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Wanna Dance Hip Hop... Where in the City

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My cousin is in town from Cancun.... She is a choreographer and she wants to dance hip hop and see any new dance steps she can incorporate in her routine. Please give me suggestions what clubs are good? any good dance studios? She will be here until 11/2/04.

Thanks a million!!!

Maybe there are websites that can help me... Please advise...

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wurd this city is full of hip hop clubs and spots but if your llooking for awesome dancers then i suggest you check out SHELTER on sat nights sun afternoons(only). All the best dancers in nyc are there, form breakers,to pop and lockers, to choreographers,to house dancers,wackers,jackers,caporeira,ballet, and peope who just love to dance. Its all love in that spot get there around 3am and stay till closing at 12pm to get the full experience. Also the HOUSE DANCE CONFERENCE@demerarras which is the first thursof every month simply the best dancers go there house on the main floor and hip hop in the basement

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