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Kerry Victory Would 'Profoundly' Affect World's Response to HIV/AIDS


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Kerry Victory Would 'Profoundly' Affect World's Response to HIV/AIDS, U.N. Envoy for AIDS in Africa Says

[Nov 02, 2004]

A victory for Democratic presidential nominee Sen. John Kerry (Mass.) in Tuesday's election would "profoundly affect the world's response to AIDS," U.N. Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa Stephen Lewis has said, according to the Toronto Star (Ross, Toronto Star, 10/30). President Bush last year launched the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, which is a five-year, $15 billion program that directs funding to 15 focus countries, including the African nations of Botswana, Ethiopia, Cote d'Ivoire, Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia; Haiti and Guyana in the Caribbean; and Vietnam in Asia. Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. John Edwards (N.C.) has said that he and Kerry want to double the amount of PEPFAR funding to $30 billion (Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report, 10/6). If Kerry is elected, some of the money could be used in countries that are not considered to be current focus countries under PEPFAR, such as Swaziland, Lesotho and Malawi, according to the Star. Lewis, a former Canadian politician and diplomat, said that the U.S. election is a matter of "mortal concern" for the people of Africa, and the Canadian position on HIV/AIDS would become "much more feasible" if Kerry becomes president, the Star reports.

Sexual Education Emphasis

Lewis also said that a Kerry administration likely would promote a "more realistic" approach to sex education by encouraging condom use as well as abstinence and monogamy, according to the Star (Toronto Star, 10/30). Bush believes that condoms are not always the best method to prevent the spread of HIV, and he and his congressional allies have supported funding for groups that promote abstinence, USA Today reported on Thursday. Kerry has alleged that Bush puts ideology ahead of science by requiring government-funded HIV prevention groups to point out condom failure rates in their education programs (Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report, 10/28).

Generic Drugs

Kerry also would permit the U.S. government to purchase and distribute generic drugs to treat HIV/AIDS, the Star reports (Toronto Star, 10/30). According to data from a draft Government Accountability Office report released on Thursday, the U.S. government currently is paying more than twice as much for many antiretroviral drugs for its global HIV/AIDS program as other international aid organizations. The report, which is based on a survey of antiretroviral drug companies, shows that because the Bush administration will not purchase generic forms of many antiretroviral drugs, it is paying higher prices than other international HIV/AIDS programs, including programs funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and the World Bank. The data from the draft report was provided to the media by Senate Democrats, who have criticized the Bush administration for not purchasing generic drugs manufactured in India. Public release of the report is expected after the Bush administration submits formal comments to GAO (Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report, 10/29).


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i would equally invite you to head out to the slums in Atlanta-which I bet you don't even know they exist- and see what sort of devastation AIDS is about to cause.

those in the NYC area can equally feel free to boggie on to the South Bronx, Harlem, and Bed-Sty and see for themselves as well.

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come talk to me when one of your family members is diagnosed HIV positive. then we will talk.

As I have stated MANY times, I am not w/ W on every issue. However, all the other "stuff" takes a back seat to the war on terror. I dont think Kerry can do the job. However, if Kerry is elected I hope that he pushes forward on the issues I find important-- pro-choice, stem cell research, equal rights for everyone, etc.

I am more of a Rudy G of Arnold type Republican but am w/ President Bush.

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i would equally invite you to head out to the slums in Atlanta-which I bet you don't even know they exist- and see what sort of devastation AIDS is about to cause.

those in the NYC area can equally feel free to boggie on to the South Bronx, Harlem, and Bed-Sty and see for themselves as well.

Actually, I live downtown in Atlanta so I have a better idea of what goes on than the suburb dwellers who live in Alpharetta and Vinings.

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but the war is not the only issue. it is the most important for many people, but different types of policies made by the adminstration today can and will affect everyone tommorow -be it democrat or republican.

in regards to HIV prevention in the US, funds for organizations providing direct services have been cut over 40% since the current people at the Dept. of Health and Human Services took office, at the same time infection rates have gone up among every...single...group out there.

Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, heterosexual, men, women, homosexual, lesbian, transgender, immigrants, conservatives, liberals, low SES, high SES, medium SES. you don't want to get to a situation where 50% of the living population of the country is affected by HIV such as Nigeria, then you will know, how costly treatment for this disease is, and how devastating it is.

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Exactly vicman

Seems like the republicans want to put all their eggs in one basket and devote most of their energy to the war on terror. Everything else is a far 2nd.

Kerry at least realizes the terror threat, but is also very much a realist in understanding that there's more to our country (and the world) than worrying about terrorists 24/7

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Exactly vicman

Seems like the republicans want to put all their eggs in one basket and devote most of their energy to the war on terror. Everything else is a far 2nd.

Kerry at least realizes the terror threat, but is also very much a realist in understanding that there's more to our country (and the world) than worrying about terrorists 24/7

As I admitted earlier, I have placed a premium on the issue of national security and who I trust. Additionally, I am a fiscal conservative and believe that Kerry's views about economics are borderline socialist.

Having said that, I agree 100% that HIV is an important piece of the global puzzle. Under normal conditions, I would place this issue very high on my list of priorities.

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Exactly vicman

Seems like the republicans want to put all their eggs in one basket and devote most of their energy to the war on terror. Everything else is a far 2nd.

Ding Ding Ding Correct !!!!!

Domestic issues are meaningless without security !!!!!!

Exactly vicman

Kerry at least realizes the terror threat, but is also very much a realist in understanding that there's more to our country (and the world) than worrying about terrorists 24/7

Ding Ding Ding !!!!! and that is one of his major problems !!!!!! He has yet to grasp the seriousness of these terrorist. He still wants to meet with World leaders to help him define "terrorist". Now that is some scary stuff.

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ding, ding, ding . . . and that where Bush fails, he is out of touch with the realities of life in the US for the normal middle class person (not to say WAY out of touch with those who live in povrety) and does not know their real life problems because his administration is too busy making a mess in iraq while osama hides in afganistan plotting more terrorist acts and recording home-made videos.

ding, ding, ding . . . obby you get a cookie!!!

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Ding Ding Ding Correct !!!!!

Domestic issues are meaningless without security !!!!!!

Ding Ding Ding !!!!! and that is one of his major problems !!!!!! He has yet to grasp the seriousness of these terrorist. He still wants to meet with World leaders to help him define "terrorist". Now that is some scary stuff.

Scary stuff is when one thinks that the greatest country in the face of the planet can't "walk and chew gum at the same time " as it pertains to security and domestic issues .

Ding Dong Ding Dong !! alert alert alert ....**.the war on terror is going to take much more years than you think (you prob think that by 2006 everything will be over), therefore that puts your Priority issue argument to the basket ..... We as a country have to live & prosper and move forward , and if not , then you can say that BIN LADEN has succeded in his mission to permanently change this country for the Worse .

I thought you we're the American all-mighty optimist ! ....very surprizing to see you so pessimistic in this respect .

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Ewwwwwwwww Mursa your wrong. (again). I have always agreed with you that this war will not be a short war but that still does not scare me away from winning. Strap on a pair !!!!!!!

Scary stuff is immigrants coming to this Country to be provided with what their Country could not provide them and seeing them trying to take advantage of the loopholes in our constitution. (don't get me wrong. My parents were immigrants but they appreciate what they US has given them and their sons.)

That's scary to me.

Scary to me is voting for someone who has yet to grasp what terrorism is.

Scary to me is knowing that our enemies are scared of Bush and his offensive strategy and yet still knowing that their will be some who vote for the individual who our enemies are hoping for to win these elections.

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