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Nov. 1, 2004

It's already started.

Remember four years ago? Remember the legions of lawyers flown in by the Democrats to challenge the legal results of George W. Bush's win in Florida? Remember how they tried to STEAL the election?

They're ready to do it again, in state after state after state. It's been reported that the Kerry campaign has assembled six so-called "SWAT" teams, units of lawyers and campaign officials awaiting Kerry's orders aboard fully fueled jet airplanes, all within 1 hour of each battleground state, ready to contest close election results. These vultures are more than willing to drag this election out as long as they can to try and force the results they want -- just like Al Gore tried to do in 2000.

Well, we've launched a MAJOR legal initiative to ensure the integrity of the vote over and against the Democrats' attempts at voter fraud.

It gets even worse. This year, the outright FRAUD being perpetrated by the Democrats and their cronies in groups like ACT and MoveOn.org is OFF THE SCALE. You've probably already seen the reports from "battleground" and other states:

In Ohio, they've got four counties where there are now more voters registered than they have 18 and over population. A lot of these newly-registered "voters" don't even have addresses. When the elections departments send the registration postcards out to them after they register, thousands of them are coming back undeliverable, all across the state.

Ohio's voter-registration rolls contain more than 120,000 duplicate names, and an untold number of ineligible voters, such as people who have moved out of the state. A review of the rolls by the Columbus Dispatch even found a murder victim and two suspected terrorists among the "eligible voters"!

In Michigan, Democrats have sued to force "provisional" ballots that are cast in the wrong precinct to be counted, anticipating that their supporters are the ones most likely to head to the wrong place to vote. Michigan Democrats delayed the suit for months and attempted to "railroad" it through the courts at the last minute. Imagine! People could vote as far away from their residence as they chose, utterly unknown to personnel at the polling place or to their non-neighbors. Other than fraud or double voting, what could be the purpose?

In Florida, election officials found 46,000 state residents also registered to vote in New York. The overwhelming number of double registrations were Democratic. The Orlando Sentinel also examined voting records from Florida, Georgia and North Carolina, and found that in more than 68,000 cases voters with the same names and dates of birth were registered in two states.

In Pennsylvania, reports indicate that the hyper-partisan Democrat Gov. Ed Rendell and the former Kerry campaign official he just put in charge of monitoring the state's election for problems such as fraud are working overtime to make sure that the votes of some 16,000 military voters aren't counted. As polls show roughly 75 percent of the military vote is likely to go to Pres. Bush, this represents a clear attempt to deny Bush as many as 12,000 votes in that state.

In Alabama, counties have a big backlog of last-minute registrations that were brought in by "outside" organizations, and discrepancies in the records have left officials unsure how many voters are actually on the rolls. Last week, the director of the office of voter registration resigned after she couldn't explain the discrepancies.

In Nevada, litigants supported with cash from the Democratic party went to court and tried to re-open voter registration when it looked like there weren't enough new Democrat voters registering.

In Illinois, members of the military received absentee ballots that failed to even LIST George W. Bush and Dick Cheney!

Democrat Party voter fraud is nothing new. In 2000 it was widespread. In at least two states, Wisconsin and Missouri, it tipped the electoral vote to Gore. Before it's over, we may well be able to take a lesson from the Afghanis on how to conduct fair and honest elections.

And when will it be over? That's where the legal wrangling phase comes in.

As veteran GOP media consultant Jay Bryant recently wrote, "Fraudulent registrations, provisional ballots, 'assisted' absentee voting and the fallout from 2000 (when, lets be clear about this, it was Gore who refused to accept the results and took the election to court) are building something resembling a perfect storm in which virtually no realistic Bush margin is likely to be safe from the challenges of hard-core partisan Democrat lawyers willing to end the 216-year history of deciding elections at the polling places."

Old style vote fraud of the Lyndon Johnson/Richard J. Daley sort was a blemish on the system, but it was, to put it in terms John Kerry ought to understand, rather like prostitution and gambling, a "nuisance" but not fatal. Even Richard Nixon understood this, choosing to accept defeat in 1960 rather than challenge the outright fraud in Illinois and Texas (as even President Eisenhower recommended) and throw the nation into the chaos of an uncertain outcome.

And now, we're at war.

The presidential outcome is expected to be very close, and voter registration fraud looks like it's about to become this year's "hanging chad". If so, it'll be an issue that the Democratic party can jump on to argue in the courts that the election was flawed.

After the horrific 2000 presidential election, new federal rules were supposed to ensure that registration lists were more accurate and current. Congress passed the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) in 2002, requiring every state to have a computerized statewide registration list that would be instantly updated with each new registration.

But 75% of the states failed to meet the new standards. And to top it off, HAVA's "provisional ballot" requirements (for people that can't prove they're actually registered to vote) will likely result in thousands of votes being in "limbo" as to whether they should actually count or not. The vast majority of these will come in as a result of the Democrat groups' efforts -- which means the Kerry campaign is already dead set on challenging election results across the country.

Once again, the LEFT is going to try to STEAL the presidential election.

We MUST stop them. And we have a PLAN to do just that -- but we need YOUR help NOW. Go Here Now.

The Democrats -- with their organized "crime operation" -- have enlisted tens of thousand of lawyers to try to justify their attempted THEFT. But rest assured: RightMarch.com is not sitting idly by. We have retained THE TOP EXPERT in fighting the liberals' attempt to steal this election. His name is Larry Klayman -- and he has prepared at least one STRONG lawsuit for OUR side, demanding that election officials use all possible means to insure that fraudulent voting does not occur!

This is the SAME Larry Klayman who, while running the conservative legal foundation "Judicial Watch" before he left to run for the U.S. Senate in Florida last year, succeeded in going to court to open the ballots in Florida's 2000 presidential election, and later PROVED that George W. Bush had WON the election, fair and square. Now, Larry is in private practice and his firm, "The Klayman Law Firm," is well positioned to assist RightMarch.com in preventing a repeat of the 2000 election mess.

For example, with Klayman's expert assistance, we'll be demanding that ALL new voters to be reviewed against U.S. Postal lists to see if the post office even thinks they exist. Those that do NOT meet their standards should be subject to additional scrutiny.

In addition, our expert attorney Klayman will be ALL OVER the news, in the papers, on television and radio, explaining all of our strategies to help insure an ACCURATE vote count in the presidential election. Some of these strategies will include suing election bureaucrats who fail to protect the value of each vote by not preventing fraudulent voting. Klayman will point out to the public (who are sure to be bombarded already by the Democrats' line through the liberal media) all of the hundreds of thousands of clearly fraudulent voter registrations that have already occurred.

Larry Klayman has the guts and the fearlessness to do what needs to be done. In fact, he'll be on the ground in Ohio -- the "center of the storm" -- THIS weekend, during the election. From the filing of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, to filing voter lawsuits, to taking other legal actions, his firm will be a strong advocate to prevent the radical liberals in the Democrat party from stealing this election, not just in Florida but around the country. As you may remember, Larry was the only lawyer during the Clinton years to obtain a court ruling that Bill Clinton committed a CRIME. Not even independent counsel Ken Starr achieved this. And it's no "coincidence" that Bill and Hillary Clinton have not been out "campaigning" full-time for John Kerry most of this election!

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GOP is doing the same thing. whatever the outcome, i hope it doesnt end like last time with lawyers winning or stealing the elections. let the voters decide.

Hopefully, we will see some election reform in the near future. Either a total Popular Vote or a proportional Electoral College. Even though this means Gore would have been our President, I still feel it's the right way to do it.

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Democratic lawyers fight to allow people to vote . . . Republican lawyers fight for people to not be able to vote . . . wonder why?

please....spare me the "holier than thou" crap...the Demos are doing just as dirty tricks as the Reps...i agree with italia, we need elections reform...but not in the form of Popular vote only....

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Just count the lawsuits focused on loop wholes and see who filed them.

Surprise Surprise !!!!!!!

Thank God the courts are smart enough to overturn them.

Do everyone a favor and quote not only the date but the source of where you got your information? That would be beneficial to everyone (this article is so right slanted it's funny :laugh2:

But it's only natural that, after last elections problems, that the Democrats do such a thing. Heck, the Republicans would do the same thing if Gore beat Bush by a narrow margin :rolleyes:

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I take my time to research these things and now you want me to provide the info for you??? For what ??? To call it a lie. To call it a conspiracy ????Research it yourself !!!!!!!!!That's is prob one thing you have not done this whole election year.

Heres a hint

90+ lawsuits with 90% already being ruled in favor of the Secretary of States

In other words the Demz want the votings to be a free for all and the Republicans what rules to be followed.


Type in the word "Provisional Voting Lawsuits" in google and read away !!!!!!

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I take my time to research these things and now you want me to provide the info for you??? For what ??? To call it a lie. To call it a conspiracy ????Research it yourself !!!!!!!!!That's is prob one thing you have not done this whole election year.

Heres a hint

90+ lawsuits with 90% already being ruled in favor of the Secretary of States

In other words the Demz want the votings to be a free for all and the Republicans what rules to be followed.


Type in the word "Provisional Voting Lawsuits" in google and read away !!!!!!

out of those states, how many are battle ground? and out of those how many had secretary of states appointed by the incumbent governor and how many had their secretary of states elected by popular vote? how many of those states was a republican governor in office?

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I take my time to research these things and now you want me to provide the info for you??? For what ??? To call it a lie. To call it a conspiracy ????Research it yourself !!!!!!!!!

I've done plenty of research not only via newspapers and the internet, but also foreign news services. You realize you are dealing with an ex - moderator of this forum :)

And as far as asking for a source, it is a normal thing to do (such as bibliographies at the end of a report) TO GIVE IT CREDIBILITY. Don't assume i have an ulterior motive :rolleyes:

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GOP is doing the same thing. whatever the outcome, i hope it doesnt end like last time with lawyers winning or stealing the elections. let the voters decide.

why cant you accept the fact that Bush won the 00' election fair and square?? no one stole the election, the american people decided that Bush was to be their president.

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point is, last thing any side wants are the lawyers and the courts getting involved in this. no one wants chads being recounted, computers allegedly being found with viruses, computer votes not counted . . . it almost looks like we were in a third world country with "pregnant ballot boxes."

exporting free and democratic elections to iraq and afganistan and you can't even guarantee a fair and just elections here is pretty darn sad.

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point is, last thing any side wants are the lawyers and the courts getting involved in this. no one wants chads being recounted, computers allegedly being found with viruses, computer votes not counted . . . it almost looks like we were in a third world country with "pregnant ballot boxes."

exporting free and democratic elections to iraq and afganistan and you can't even guarantee a fair and just elections here is pretty darn sad.

finally agree with you on something.

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point is, last thing any side wants are the lawyers and the courts getting involved in this. no one wants chads being recounted, computers allegedly being found with viruses, computer votes not counted . . . it almost looks like we were in a third world country with "pregnant ballot boxes."

exporting free and democratic elections to iraq and afganistan and you can't even guarantee a fair and just elections here is pretty darn sad.

This is big but.....


these loops wholes which lawers are targeting need to be fixed !!!!!!

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why cant you accept the fact that Bush won the 00' election fair and square?? no one stole the election, the american people decided that Bush was to be their president.

He didn't . . . regarding the largest lawsuit Bush vs. Gore . . . Bush and the Republicans filed the law suit.

Interesting to hear all of the things going on today . . . voter intimidation at its finest . . .

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Ohio Papers Determined to Cover Polling Places, Despite Sec. of State's Ban

By Joe Strupp

Published: November 02, 2004 11:25 AM EDT

NEW YORK Despite a directive from the Ohio secretary of state barring reporters and photographers from polling places, some newspaper editors are urging staffers today to ignore the order and seek access to voting sites until they are ordered out.

"We are going to proceed on the assumption we will get in and will until we get thrown out," said Doug Clifton, editor of The Plain Dealer in Cleveland, who estimates that up to 50 of his newsroom staffers would be visiting polling places Tuesday in the hotly contested state. "They were getting in this morning [Tuesday], but not everywhere."

In addition, at least one paper -- The Columbus Dispatch -- has registered newsroom employees as election challengers so they gain access to polling places.

"We filed to be challengers because election officials said they would strictly enforce laws regulating who can be in polling places -- voters, poll workers and challengers only," Dispatch Editor Ben Marrison wrote in a column. "Dispatch staffers are registered as challengers for every precinct in Franklin and Delaware counties."

Marrison could not be reached for comment Tuesday morning.

The Dispatch opted for the challenger approach after Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell issued a directive on Oct. 20 to local election officials reminding them that state law prohibits anyone from entering polling places unless they are voting, monitoring the area as a challenger, or working as a voting official or witness.

The Akron Beacon Journal filed suit against Blackwell's directive, but that challenge was denied by U.S. District Judge Paul Matia on Monday. Newspaper attorneys were still discussing further appeals, but none had been filed as of Tuesday morning.

"The issue is the voter's right to privacy in the voting place," said Betty Hull, director of state advocacy for the secretary of state, who defended his actions. "He intends to fulfill his obligation to enforce the law."

Two other directives by Blackwell to bar exit pollers and registered challengers from polling places were blocked in separate court rulings within the last two days. Those court orders allowed challengers to be in the polling places and exit pollers to be within the 100-foot perimeter set by Blackwell but not inside the polling places themselves.

Carlo LoParo, Blackwell's press secretary, said the Dispatch registered staffers as challengers on behalf of a committee opposing a ballot initiative for a state constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. Despite the fact that the newspaper openly admitted the challengers would be there to act as journalists, he said the effort was considered legal. "If the committee is comfortable having individuals from the Dispatch representing them, that is within the law," LoParo said.

Some editors are instructing reporters and photographers to ignore the secretary of state's directive and get into the polling places if possible.

Mike Burbach, managing editor of the Beacon Journal, offered a plan similar to the Plain Dealer's. "We are going to try to get in, and, if they let us, we will," he said. "[Our reporters] have gotten into a couple of places so far, and we will do what we always have, show up and record the news."

But both Burbach and Doug Clifton emphasized that no reporters or photographers would disobey officials who ordered them to leave. "We will not defy the law," Burbach stressed. "But we will do what we have to within the law."

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Republican election suit rejected

A Republican lawsuit questioning Broward's voting rolls Monday was unsuccessful -- for now.



Republicans laid the groundwork for a possible legal challenge to the presidential election with an unsuccessful, 11th-hour lawsuit Monday questioning the accuracy of the voting rolls in Broward County, the most heavily Democratic county in Florida.

In an emergency court hearing that ended at 8:30 p.m. Monday, Broward County Circuit Judge David Krathen quickly ruled Monday night that the suit was groundless and he didn't want to ``micromanage the election.''

The emergency hearing, in a packed Broward County courtroom, harkened back to the litigious atmosphere that swirled around the 2000 Florida election.

Lawyers for Broward Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes and the Kerry-Edwards campaign argued that Snipes was already doing what the Republican Party of Florida wanted.

''This was a desperate measure,'' said Charles Lichtman, a lawyer for the Kerry campaign. ``It's a way for them to disrupt the process.''

The suit claimed that inaccuracies in Broward's voting rolls will raise the possibility of fraud and double voting today, when an estimated 500,000 Broward voters are expected to cast ballots.

The party also challenged Broward's poll-watching procedures, saying that Snipes hasn't allowed Republicans to adequately monitor the polls for people who are registered more than once, or who are ineligible to vote because they are felons.

''We haven't really seen the level of disparity in application of the law, or failure to follow it as we have in Broward County,'' said Hayden Dempsey, a former top aide to Gov. Jeb Bush, now heading up the Bush-Cheney campaign team of lawyers in Florida.

``In our experience over the last two weeks, it appears election laws and procedures have not been implemented on an even basis.''

Officials of the Republican Party of Florida denied that their lawsuit was designed to interrupt voting in Broward, and called the outcome a partial victory, despite the judge's ruling.

Snipes agreed to comply with their three main requests, said Mindy Tucker Fletcher, a senior advisor for the Republican Party of Florida. Those requests include giving Republican poll watchers access to the polls, taking their challenges seriously, and updating each polling place by 7 a.m. today with a list of people who have voted early over the past two weeks.

''Of the calls and affidavits we have taken in, they have been extraordinarily weighted toward Broward County,'' Fletcher said. ``It has been a significant source of frustration.''

Lawyers for the Kerry-Edwards campaign countered that Republicans could have pointed out potential problems with the voter rolls earlier in the elections calendar, and that Bush attorneys are resorting to last-minute legal maneuvering because they fear that the 2 million people who voted early in Florida are overwhelmingly Democratic voters.

''The Republican Party has concluded that they are going to lose the state of Florida, and they are taking any measure they can to disrupt this election and prevent Floridians, especially in this key Democratic county, from exercising their constitutional right to vote,'' said Steve Zack, Florida general counsel for the Kerry-Edwards campaign.

Broward's poll watching procedures already were under a microscope, even before Monday's lawsuit.

Snipes issued new rules Monday for poll watchers to follow for challenging a voter's registration status.

More than 2,500 people from both major political parties are registered as poll watchers at the county's 770 precincts, meaning that as many as three or four people could be in each polling place observing voters.

Snipes made it clear during a news conference that she feared poll watchers would try to discourage voters.

She urged voters to stand their ground and ask for a provisional ballot -- a way of voting on paper in the polls that allows the county's canvassing board to make a final determination on the voter's eligibility.

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Ohio Papers Determined to Cover Polling Places, Despite Sec. of State's Ban

By Joe Strupp

Published: November 02, 2004 11:25 AM EDT

NEW YORK Despite a directive from the Ohio secretary of state barring reporters and photographers from polling places, some newspaper editors are urging staffers today to ignore the order and seek access to voting sites until they are ordered out.

"We are going to proceed on the assumption we will get in and will until we get thrown out," said Doug Clifton, editor of The Plain Dealer in Cleveland, who estimates that up to 50 of his newsroom staffers would be visiting polling places Tuesday in the hotly contested state. "They were getting in this morning [Tuesday], but not everywhere."

In addition, at least one paper -- The Columbus Dispatch -- has registered newsroom employees as election challengers so they gain access to polling places.

"We filed to be challengers because election officials said they would strictly enforce laws regulating who can be in polling places -- voters, poll workers and challengers only," Dispatch Editor Ben Marrison wrote in a column. "Dispatch staffers are registered as challengers for every precinct in Franklin and Delaware counties."

Marrison could not be reached for comment Tuesday morning.

The Dispatch opted for the challenger approach after Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell issued a directive on Oct. 20 to local election officials reminding them that state law prohibits anyone from entering polling places unless they are voting, monitoring the area as a challenger, or working as a voting official or witness.

The Akron Beacon Journal filed suit against Blackwell's directive, but that challenge was denied by U.S. District Judge Paul Matia on Monday. Newspaper attorneys were still discussing further appeals, but none had been filed as of Tuesday morning.

"The issue is the voter's right to privacy in the voting place," said Betty Hull, director of state advocacy for the secretary of state, who defended his actions. "He intends to fulfill his obligation to enforce the law."

Two other directives by Blackwell to bar exit pollers and registered challengers from polling places were blocked in separate court rulings within the last two days. Those court orders allowed challengers to be in the polling places and exit pollers to be within the 100-foot perimeter set by Blackwell but not inside the polling places themselves.

Carlo LoParo, Blackwell's press secretary, said the Dispatch registered staffers as challengers on behalf of a committee opposing a ballot initiative for a state constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. Despite the fact that the newspaper openly admitted the challengers would be there to act as journalists, he said the effort was considered legal. "If the committee is comfortable having individuals from the Dispatch representing them, that is within the law," LoParo said.

Some editors are instructing reporters and photographers to ignore the secretary of state's directive and get into the polling places if possible.

Mike Burbach, managing editor of the Beacon Journal, offered a plan similar to the Plain Dealer's. "We are going to try to get in, and, if they let us, we will," he said. "[Our reporters] have gotten into a couple of places so far, and we will do what we always have, show up and record the news."

But both Burbach and Doug Clifton emphasized that no reporters or photographers would disobey officials who ordered them to leave. "We will not defy the law," Burbach stressed. "But we will do what we have to within the law."

ohio governor bob taft and the secretary of state, ken blackwell are republicans.

btw, FOX News was also against the meassures taken by the state of Ohio. they have an agreement with NBC, CBS & CNN to condunct exit polling.


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Republican election suit rejected

A Republican lawsuit questioning Broward's voting rolls Monday was unsuccessful -- for now.



Republicans laid the groundwork for a possible legal challenge to the presidential election with an unsuccessful, 11th-hour lawsuit Monday questioning the accuracy of the voting rolls in Broward County, the most heavily Democratic county in Florida.

In an emergency court hearing that ended at 8:30 p.m. Monday, Broward County Circuit Judge David Krathen quickly ruled Monday night that the suit was groundless and he didn't want to ``micromanage the election.''

The emergency hearing, in a packed Broward County courtroom, harkened back to the litigious atmosphere that swirled around the 2000 Florida election.

Lawyers for Broward Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes and the Kerry-Edwards campaign argued that Snipes was already doing what the Republican Party of Florida wanted.

''This was a desperate measure,'' said Charles Lichtman, a lawyer for the Kerry campaign. ``It's a way for them to disrupt the process.''

The suit claimed that inaccuracies in Broward's voting rolls will raise the possibility of fraud and double voting today, when an estimated 500,000 Broward voters are expected to cast ballots.

The party also challenged Broward's poll-watching procedures, saying that Snipes hasn't allowed Republicans to adequately monitor the polls for people who are registered more than once, or who are ineligible to vote because they are felons.

''We haven't really seen the level of disparity in application of the law, or failure to follow it as we have in Broward County,'' said Hayden Dempsey, a former top aide to Gov. Jeb Bush, now heading up the Bush-Cheney campaign team of lawyers in Florida.

``In our experience over the last two weeks, it appears election laws and procedures have not been implemented on an even basis.''

Officials of the Republican Party of Florida denied that their lawsuit was designed to interrupt voting in Broward, and called the outcome a partial victory, despite the judge's ruling.

Snipes agreed to comply with their three main requests, said Mindy Tucker Fletcher, a senior advisor for the Republican Party of Florida. Those requests include giving Republican poll watchers access to the polls, taking their challenges seriously, and updating each polling place by 7 a.m. today with a list of people who have voted early over the past two weeks.

''Of the calls and affidavits we have taken in, they have been extraordinarily weighted toward Broward County,'' Fletcher said. ``It has been a significant source of frustration.''

Lawyers for the Kerry-Edwards campaign countered that Republicans could have pointed out potential problems with the voter rolls earlier in the elections calendar, and that Bush attorneys are resorting to last-minute legal maneuvering because they fear that the 2 million people who voted early in Florida are overwhelmingly Democratic voters.

''The Republican Party has concluded that they are going to lose the state of Florida, and they are taking any measure they can to disrupt this election and prevent Floridians, especially in this key Democratic county, from exercising their constitutional right to vote,'' said Steve Zack, Florida general counsel for the Kerry-Edwards campaign.

Broward's poll watching procedures already were under a microscope, even before Monday's lawsuit.

Snipes issued new rules Monday for poll watchers to follow for challenging a voter's registration status.

More than 2,500 people from both major political parties are registered as poll watchers at the county's 770 precincts, meaning that as many as three or four people could be in each polling place observing voters.

Snipes made it clear during a news conference that she feared poll watchers would try to discourage voters.

She urged voters to stand their ground and ask for a provisional ballot -- a way of voting on paper in the polls that allows the county's canvassing board to make a final determination on the voter's eligibility.

but dead people who vote republican is cool!

oh God I hope they lose everything in FL. Betty Castor for Senate!!!

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