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Anyone seen "F9/11" and still voting for Bush?


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If you view F9/11 as anything more than communist propaganda, you are foolish. There is ample information out there that documents the lies that Moore pretends are truths. Take a few minutes to research this point and then let us know if this movie should change anyones mind.

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Why would I see a movie that is full of documented lies made by a man who hates President Bush?

Did I watch the DNC? Yes

Have I gone to Kerry's website to look at his platform and plans? Yes

Do I feel like I am an informed voter? Yes

Would F9/11 given me any information that would have changed my vote? No

It would have been nearly 2 hrs of my life that I would never get back. That fat communist Moore doesnt deserve 30seconds of my time.

I did see Bowling for Columbine and I dont doubt Moore's smarts, however he is not a documentary maker. He is a propaganda machine.

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Nice job tres-b.....

DO you think the anti-Moore film will get as much play in the media as the F9/11?

'Michael Moore Hates America' huge hit

10-minute standing ovation for documentary at film festival


Posted: September 14, 2004

1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Ron Strom

© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com

"Michael Moore Hates America," a documentary that challenges the leftist filmmaker, received a huge response at the American Film Renaissance festival in Dallas, packing out two showings and eliciting a 10-minute standing ovation.

"That crowd response was bigger than anything I've seen in a theater in my life," Jim Hubbard, the co-founder of the festival, told WorldNetDaily. The festival ran from Sept. 10-12.


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Hubbard said demand to see the film was so high, the theater was bursting at the seams during the second showing.

"We really packed them in," he said. "We were having to turn people away."

Hubbard says he is confident the man who made "Michael Moore Hates America," 27-year-old Mike Wilson, will secure a theatrical distributor for his work.

"They're going to get distribution," he predicted. "This thing is just too huge."

Wilson was in attendance for both showings, Hubbard said. "[The moviegoers] were treating him like a rock star."

Added Hubbard, "He really peeled the hide off of Michael Moore."

In one scene, the American soldier who lost both arms in Iraq and who was shown in Moore's Bush-bashing "Fahrenheit 9/11" said he was taken out of context in the left-wing documentary.

According to Hubbard, the soldier said in the new film he had planned to be a technical engineer and could no longer do so because he lost him arms. He emphasized, however, that if he had to do it over again, he would, because "what we're doing in Iraq is important." The soldier said he was furious about the way Moore had portrayed him in "Fahrenheit 9/11."

Hubbard noted, "Moore used the south of France [Cannes Film Festival] to launch his left-wing documentary, and we used the heartland of the country, Dallas, Texas, to launch the counterpunch. There are two conflicting moral views right there."

Other films that were popular at the festival, which Hubbard says was the first conservative film festival in the nation, included "Is it True What They Say About Ann?" a documentary about columnist Ann Coulter, "Confronting Iraq" and "Michael and Me," another film responding to Michael Moore.

"Stolen Honor," a film that tells the stories of former POWs who felt betrayed by Sen. John Kerry's 1971 testimony accusing American servicemen of war crimes, also was well-received, Hubbard said.

Hubbard says there were between 3,000 and 4,000 tickets sold altogether for the 17 films that were screened.

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Guest groovebleed

Week minds blown buy that trader who only looked like brother!

it is so easy to sit back and watch a movie big guy, But did you ever care to investgate for your self?

Nope cuz that means you might have to read or something like that right.

research brother.

THAT DEVIL MOORE IS A BIG FAT LIER, (and i saw that fucking movie, too bad for him i have a mind of my own, and I am not easyly influenced by a big screen and pop corn. watch that movie again and pay attention to MR. Bush's eyes when he was informed of what happed. Now u stare at that deeply, and i dear you to tell me he dose not care for this Nation!

if you see other wise, well i suggest you get a gun and shot yourself in the head! because that would be better then all those other Americans that will die, while Al Queida is at large, and John Kerry leads his "sensative war on terror" thats the same thing clinton was doing for 9/11, Bush did not create this he adopted it! These fucking rag heads dont hate Bush they hate me and you us as a whole my brother!

Bush will win for it is the will of God himself!


:gang: (Al Queida)

P.S. Did you really just call someone a "simplton"? Ha!

I thoght people calling others that was just an urban leagon!

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  • 2 months later...
out of curiousity...did any of the moore haters actually see the movie?
Just to answer your question - I hate Micheal Moore and Yes I did watch his movie and right after I poped in The movie Farenhype 911. It is a Documentary by Dick Morris - Ed Koch - Zell Miller - Ann Koulter and a few others. Did you watch that movie?? The movie exposes more then 50 lies in the Moore movie.
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hahaha - I would treat anything that comes from Ann Coulter as a joke!
Because Micheal Moore is better? What about Ed Koch, Rudy Gulliani , Dick Morris, Zell Miller (they are all in Farenhype 911) - You would believe Micheal Moore before you belive them? I watched both movies - Why dont you try to do the same..
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Because Micheal Moore is better? What about Ed Koch, Rudy Gulliani , Dick Morris, Zell Miller (they are all in Farenhype 911) - You would believe Micheal Moore before you belive them? I watched both movies - Why dont you try to do the same..

yo don't get your panties all bunched up and shit. I never said I believe Moore over these others - where did you get that from my post??? All I said is that from what I know of Coulter, there is little chance I will take anything she says seriously!

next time try read my post, without jumping to wild conclusions ;)

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Just to answer your question - I hate Micheal Moore and Yes I did watch his movie and right after I poped in The movie Farenhype 911. It is a Documentary by Dick Morris - Ed Koch - Zell Miller - Ann Koulter and a few others. Did you watch that movie?? The movie exposes more then 50 lies in the Moore movie.

Did you see Ann Koulter on that episode of Bill Maher? Holy Shit!!! that women is a despicable mess of a human being.

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moore is a pig. let him move to france and eat snails.


Your pic is wrong (which is understandable as most of your posts have been way off the mark anyway, so I really didn't expect much) - most of the pig-fucking inbred people are generally from the south, and most of the south voted for Bush. You are right about moronic though! hehe

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Your pic is wrong (which is understandable as most of your posts have been way off the mark anyway, so I really didn't expect much) - most of the pig-fucking inbred people are generally from the south, and most of the south voted for Bush. You are right about moronic though! hehe
How does it feel to be on the losing side of politics? For that matter how does it feel to be on the wrong side of History?? Just curious
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