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John Kerry fucks up again

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1/ It was 5 minutes - Time it. Just cause Micheal Moore said it was 7 dosent make it so. And he was told like the rest of the world thought - the first plane was an accident. What was he going to do change in a phone booth and fly to NY with his a big red cape???

2/Recession + 911 that was the problem. If it was just the recession we would be out of it already. I am a business owner and I went 3 months with barely any business after 911. I guess if your Theory on Chimps is true Kerry will do a good job.

3/President Clinton signed a regime change for Saddam Hussein in 1998 - Yes people your Hero wanted Saddam out way b4 Bush - Bush was able to do it because of the political climate change after 911. So I guess Clinton is guilty of Wanting to be a lieing war president too.

4/I didnt realise Osamas Family had magical Dialisis machines. Our best Hospitals cant do some of the things he is doing with the damn machines but I guess thats because we are dumb americans. Special forces are after Al queda - We Can not put 150,000 troops in Pakistan to look for Osama - I think the Pakistani president would frown on that.

Here is your Fith grade lesson - Pay attention

1 - Camp david / Air force one and other spots the president resides are fully equipped offices that the pres can work at. It is not unusual actually its more likely that a president is not at the white house. All presidents including Slick Willy spend much of there time outside of washington.

2 - The "headlines" did not say Osama was going to attack a building with a plane. Osame was always percieved as a threat but not as dangerous as he turned out to bo otherwise Bill clinton would have taken him into custody when offered.

3 - Bush family is in the oil business so it would make sense that they have connections with Saudis as well as other oil producing nations. What I find funny is that The Bush family wants to drill in Alaska which would allow us to cut the Saudis off - But the Liberals do not want to do that. So If Bush was in the Pocket of the Saudis why is he trying to cut them out of the oil trade with the U.S??

4 - Iraq is a known sponsor of terrorism. Saddam gives money to terrorists families that kill innocence. Again Bill Clinton and George Bush both agreed at some point that Saddam needed to be removed, for that matter so did Kerry. Saudis were hijackers and the way to deal with them is to drill our own oil and cut them off - Maybe the libs are in bed with them?? Oh by the way since you get your Info from Moore - Little side note what Moore dosent tell you is that the Taliban came to the white house during th Clinton administration Not Bush.... Hmmmmmm

Finnaly - Isreal has a better intelligence community then we do - that plus there country is smaller then most of our states making it easier to pin point where the attack will be. Maybe if John Kerry stops voting for intelligence cuts we will get it right. Oh and one more thing about Iraq - we found the blue prints to schools in Iraq from a man who father is a known Al Quedq member but I thought there were no terrorist in Iraq. According to you Dems Iraq is the only terrorist free country well until we go there.

Now Tell me Why John Kerry is so good - do you know anything about his record?? Probably not - it wasnt in Micheal moores movie so why would you?

i cant really take the time to reply to all of this right now bc i have school in a little bit.. BUT it seems like you are trying to make a lot of excuses and pass the buck off onto clinton..

ok yeah somebody in iraq might've had the blueprints to a few schools in america... but you have to realize al queda has people in EVERY country... do you justify bombign the hell out of italy because some dude in italy has blueprints to giants stadium??? no you dont...

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