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So I'm gonna join the 21st century and finally pick one of these (or something similar) up. Any advice on what to get? (IPOD, Iriver etc) Also what's your opinion on gigs? I have an old computer (windows 98) and my entire harddrive is only 12 gigs so I can't phathom needing 40 gigs of music... Since I was planning on upgrading my computer anyway, I was thinking of just picking up one of these...


Any help would be appreciated...

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...i like the iriver the best......digital in and out is the shiznit.......live digital recording capability from the tuner is good ish......plus i heard it operates better as a portable hard drive than anything else out there........now i also hear creative labs is coming out with a product similar to the archos jukebox.......it's a 20gb player but with embedded software that utilizes windows media.......it has a small screen, nearly 4 inches and two small joysticks....you can watch divx, listen to tunes, use it as a photo album etc.......nice little toy.....about $400 right now......i'd get 30 - 40gb iriver if i were to get anything......gotta leave yourself some room to grow.....

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i have an iriver and i love it... it's 20 gigs.. but i think i can only put 18.5 gigs on it or something.. it's cool, but honestly it was a waste, nice storage space, but for the purpose of listening, i dunno... i listen to the same few albums, and only listen to it on the subway... and if i'm giving music to my friends.... but i still haven't even put a whole lot on it... have tons of music, well over 20 gigs, and have only put about 8 gigs onto it..

my dad just won the 15 gig dell one from some dell seminar yesterday....

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...i like the iriver the best......digital in and out is the shiznit.......live digital recording capability from the tuner is good ish......plus i heard it operates better as a portable hard drive than anything else out there........now i also hear creative labs is coming out with a product similar to the archos jukebox.......it's a 20gb player but with embedded software that utilizes windows media.......it has a small screen, nearly 4 inches and two small joysticks....you can watch divx, listen to tunes, use it as a photo album etc.......nice little toy.....about $400 right now......i'd get 30 - 40gb iriver if i were to get anything......gotta leave yourself some room to grow.....

If it came down to it you could remove stuff though right?

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If it came down to it you could remove stuff though right?

....yes......think of it as an external hard drive that has click and drag operation......that's all these things really are....it really comes down to utility as well....why are you buying it?......i spend a lot of time in my car and travel a decent amount during the year.....it's good to have something portable like that to tote around......right now, i get by with a small mp3 player for the gym but i've expanded the memory so that it holds a few albums.....this way it's not my "entire" library and it wont cost me too much if it breaks or gets stolen, etc........

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It's nice but is it worth the extra $100 for what I'm gonna use it for?

...you never did say what youre going to use it for?.....home, auto, travel?.....and who says you wont expand later if you get a new pc and/or start downloading more music?......i always say with technology that you buy up not even or below........

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...you never did say what youre going to use it for?.....home, auto, travel?.....and who says you wont expand later if you get a new pc and/or start downloading more music?......i always say with technology that you buy up not even or below........

I would use it for all of the above. As it is right now I download plenty of music but 20 gigs is enormous. All I really wanted to do was download new sets to it and get them off my comp harddrive. From there if I really liked a particular set I would burn it to CD and if i didn't I'd delete it... I really wouldn't use the FM tuner as I almost never listen to radio as it is...

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i have an ipod. i wouldnt want anything else. i guess i am just used to this one though. before i bought this one i looked at a bunch of others but it was a little before the iriver and that stuff was popular so the ipod totally had the market then & there was no real competitor. i love my ipod...

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I would use it for all of the above. As it is right now I download plenty of music but 20 gigs is enormous. All I really wanted to do was download new sets to it and get them off my comp harddrive. From there if I really liked a particular set I would burn it to CD and if i didn't I'd delete it... I really wouldn't use the FM tuner as I almost never listen to radio as it is...

........sounds like you made up your mind before you even started this post......lol......i hear ya but like i said, i always buy up when it comes to technology because it affords you a bigger window of time before you have to upgrade/expand in the near future.......you think 20gb is huge but just look at flash and secure memory.......shit started at 16mb and 32mb.....theyve already got 1 and 2gb cards out there......good luck either way.......let us know what you pick up and how you like it.........

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