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I hope Bush


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oh relax...now you are gettin out of hand

Why? I've spoken to at least 5 different people who already put requests in for dual citizenships.

Sorry, but this nation is getting WAY too conservative 4 me. I'll go to Europe where the govt won't tell me who to marry, how to live my life, etc....

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yaaaay! the man who did coke in college, avoided the draft and waged a war in which his argument was Saddam is tied to terrorism and WPD (which never was proved) is the President :rolleyes:

okay so if everyone is accountable for what they did in college where would the world be~!?

i cant believe we gotta deal w this bastard all over again :gang::gang::gang::splat:

you dont have to deal with anything.. if you dont like it you can bounce... we voted, and a majority of ppl prefer having bush in office over kerry...

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if i ever try to run for office...CP archives would have to be destroyed....all the shit ive said on here...wow.....so he did coke?? so???? so he dodged the draft...for the 8 yrs before his term..we had a draft dodger in power..

i hate bush..i hate kerry....theyre both the same crap....its just the lesser of 2 evils

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how quickly ppl forget that according to the press clinton was a womanizing, pot smoking, draft dodger... yet b/c hes a dem its all gravy... please... mtv put out some more propaganda for us to absorb and follow like mindless drones...

one thing im happy about it i dont have to hear anymore asshole celebs telling me to vote, or pushing their pinko beliefs on me and saying how bad bush is... deal with it or move... our team won... go that way...

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how quickly ppl forget that according to the press clinton was a womanizing, pot smoking, draft dodger... yet b/c hes a dem its all gravy... please... mtv put out some more propaganda for us to absorb and follow like mindless drones...

one thing im happy about it i dont have to hear anymore asshole celebs telling me to vote, or pushing their pinko beliefs on me and saying how bad bush is... deal with it or move... our team won... go that way...


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i didnt vote for bush and its called freedom of speach so i can give my thoughts about him, its america remember??? and i dont like him, i would like my friends to come home from war , and hope they come back in one piece

okay so if everyone is accountable for what they did in college where would the world be~!?

you dont have to deal with anything.. if you dont like it you can bounce... we voted, and a majority of ppl prefer having bush in office over kerry...

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....the country will be relieved and better now that this is over....hopefully people like me will get past the frustration of not having their candidate win and take further steps to being involved in their community and its politics.....it's one thing to wake up and take one step, it's another to keep walking down that road.....i hope people dont fall back into sleep.......

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they volunteered to be there, thats part of their job description... soldiers go to war... i wouldnt become a car salesman, and then say "oh snap i gotta sell cars to be here~!?" wtf~!? i know its free speach but youre saying it like we are forced to have this president we voted and thats it... i wasnt trying to be a dick towards you...

and sayerge i resemble that remark, so just remember im coming for yah~!

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i didnt vote for bush and its called freedom of speach so i can give my thoughts about him, its america remember??? and i dont like him, i would like my friends to come home from war , and hope they come back in one piece

i sympathize with our soldiers..and wish them all a safe return...but no one forced them into the military. granted a majority of the military is made up of people who had no other route than that life...they still did choose it..even if sociolgical factors played a major role in their decision making process.

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y are u jumpin down my throat for??? no need to get so defensive geeeze :aaah:

they volunteered to be there, thats part of their job description... soldiers go to war... i wouldnt become a car salesman, and then say "oh snap i gotta sell cars to be here~!?" wtf~!? i know its free speach but youre saying it like we are forced to have this president we voted and thats it... i wasnt trying to be a dick towards you...

and sayerge i resemble that remark, so just remember im coming for yah~!

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yeha but people arent so damn dramatic about it like they r here. over there its like


here..people talk about it like its the end of the world...go to eastern europe and make 200 euros a mth..then come back and talk how bad the US is...bullcrap

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Why? I've spoken to at least 5 different people who already put requests in for dual citizenships.

Sorry, but this nation is getting WAY too conservative 4 me. I'll go to Europe where the govt won't tell me who to marry, how to live my life, etc....

I know that gay marraige ban is really pithing you off Thweetheart.


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yeha but people arent so damn dramatic about it like they r here. over there its like


here..people talk about it like its the end of the world...go to eastern europe and make 200 euros a mth..then come back and talk how bad the US is...bullcrap

....i'm not whole-heartedly defending these people....just saying that it's not just here.....it's even more interesting in countries like greece where there are domestic terrorists and ensueing (sp) actions like bombings and other acts of violence........and i dont think comparing is a fair argument....as much as it can give you perspective, one usually views their problems within the context of their "world" or "environment".....

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