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what does "lol" & "lmao"mean?


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Originally posted by misskittie:

O really???? We will have to see about that!


Half the enjoyment is making sure "she" is quite happy. And I dont stop until she is....regardless of what happens to me.....Rolling over to sleep? Hah, dunno where that came from.




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Originally posted by myrlin:

Half the enjoyment is making sure "she" is quite happy. And I dont stop until she is....regardless of what happens to me.....Rolling over to sleep? Hah, dunno where that came from.

WHOAAAAAA there cowboy! How did this turn into sex??? lol I should have known with YOU it would...but rolling over to sleep?? Uh oh...Im an *all nighter*...haha

can u handle it?




"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

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Originally posted by misskittie:

WHOAAAAAA there cowboy! How did this turn into sex??? lol I should have known with YOU it would...but rolling over to sleep?? Uh oh...Im an *all nighter*...haha

can u handle it?


You misread my content, I met to say "Guys rolling over after? Hah not me" I was taught to do things right or not do them at all....=)

Hmm, dunno, it just turned this way I suppose, Must be cause Im very horny...LoL....

Talk like this scares away the shy types, haha.




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Originally posted by myrlin:

You misread my content, I met to say "Guys rolling over after? Hah not me" I was taught to do things right or not do them at all....=)

Hmm, dunno, it just turned this way I suppose, Must be cause Im very horny...LoL....

Talk like this scares away the shy types, haha.

Hmmm yea I was gonna say...I didnt picture you to be a "roll over boy". Esepcially since you always have massive amounts of energy. I bet you fuck like a rabbit on acid....hahahahahaha



"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

AOL = MadamKittE

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Originally posted by misskittie:

Hmmm yea I was gonna say...I didnt picture you to be a "roll over boy". Esepcially since you always have massive amounts of energy. I bet you fuck like a rabbit on acid....hahahahahaha

I just laughed out loud at work, hehe thank God my area is all techies, hehe.

I get no complaints, though its been a while **grin** And Im getting ancier every day ;p




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Originally posted by myrlin:

I just laughed out loud at work, hehe thank God my area is all techies, hehe.

I get no complaints, though its been a while **grin** And Im getting ancier every day ;p

Well....at least your not like a friend of mine. He NEVER got laid, so he cut a hole in his mattress and lined it with rubber and well....you can get the picture of what happened there! cwm27.gif



"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

AOL = MadamKittE

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Originally posted by wizard:

im pretty sure i've never once gotten an erection while experimenting with LSD, and i'd like to keep it that way.

Okay well you dont get the joke there! Nevermind..



"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

AOL = MadamKittE

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Originally posted by misskittie:

LMFAO= laugh my fuckin ass off

you get the point...

only if your ass gets fucked like tiggers over here lol..No Offence..its just this animation is begging it.....nothing personal again.. cwm32.gifcwm20.gifsmile.gifbiggrin.gif:P


Midnight is where the day begins


Bcem npuBET !

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