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Why we dont live in a Democracy (nothing to do with the election)

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Obviously bored today, i was looking for the answer to a question. Democracy means direct rule of the people... now in no so called democracy in the world is there a direct rule... So like the UK and most otehr contries of teh world.. the US is a republic... unless we want to re-invent the meaning of the word Democracy.

You may all wake up now smile.gif



Authority is derived through the election by the people of public officials best fitted to represent them. Attitude toward law is the administration of justice in accord with fixed principles and established evidence, with a strict regard to consequences. A greater number of citizens and extent of territory may be brought within its compass. Avoids the dangerous extreme of either tyranny or mobocracy. Results in statesmanship, liberty, reason, justice, contentment, and progress. Is the "standard form" of government throughout the world.

A republic is a form of government under a constitution which provides for the election of (1) an executive and (2) a legislative body, who working together in a representative capacity, have all the power of appointment, all power of legislation, all power to raise revenue and appropriate expenditures, and are required to create (3) a judiciary to pass upon the justice and legality of their government acts and to recognize (4) certain inherent individual rights.

Take away any one or more of those four elements and you are drifting into autocracy. Add one or more to those four elements and you are drifting into democracy.--Atwood

Superior to all others.--Autocracy declares the divine right of kings; its authority can not be questioned; its powers are arbitrarily or unjustly administered.

Democracy is the "direct" rule of the people and has been repeatedly tried without success.

Our Constitutional fathers, familiar with the strength and weakness of both autocracy and democracy, with fixed principles definitely in mind, defined a representative republican form of government. They "made a very marked distinction between a republic and a democracy * * * and said repeatedly and emphatically that they had founded a republic."

By order of the Secretary of War: C.P. Summerall,

Major General, Chief of Staff.

Official: Lutz Wahl, Major General, The Adjutant General.



A Democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of Government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that Democracy always collapses over a loose fiscal policy, always to be followed by a Dictatorship.

(Written by Professor Alexander Fraser Tytler, nearly two centuries ago while our thirteen original states were stillcolonies of Great Britain. At the time he was writing of thedecline and fall of the Athenian Republic over two thousandyears before.)


Did I say "republic?" By God, yes, I said "republic!" Long live the glorious republic of the United States of America. Damn democracy. It is a fraudulent term used, often by ignorant persons but no less often by intellectual fakers, to describe an infamous mixture of socialism, miscegenation, graft, confiscation of property and denial of personal rights to individuals whose virtuous principles make them offensive.

(By Westbrook Pegler in the New York Journal American of January 25th and 26th, 1951, under the titles "Upholds Republic of U.S.Against Phony Democracy" and "Democracy in the U.S.Branded Meaningless." ) .

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Wow, I didn't know the difference was officially stated, though I've always wondered!

Thanx, learned something new today!


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It has nothing to do with what you wear, how old you are or how you look.

Its all about the vibe!

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calling the US a democracy is correct, but insufficient. we are, as you point out, a republic. another term for republic is "representitive democracy." the confusion comes with the simplified term "democracy" which implies a true democracy. you are correct, true democracy is not the same as a republic, nor as a representitive democracy.

obviously i am bored today too. you also might want to look into the term plutocracy, the control of society by the wealthy, which is another applicable term for our republic. for a nader vs gore/ democracy vs plutocracy argument, see http://www.100fires.com/nader/nadervsgore.htm.

personally, i like to apply the terms media-ocracy or mediocre-ocracy to our nation. the first implies control by our news media, aka the gatekeepers of information, and the second implies rule by mediocre minds. both are interchangeable. wink.gif


i love music!

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Originally posted by sirdante:

calling the US a democracy is correct, but insufficient. we are, as you point out, a republic. another term for republic is "representitive democracy." the confusion comes with the simplified term "democracy" which implies a true democracy. you are correct, true democracy is not the same as a republic, nor as a representitive democracy.

obviously i am bored today too. you also might want to look into the term plutocracy, the control of society by the wealthy, which is another applicable term for our republic. for a nader vs gore/ democracy vs plutocracy argument, see <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.100fires.com/nader/nadervsgore.htm." TARGET=_blank&gt;http://www.100fires.com/nader/nadervsgore.htm.</A>

personally, i like to apply the terms media-ocracy or mediocre-ocracy to our nation. the first implies control by our news media, aka the gatekeepers of information, and the second implies rule by mediocre minds. both are interchangeable. wink.gif

Politics major by any chance? smile.gif

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Politics major by any chance? smile.gif

no. just an educated anarchist.

5000 years of law and order still hasnt resolved any of the social problems they were instituted to protect. theyve only served to give us a more humane way to be bullied.


i love music!

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Originally posted by sirdante:

5000 years of law and order still hasnt resolved any of the social problems they were instituted to protect. theyve only served to give us a more humane way to be bullied.

A VERY nice way of putting it... anarchist indeed... i think it's time for change, i also think the new generation will controbute to change more than any previous generation... but i guess people havebeen saying that for decades... but i realy beleive the time is right.. not just politics, but the way our day to day lives are lived.

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

A VERY nice way of putting it... anarchist indeed... i think it's time for change, i also think the new generation will controbute to change more than any previous generation... but i guess people havebeen saying that for decades... but i realy beleive the time is right.. not just politics, but the way our day to day lives are lived.

i know alot about politics, but i have no clue what to do *with* politics. i mean, its pretty much a waste of time to discuss what goes on in DC and elsewhere. the average person should concentrate on what they know best for the world upon which they can actually have an effect. for example, i could either lobby a politician to make the world a safer and happier place, or i can spend my energy promoting saftey and happiness around me. i think my energy is spent more efficiently when i do something myself rather than when i hope to have it done by some overlord.


i love music!

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