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For all the REPUBLICANS out there

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If All politicians lie most of the time...why are we debatin and makin our decisions on lies...it seems like is alla big gamble to me...and i guess its more sensible to have a wait and see attitude, and judge people on their record of actions...after all anybody can say positve things to convince u to vote for them, but are they GONNA follow though once elected???

and the president doesn't make all his decisions by himself, hes has his entire ADM, speechwriters etc that advises him on the best actions they feel he could take....So in this sense the prez takes the role of a puppet....things to think about....

so true so true

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I also want to add that when doing a comparison with tax situations in order to get a better view or understanding you need to compare apples to apples and not apples to oranges................or else the results will always be different!!!!

also I want to apologize to imnutz if I came off as being rude.................its been a bad 2days and a rough morning so far!!!!! but i just felt in your post you referred to "reality" but were not looking at it in a realistic fashion..............you my friend were comparing apples to oranges!!

and yes business get much better tax breaks but not all people in business are rich...............there are plenty of small business' in the middle class to poor that recieve these same benefits.................

now Im starting to bable and I could go on and on about this subject and for every person and every situation give you examples and results that will differ immensely!!!

oh and Ive been preparing taxes for small medium and large corporations, partnerships and individuals for over 10 years now and have been working for a CPA firm since 1989.

I dont disagree with you a bit, ur right but all im trying to say is if a business wants to get out of paying taxes there are plenty of ways.. I see it everyday. Thats why i said not everyone knows it but the ones that need to do. I wasnt trying to be rude either I was just extremely upset because of the video I saw on here and it boiled my blood to see such savagery which could have been avoided if we deal with the real problems first. i just feel bad for the families who god forbid saw that. forget taxes for get republican forget democrat... it seems the world has forgotton how to be human.

There needs to be a complete overhaul of the tax system, cause kerry doesnt seem to have a very good plan either. actually he doesnt seem to have any plan but thats the frustrating part...where is this country going.

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It's This Simple...

If You Get Up And Go To Work Everyday And Don't Need Hand Outs From The Government You Are A Republican...

If You Enjoy Giving All Your Hard Earned Money To Those Who Don't Work Then Vote Democrat

what is your answer for all those people who don't have jobs? the ones who are less furtunate?

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what is your answer for all those people who don't have jobs? the ones who are less furtunate?

people need to humble themselves and take jobs that they feel are beneath them.................if you willing and able to work there is work out there, it may not be what you want but its there................problem is some lazy ass mother fuckers would rather sit home and collect a check watching opra then work................and thats what pisses me off!!!!!

i dont believe in "less fortunate people" unless your speaking of disabled, but other than that for the most part we are the masters of our own destiny and if you think other than that than your a weak-minded individual who feels the government owes you.........basically a democrat...........LOL.....J/K SOMEWHAT

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people need to humble themselves and take jobs that they feel are beneath them.................if you willing and able to work there is work out there, it may not be what you want but its there................problem is some lazy ass mother fuckers would rather sit home and collect a check watching opra then work................and thats what pisses me off!!!!!

i dont believe in "less fortunate people" unless your speaking of disabled, but other than that for the most part we are the masters of our own destiny and if you think other than that than your a weak-minded individual who feels the government owes you.........basically a democrat...........LOL.....J/K SOMEWHAT

so your answer is to tell all the homeless to get a job? You could win office with that platform.. Brilliant!

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"If you believe that government should be accountable to the people, not the people to the government," he said, "then you are a Republican! If you believe a person should be treated as an individual, not as a member of an interest group -- then you are a Republican! If you believe your family knows how to spend your money better than the government does -- then you are a Republican! . . . If you believe this country, not the United Nations, is the best hope of democracy in the world -- then you are a Republican! And . . . if you believe we must be fierce and relentless and terminate terrorism -- then you are a Republican!"



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U have got to be kiddin me...that has to be THE MOST IGNORANT THING i have personally heard ever...do u know how the economy works..or do u think that money just appears out of no where for countries...Im not trying to insult u or anything but please can u tell me one thing. bush tax credit as much as u would like to believe is for u, its not, its for people who make over 200,000 a year first of all. second, if the richest are getting the tax credit than who is paying for the war that was ging to cost us 80 million then a billion now its on track for countless billions on contracts that were never bidded on...and the law says no public contract can be given out without bidding and what happens when u keep spending the money u dont have...deficit for our future generations and eventually a colapse of the economy...forgot about russia what happened to them... My friend its u and I who are paying for that and so will our kids. Its the money u and i slave for all day at ur job thats paying for it...and u want to talk about paying high taxes. Not to mention that 9-11 was because of bin fucking ladin not sadam how can anyone justify having 2000 troops looking in afghanistan which is bigger than iraq looking for bin ladn and about 150,000 in iraq..if u can convience me that sadaam was a bigger danger than bin ladin... I will pay ur next years taxes for you.... I have friends in the army and they themselves say bush is a retard. and we did not need to be in there... granted sadaam needed to be removed but he wasnt the immidiate threat... but kudos to bush for brain washing the whole country and making them believe that its sadaam that needs to be removed...when was the last time u heard about bin ladin...and I bet u he will continue to play the security card to win this election and unless people open their eyes he will......Its not about republican or democrat its about the truth and freedom thats what america is all about and right now its not we are considered occupiers in iraq and to top it all off all the aligations made have not been proven.. it went from weapons of mass destruction to al qaida which was never in iraq and now it is.... if you are a republican good for you but use ur brain dont be a retard and make stupid statements. explain that to the families that have lost people in iraq and continue to...Bush has created a global problem and this is just the start if bush gets re-elected which i think he will we are in deep SHIT! and im not endorsing kerry either im just stating the situation we are in. :ghey:
Ok First I will start by saying The richest 1% pays over 50% of the Taxes and I believe the richest 2 or 3% Pays 80% Not exact but close facts. So let me ask you when the country gets tax cuts wouldnt it make sense that most of it goes to the Rich?? Ok let me ask you this too - how many poor people have given you a job? When the Rich get Richer it creates jobs. Regan proved that.

Another thing - since you are so intelligent I would assume that you would know that communist Russia failed because of income displacement. Why be a successful Doctor when you can make the same doing nothing. People work hard to get ahead in this contry - why penalise them for doing it. I am all for Flat tax rate and I am not Rich.

The Leaders of terrosist sponsored nations are potentially more dangerous then Saddam because they have the resources to make WMD. Thanks to Clinton N. Korea has weapons now. Iran just told the Useless N or (UN) that they are going to start there weapons program again. When the time comes the world is going to be happy that every country surrounding Iran is U.S Backed. Everyone says Bush lied about the WMD in Iraq - If that is so then Clinton lied in 98 and John Kerry (Flipper) lied when he was campaigning for senate. He said " If you do not believe Saddam is a threat then you should not vote for me". This week he feels different , who knows how he will feel when he is president. - I dont really have time to talk about it all but write your concern and I will rebut.

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so your answer is to tell all the homeless to get a job? You could win office with that platform.. Brilliant!

never said I wanted to be a scumbag politician asshole....................read what I wrote, I mentioned nothing about the homeless and you just threw that in to make your point so good, nice try..............I was speaking of the welfare recipients that sit HOME and collect money and watch tv!!!

next time you respond to me, read my fucking post or dont bother!!!!

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never said I wanted to be a scumbag politician asshole....................read what I wrote, I mentioned nothing about the homeless and you just threw that in to make your point so good, nice try..............I was speaking of the welfare recipients that sit HOME and collect money and watch tv!!!

next time you respond to me, read my fucking post or dont bother!!!!

sticky has a great point to many people cheat and abuse the system it makes me sick

my aunt for example is an elementary school teacher in southern california, in a particulrly lower class city, primary mexicans. She told me that about 90% of her students are on the free lunch program. Their was an incident the other day where one of the students took there free lunch (which we as taxpayers pay for) through it in the garbage and wasted it because his mother brought him a happy meal from McDonalds which he wanted more. Well first of all if you can afford happy meals for lunch you should not be on the free lunch program. And secondly, dont take your free lunch and throw it away you could save it for somebeody else. what people do in this world makes me sick!

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my take on the homeless:

also let me add that mabey you see a homeless person and feel sorry for them where as I see them and see someone who squandered their life away on drugs, alcohol or maybe even gambling because that is the majority of them....................with the exception of a select few who were forced there............and FYI there are shelters in plenty of cities where the homless reside that allows them to sleep and be fed with the provision that during the day they are not allowed in the shelter-so they can look for work to be gainfully employed!!!!

there are possibilities for everyone without having to suck my tax dollars out of my pocket!!!! so again read and post from your brain not your heart cause I feel no sympathy......

My older brother chose to smoke crack and live on the streets and he grew up in a wealthy family in Montville.........his fucking choice to be where he was so please I have a strong opinion on this!!!!!!

get help and get a fucking job

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my take on the homeless:

also let me add that mabey you see a homeless person and feel sorry for them where as I see them and see someone who squandered their life away on drugs, alcohol or maybe even gambling because that is the majority of them....................with the exception of a select few who were forced there............and FYI there are shelters in plenty of cities where the homless reside that allows them to sleep and be fed with the provision that during the day they are not allowed in the shelter-so they can look for work to be gainfully employed!!!!

there are possibilities for everyone without having to suck my tax dollars out of my pocket!!!! so again read and post from your brain not your heart cause I feel no sympathy......

My older brother chose to smoke crack and live on the streets and he grew up in a wealthy family in Montville.........his fucking choice to be where he was so please I have a strong opinion on this!!!!!!

get help and get a fucking job

Agreed - Homless is a terrible problem. I hate When people say oh what should he do get a job at Mcdonalds making min wage. Well uhhhh Yes exactly - That is what a person should do. But why work in a job like that when you can make almost the same on welfare. Look at the Min wage jobs as a starting place and go from there. There are so many oppertunities in this country
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If All politicians lie most of the time...why are we debatin and makin our decisions on lies...it seems like is alla big gamble to me...and i guess its more sensible to have a wait and see attitude, and judge people on their record of actions...after all anybody can say positve things to convince u to vote for them, but are they GONNA follow though once elected???

and the president doesn't make all his decisions by himself, hes has his entire ADM, speechwriters etc that advises him on the best actions they feel he could take....So in this sense the prez takes the role of a puppet....things to think about....

Alot of Poloticians are corrupt on both sides BUT give me a promise that bush made that he has not kept or tried to keep.
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my take on the homeless:

also let me add that mabey you see a homeless person and feel sorry for them where as I see them and see someone who squandered their life away on drugs, alcohol or maybe even gambling because that is the majority of them....................with the exception of a select few who were forced there............and FYI there are shelters in plenty of cities where the homless reside that allows them to sleep and be fed with the provision that during the day they are not allowed in the shelter-so they can look for work to be gainfully employed!!!!

there are possibilities for everyone without having to suck my tax dollars out of my pocket!!!! so again read and post from your brain not your heart cause I feel no sympathy......

My older brother chose to smoke crack and live on the streets and he grew up in a wealthy family in Montville.........his fucking choice to be where he was so please I have a strong opinion on this!!!!!!

get help and get a fucking job

how about the mentally disturbed people whop are living on the streets. they make up 40 % of the homeless.

stiff alot are druggies & alcohol thats after there on the streets already!

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how about the mentally disturbed people whop are living on the streets. they make up 40 % of the homeless.

stiff alot are druggies & alcohol thats after there on the streets already!

If you go back to one of my previous post I believe I did mention "with the exception of the disabled"..........

com' on Im not that heartless.............

Oh and for the record I almost always give change or even a dollar or sometimes a fin to those poor homeless bastards!!!!!


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All you had to do is name 1 or 2. Too hard?

just 1 or 2...

how bout he was against the homeland security department.. then he changed his mind and was for it.. he was against the 911 commission then for it.. promised there would be not deficit, then created the largest in American history.. promised he was against the Mccain-Freingold Bill in the 2000 GOP primary, tried to kill it in Congress and when he saw he couldn't he signed it when it passed.. Bush promised the war in Iraq would cost 3 Billion dollars.. try 87 Billion and counting..

you need more broken promises?

give me 2 promises that he has lived up to

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come on.. the guy promised he was against nation building and new military entanglements in his 2000 campaign.. look what we are doing in IRAQ.. didn't live up to that promist..

He said the war on terror couldn't be won.. then a month later.. he promised it could be won..

the man declared himself a war president on Meet the Press. then in another speech in Iowa promised nobody wants to be a war president and said he was a peace president..

He has not lived up to his promises about N. Korea, Clean air restrictions, protecting the social security surplus, tobacco subsides and the level of assistance to Africa (aids) just to name a few more..

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give me two promises that any politician has TRULY lived up to in its original form of promise.......................they say what they think we want to hear to get themselves elected...................as men we do the samething when we are trying to get laid!!!!!

great point.. I'm not arguing that any other candidate or president has been better.. but someone tried to state that Bush has kept all his promises.. and thats just not true..

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give me two promises that any politician has TRULY lived up to in its original form of promise.......................they say what they think we want to hear to get themselves elected...................as men we do the samething when we are trying to get laid!!!!!

Bush defintely has Kerry in the laid department.. he's defintely banged more bitches then he has..

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