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NY question


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im thinking commute since manhattan is super expensive

just a quick overview:

(a few cities outside of nyc worth living in but not limited to just suggestions)

williamsburg approximately 1500 for 1br or spacious studio...

lic- 900-1200 for 1br

fh-900-1300 1br


sales taxes are about 9%

taxis: Initial fare.............$2.00

Each 1/5 mile (4 blocks).$0.30

Each 1 minute idle.......$0.20

Night surcharge..........$0.50 (after 8pm until 6am)

Additional riders........FREE

subway= approx. 2.00/express 4.00

pizza average 2.00 a slice

groceries- (1person) 300-400 (if you pig out...)

average breakfast from a deli m-f= 5.00

gourmet breakfast 10-12

average lunch from everyday spot approx. 10

gourmet $20

average dinner 1person (m-th) 15-30...

really good dinner 1 person (m-th) 30-60...

car parking average 25 for the day in the city westside/fin.district. more towards central/midtown/UES...

rental of a garage in the outskirts of the city - 50-150 a month varies...

mixed drinks in clubs $7-12

beers - $4-7

gas 2.40 a gallon

1litre absolute $25

clothing varies on style, but marked up depending on where youre buying it from... dont buy shit on canal its prolly fake, youre not getting a deal...

gym memberships: 20-150 a month...

average salary for most industries by location:


but these are all rounded either up or down, and you have to use your descretion, if your minimalistic, or a lavish royce wanna be is strictly dependant your lifestyle and habits and if you want something bad enough theres always a way to get it or get there... if you have any questions or if i was too vague drop me a p.m...

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just a quick overview:

subway fare - 2.00

pizza average 2.00 a slice


did you know that subway fares and the cost of a pizza slice are linked? lol somebody told me that stupid fact

anyways.. i made the move from boston to nyc almost four years ago.. i will admit that it takes a while to get over the sticker shocks! but as long as you know what you are getting into and prepared! you can do it. lol i was even stupid enough to move here sans a job! (the goal: to land a job in fashion) and luckily i did within a week of my new address.

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Rent - $700month x 12months = $8400 that is cheap rent on a 1 bedroom.

700 a month on rent??? in NYC? youre dreaming. i was paying 1000+ when i lived in NYC and i was in a 2 bdrm.

i dont know about you guys but i dont think you could live comfortably in NYC unless you make over 55k a year. that is just my estimate. i could be totally off ;)

also, 55k is BEFORE taxes & medical. i dont know what your actual check would amount to every 2 weeks (maybe 1600???). probably not as much as you think.

even if you use one periods check for rent, phone, utilities, cable... your other check will still pretty much be gone with food, creedit card bills, traveling, living, going out.

nyc is one of the most expensive citys out there. I have a much better quality of living in LA for a lot less money.

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i sell gatorade and condoms by roosevelt ave. and hunts pt... i walk around like those guys at the ball games yelling "beer here" just instead of beer and peanuts i sell that shit... redstriped shirt and tray with straps, straw hat the whole nine...

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also, i wouldnt want to live outside NYC (Unless i lived in the suburbs in a house). i guess some places are OK, like brooklyn heights but i still wouldnt particularly want to live there & its not much cheaper than nyc at this point.

if i was going back to NY, i would definitely try to get another apartment downtown. youre not really in NYC unless you live in manhattan. just my opinion. besides when i lived north of the city, i spent 175 for a train pass and another 90 a month to park my car. i wasted about 3 hours a day commuting, if not more. its just a big hassle.

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queens/long island suburbs (like most suburbs) are very cliquey and most ppl know each or know of each other from growing up... very rarely do these ppl welcome new friends or outsiders... fears of taking their clothes and fuckin their women... you know the general malaise insecure townies possess... (speak from experience my neighbourhood is the worst, strictly old fucks, loonies, and kids who think theyre bad ass...)

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700 a month on rent??? in NYC? youre dreaming. i was paying 1000+ when i lived in NYC and i was in a 2 bdrm.

I was talking outside manhattan and giving the cheapest as well.

I live in a large Studio on Staten Island which if it had a wall it would be a one bedroom and pay $675 with Electric and Gas included. Very good neighborhood too. I kinda scored cause the Landlord is old, the house is paid for, and was not looking for a rediculous price.

If your talking Manhattan. My father had a 1 bedroom loft on 49th and 1st and paid $2400 a month 8 years ago.

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thanks for all the input...seems most people would be against a NY move unless you make 55-60k+. i guess im just going to have to check it out myself. not sure how easy it would be to find a suitable job there...that is really the biggest factor.

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wrong, dont let this false sense of being elite get to you, its really not that crazy... ppl come here with nothing and make something from themselves and some ppl come with everything and make nothing of themselves, if its what you want you can make it happen, if its just an idea or a thought maybe it should just remain that way... imo...

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