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"RAW" @ 169 Oct. 9, 2004


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Guest gabo
gracias to those that came!! you all know who your are ;)

they luved our beats and have set up a meeting with us to return in november :bounce:

stay tuned for the Thanksgiving Good Drive party and for LUSH in Tribecca :rock:

any pics of what my lame ass missed?
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gracias to those that came!! you all know who your are ;)

they luved our beats and have set up a meeting with us to return in november :bounce:

stay tuned for the Thanksgiving Good Drive party and for LUSH in Tribecca :rock:

sorry i couldnt make it, i was away... hopefully you all had a blast... whens the next shindig~!? (and also were you serious about throwing a charity party~!?)

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glad to hear it went well Al

i was at the beastie boys concert and then had to go to Crobar to see some ppl...

best of luck with the future gigs..

oh and nice meetin ya friday :pint:

it was a pleasure andy!! friday was fucking SICK! who was the guy that opened up for lee?? he was playin some cool tech house and electro!! hopefully i will see u at your bday this weekend! :bounce:

yea it went pretty well.......cant really promote a 3 hr party :laugh:

but the owner loved the tunes and is having us back in november! :bounce: stay tuned...

yes marko...the charity party is gunna be a reality.....details to come!!

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i dont know, but lets figure it out... you wanna do this for charity youre saying right~!?

exactly......so pretty much all u have to do is tell people to come with canned food, turkeys or whatever. kahn and myself will provide the venue and the beats. all the food will be donated to a soup kitchen somewhere in the city.....i havent decided which one....but preferably one near the venue so we can hand out flyers by it, and once all the food has been collected we can take it over to them. im gunna look up in the phonebook today to see if i can find one....we should know whats going on by tomorrow cuz we are looking into a few places to do this. we want the venue owner to donate something to the charity as well.....perhaps a monitary donation to a local charity.

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yo however you guys wanna help will be much appreciated! its gunna be fun and it will all benefit the hungry in the city during the holidays!

was also thinking of a food and toy drive for christmas...

i remember SF having a toy drive with Junior Vasquez a while back....should be a pretty cool idea as well :bounce:

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I had a fun time on Sat... Al & Jessie took us on a journey from deep to souful to tribal. 169 was a cool little venue. The sound was much better than I expected. Once Al & Jessie were off, the crew from Boston played some quality tech house, so it was really an education on most forms of house. Definitely come to Al's next gig if you haven't caught him yet...

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I had a fun time on Sat... Al & Jessie took us on a journey from deep to souful to tribal. 169 was a cool little venue. The sound was much better than I expected. Once Al & Jessie were off, the crew from Boston played some quality tech house, so it was really an education on most forms of house. Definitely come to Al's next gig if you haven't caught him yet...

thanks for coming kev! appreciate the support!!

yo how was holden!?!?! coudlnt go...went to sleep at 8pm last night like a herb :(

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