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Liberal Patriots Last to Get It

September 8, 2004

Listen to Rush... (...explain why liberals are, once again, the last to realize we have to fight evil)


RUSH: Patrick in Burton, Michigan. Let's go to the phones and find out what's out there. Hello, sir.

CALLER: Hey, first-time piano player dittos from Michigan, Rush.

RUSH: Thanks, sir. Nice to have you on the program.

CALLER: Hey, just get right to it. You know, the flap about Cheney. (story) I just wanted to get your take. It's not like I think he's an idiot. I'm a Republican, by the way, but I just wondered if you think there's a point to what he said, even though the media totally twisted his words. What he said, was it unnecessary? Because we were winning anyway, and a lot of people I think were starting to figure that out on their own.

RUSH: Maybe so. But, you know, I'm struck, and I appreciate your view. I'm open-minded, tolerant and compassionate, all those things and I appreciate your view. But at the same time, I'm struck by how many people on our side have been waiting for something like this. "Hey, let's play a little hardball here!" and this definitely is hardball. I will not disagree with you on that. But just because you're winning doesn't mean you sit on the lead. You know, we're coming out of a great convention. Kerry is on the ropes. It's about time to square with the American people what we face, and I think with Madeleine Albright coming out and reacting the way she did, "Why, this is the most outrageous thing she's ever heard," blah, blah, blah, blah. She's Exhibit #1, folks. You know, get on my case if you want to for piling on here. She is Exhibit #1. The Clinton administration did diddly-squat. I mean, how many terrorist attacks were there? We cut and run from Mogadishu, (Al-Qaeda-run operation immortalized in the movie) Black Hawk Down. We refused to take bin Laden when he was offered to us three times by the Sudanese. I mean, what more evidence do we need?

They didn't take terrorism seriously. Talk to Dick Morris. He was part of the White House staff then. They weren't interested in it at all. Only toward the end of Clinton's second term did they start talking about it. You can go back and you can find, for example, Clinton probably more hawkish on Saddam than Bush has been, or at least equally so -- which I find still interesting that the Democrats want to ignore this and pretend that it never happened, but in doing that, in ignoring it and pretending that Clinton never did that, they're admitting that they never took terrorism, Saddam, or any of these other world threats seriously.

You look at what's happening in Russia. You look at what happened. You look at these pictures and you find out this is a worldwide problem. With Vladimir Putin, you've got these people in Russia. Let me tell you something, folks -- and I made reference to this yesterday -- these people in Russia are sending a message to the world. They're not going to put up with this. They're demanding that their leadership do something about this, and so Putin has responded, and he said: We're gonna go search these people out, seek 'em out wherever they are and we're going to take preemptive action on their bases. We're not going to wait for them to hit us again. Screw this!

Now, this from one of the guys that was arming Saddam Hussein along with the French and along with the Germans. That's big news today, too. We have learned that Bill Gertz has a blockbuster book coming out, and I've got a little blurb from it here I'll get to in the course of the program today, a blockbuster book in which he has learned that our quote, unquote, "allies," the best friends of John Kerry, the people in the nations John Kerry says he can get on our side if elected president were actually arming Iraq before and during this current war, with missiles, missile parts, engines, a number of things, fuel, because they were on the take! It's all part of the oil-for-food program (news) and the bribe program that Saddam had. These are our allies. Russia, was part of the whole scheme. If you go look at it people, the nations that opposed us at the Security Council -- France, Germany and Russia -- we now know why, and we knew it then. We knew there was something going on. We knew that France had under-the-table deals.

We knew that Germans probably did, too. The Russians? We knew the Russians were holding out for some money from us because they had some contracts with Iraq that they felt would be interrupted. But despite all that you take what is happening around the world, and you look at the liberal Democrat reaction today and to and to try to pretend it's not happening? Every time John Kerry says (sing-song voice impression), "I don't waaant to talk about this. Let's taaalk about health caaaaaaare, and let's talk about Social Security." He wants you to forget about the war on terror. They want you to think it doesn't exist. They want you to think it's not serious. They want you to think Bush has caused it by his provocative "swagger." They are unwilling to accept the reality and the reason is, is because they know they're unprepared to deal with it in a powerful or projection-of-power sense. So what Cheney said, to me, may be hardball and it may have smacked you upside the head, but it's right -- and Madeleine Albright is just one of many exhibits that illustrates the whole thing. Kathy in Charlotte, North Carolina. Welcome to the program.

CALLER: Rush, good to talk to you.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: And I just appreciate all you're doing, and keep up the good work.

RUSH: You're very kind. Thanks so much.

CALLER: (Giggle) When you speak the truth, you're going to be opposed. Hey, I just want to talk about what Cheney said, and I know, exactly as you said, it came across maybe they could take it a little harsh, but there's a reality here! I think people are forgetting that we were attacked on the first World Trade Center, and the Democrats did nothing about it, and I am just studying Kerry and the way the man has no backbone. Having an anti-war president if he were elected, if he were in there, and if we were attacked again. I mean, what's he going to do?

RUSH: Well, no wait. W-w-w-wait, wait. That's a good question, Kathy, because John Kerry assured us at his convention that "every attack would be met with a swift and appropriate response." The question is: "What are we going to do prevent those attacks?" and that's where they won't do anything --

CALLER: Well, that's what scares me. It really scares me.

RUSH: Because they think doing so will provoke attacks. They don't understand the preemptive defense of the country and they're doing everything they can to dilute, if not destroy, the whole strategy of preemption with their campaign on Bush. I'll tell you, poor old Kerry. He's out there in Cincinnati today (photos), and as I said at the top of the program, he went to the very place that Bush made a speech on Iraq in October of 2002, and he's just got a rabid audience in there, and he got a couple or three decent rounds of applause, but I'm watching this, and there was no energy. Did you see this, Brett? There was no energy in Kerry's presentation today. He looked asleep. Even though I'm sure he's been re-Botoxed. He had a fresh face. I'm just telling you what it looks like to me. (program observer interruption) Yeah, it looks like his heart is not in it. That's a good way to put it. It looked like he just was going through the motions there today, sort of like that thing last Thursday night at midnight. It just didn't seem to be he wanted to be there. There wasn't a lot of oompff and pizzazz, and he didn't really respond to all the applause he got.

He just sat there and nodded his head, and he just wanted to keep going and get out of there. You know, you start changing campaign staffs this late? I mean, you go back and look at the presidential campaigns that have done this and they're all losers and that's what this is a sign of. Now, you've got the Clinton people telling him, "Hey, you can talk about Iraq and you need to talk about Iraq, and Iraq is the only thing you can talk about because that's the only place where you think Bush is weak." Well, the problem for Kerry in talking about Iraq is, What does he say, because he's said everything! He said, "I would have authorized the resolution," then he says, "It's the wrong war, the wrong place, the wrong time." He's out there copying Howard Dean, and when he lifts what Howard Dean says ( 1 | 2 ) people are reminding everybody that when Howard Dean said what Kerry said yesterday, Kerry called Dean "irresponsible" and "not suitable to govern." Just like his Cambodia story changes four times; this story of what he would do in Iraq has changed every time he speaks of it changes.

So now all the media can do to save his bacon is go back for the umpteenth time to Bush and his supposed National Guard service. We've got a 60 Minutes show tonight, the fourth one, devoted to creaming Bush. This AWOL National Guard story, how many times are they going after this? If I'm the Bush campaign, I got to -- and Bush, by the way, has released all his records. He's authorized the release of all of his records; Kerry hasn't, and I'll tell you this, the swift boat vets are going to keep demanding that Kerry sign the form to release his records. There's a big rally coming Sunday in Washington, and there's another group of Vietnam veterans -- not swift boat vets, but Vietnam Vets for Truth (story) -- and they're going to be demanding that Kerry release his records, and one of the reasons is that the after-action reports that were submitted to justify Kerry's medals were written by Kerry! And that's one of the theories as to why he won't authorize the release of those after-action reports, but the pressure is going to be mounting for him to do so.

Now if I'm the Bush campaign, I've got to be sitting there looking at this. "Okay, they're going back to the National Guard for the umpteenth time," and I've got to say to myself, "This is good. They want to continue to fight this campaign over things that happen 30 years ago," that the candidate himself is focusing again on Iraq. His old campaign staff, the ones that got him this far, are telling him not to do it. The new Clintonistas that are conducting this hostile takeover of the campaign are telling him to talk about Iraq. So he went out there and did so today, and here's the reason. It's what I've been telling you. They're looking at the landscape out there. The Democrats have structured it so that the only link they have to victory is discrediting Bush on the war against Iraq. My prediction is you're going to see them regurgitate and sort of bring back to life the whole weapons-of-mass-destruction business and how that was the only reason we went. "Bush lied." There's nothing new they can say and nothing they've said has stuck.

But it's pathetic, in a way, laughable in a way, funny in many other ways, but this little thread that Iraq is in ignoble or unjustified. It's criminal. It's unwarranted. We have a thousand needless deaths. That's their link to the White House. Nothing else is going to get 'em there. You know, for all this talk about health care, it ain't the issue, folks. I want to tell you right now. You can talk about health care till you're blue in the face but it ain't the issue. It ain't going to be the issue in this presidential race, just like gay marriage is not going to be the issue and just like partial-birth abortion is not going to be the issue. Those are all going to be subordinated to the War on Terror and what's going on in Iraq, and Kerry can try to change the subject, and say, "We can't talk about Vietnam," except today when it's Bush National Guard day 10. Whatever. You're looking at a campaign flailing around for some solid footing and for a message that they can stick to for a couple days but their problem is they don't have a candidate that can do that.


You know, sitting here thinking about Cheney, and I know some of you people probably, ah, a little alarmed by that. Don't be. I loved it. Zell Miller (Speech: text | vid) redux. Cheney's words very similar to Zell Miller's. It basically is this. The Democrat Party today is controlled by a bunch of 1960s anti-war activists, folks. I don't care whether it's Clinton running the party or Kerry thinking he's running the party; that's who controls it. Their ideology is anti-defense and anti-law enforcement. They oppose the Patriot Act. They oppose military tribunals. They oppose military preemption and virtually every tool and process which strengthens our security at home and abroad. I don't know how much tougher you can say this. I don't know how much more bold I can be and I don't know how much more truthful I can be, but if you listen to the people that run the Democrat Party today, this is what you get: anti-defense, anti-law enforcement.

Look at their votes. Listen to their words. They hated Patriot Act. Military tribunals? They're trying to destroy those. Preemption? John Kerry doesn't want to talk about preemption. They're trying to destroy the whole premise. Virtually every tool and process which strengthens our security at home and abroad, they attack. There is a huge difference, a stark difference between Bush and Kerry and the Republican Party and the Democratic Party today, and there's no question in my mind that Bush will keep this country safer than Kerry. It's not because Kerry is "un-American" or "unpatriotic." It's because he's a liberal! He rejects American superiority. He thinks we need to subordinate our power to the world so that we don't threaten them. Don't, doooon't say that I'm being accusatory here, "challenging their patriotism" or their "Americanism" or whatever. It's not. I'm challenging their judgment. These people just can't be trusted. They do not have a proper understanding of their own country, and its role in the world. I mean, there is no question of our superiority in the world, for good, and there's a reason for our superiority, and it's not because we're better people than anybody else -- and that's another thing that bothers them.

They think that a bunch of people think we're better than people starving in the Sudan are better than other people. We're not better than people. We just have more freedom than anybody else, and human potential is allowed to reach its heights in this country where it's denied in most other places. That's why we're superior to the rest of the world. We are superior as a nation. We're not superior as human beings. If the rest of the world's people had the opportunities for freedom that we have, they'd be better off; we'd be better off; the world would be better off -- and that's what we try to do, for crying out loud! The word's called "liberate." Not to these people. So when Cheney speaks and says the world will not be as safe if Kerry and his crowd gets elected, he's damn right! He's straight on, folks, and the Clinton administration and Madeleine Albright, Exhibit 1. Kerry is Exhibit 2. Listen to what he's saying. The whole liberal thought process continues to amaze me.

I cannot believe how many can feel and how so few of them can think. The illustration today would be, "The liberals are feeling sadness, and they are feeling outrage over the slaughter of over 300 children in Russia. They feel the pain, and they feel the horror, and they're outraged," but they don't know what to do about it! For all their "feeling," they don't think. They do not reason. The horrors that you liberals are grieving are the horrors that other people are fighting! You can sit there and grieve these horrors all you want, but it's not going to get you anything, except maybe make you feel better. These horrors that we are fighting have many names: terrorism, Islamic extremism, Wahabiism, fanaticism, madness! Just plain call it madness, but that's what we're fighting. That's what we're at war with; that's what we have to triumph over. We know it; the Russians are learning it, and now the question is: "Who will learn it first, our alleged allies in Europe or our liberal patriots in America?" because, as usual, our liberal patriots in America are the last to get it.



"I mean, there is no question of our superiority in the world, for good, and there's a reason for our superiority, and it's not because we're better people than anybody else -- and that's another thing that bothers them"

are you fuckin serious? we are better people then everyone else in thw world, you have to be kidding me. I am not saying we are not good people and maybe better then some and the same as most but better then everyone.


ill leave it but i read the next part and he caught himself.


Yeah, Rush is the shining pinnacle of objective commentary. :jerkoff:

The irony in the whole Cheney comment is that it's the total opposite of what he said. More attacks are GUARANTEED under Bush than Kerry, just from the sheer hatred the rest of the world will have for us if we're stupid enough to re-elect him.

"I mean, there is no question of our superiority in the world, for good, and there's a reason for our superiority, and it's not because we're better people than anybody else -- and that's another thing that bothers them"

are you fuckin serious? we are better people then everyone else in thw world, you have to be kidding me. I am not saying we are not good people and maybe better then some and the same as most but better then everyone.


ill leave it but i read the next part and he caught himself.

yea man , i've said it all along , they think they are Super Citizens ...everyone else that is different is INFERIOR (morally, ethically, and materialistacly) ...


.pathetic ,but thats how many americans think .

Humility never did anyone any harm . :)

yea man , i've said it all along , they think they are Super Citizens ...everyone else that is different is INFERIOR (morally, ethically, and materialistacly) ...


.pathetic ,but thats how many americans think .

Humility never did anyone any harm . :)

hehe...so right, inferior AND terrorist sympathizers!

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