can spend billions more on defense like the Republicans want! If we want to keep building the morale of our military so that they can win wars, let's make sure other countries can wage a war against us first. And if some of our domestically owned defense companies can profit from it, why not?

"Contract for America" ... was there ever a bigger ploy? Republicans have the best slogans ... "Right to Life" ... "Partial Birth Abortion" ... and all that other shit Bush use in verbatim. And why do the Republicans have the best slogans? ... because they lack substance. They must make up for their incompetence somehow ... and what's better than fluff and "fuzzy math" to target the opposition. How many times did Newt and his contract for America close down the government? I give Clinton credit for sticking to his creed. If the Republican congress have done so much for us the last few years, why do their majority keep slipping? In just this election year alone, they've lost at least 3 senate seats, 1 house seats and 1 governorship. The team is losing, what more, they're falling apart. That's why it's so important that Bush wins. Clinton may have his issues ... poor Hiliary for having to acknowledge to the whole world that her husband cheated on her; but really, with the exception of our "moral police," the world doesn't care. Clinton legacy is not only that he has presided over the greatest economic expansion in the history of the world, he has strengthened his party.

And another thing ... we are not a democracy! The Electoral College proves that we are not a democracy. If Bush win (and how cocky of him to already start putting together an administration) knowing Al Gore has more popular votes, all I want to know is, how does George W. Bush and the Republican party define democracy?

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Originally posted by mel-o-d:

Why does no one respond? I want to debate ... it'll help the work day go by faster.

Hehe . . perhaps no body is really debating because you haven't said anything that wasn't true!

Great reply!! biggthumpup.gif



“No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.” - P.J. O’Rourke angel.gif

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Originally posted by keshiki:

Idiots, Bush has won....get over it and hail the new republican realm!

Where's the passionate conservatism in what you just said...

Point: All Republicans are full of shit too... get off your high horse and may you wind up marrying a democrat.


Dream a little dream... then go clubbing!


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THe electoral college was set up to give small states a say in things. If we went by popular vote the only place they would campaign is in NY, Cali, Illinois and Fla. We see now how any state can have a difference. Take NH for example, the only state in hte northeast to vote bush, if they went gore, florida wouldnt matter to Bush. The problem with the election is that they use arcaic poll booths that havent been changed since 1892. They need to mordernize the whole system.

As far as govt. It dosnt matter, the COngress is a virtual lock, nothign will get through except middle of the road legislation that dosnt do anything for anyone. The only area the next president will be able to push his adgenda is the Judicial branch if one of the judges retires. If Bush wins he will put in 'constructionalists'. These are the same people that ruled blacks are 3/5 a person in the 1800's. I know that is a bad reference and it would never happen now, but you have to take that type of thinking and apply it to todays issues like Roe v. Wade and gun control.


Make love to yourself like no one is watching!!!

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