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I hope Bush


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ID Rather have the idiot son of an asshole run this country...than a blue blood northeastern US socialite...who's idea of fiscal conservatism is chartering his WIFE's plane with US taxpayer dollars instead of one from outside sources

And GW DOESN'T do that for his wife Laura and both daughters?/?

yeah right :rolleyes:

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how quickly ppl forget that according to the press clinton was a womanizing, pot smoking, draft dodger... yet b/c hes a dem its all gravy... please... mtv put out some more propaganda for us to absorb and follow like mindless drones...

So is Bush, and probably anyone that ran for president!

But nonetheless, im upset that the Republicans made such a big deal about Clinton smoking pot, yet hardly anything has been discussed about Bush and his coke addiction

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I know that gay marraige ban is really pithing you off Thweetheart.


I knew someone would respond to my post interpreting it gay-ly, but didn't think it'd be you, darrel "wish i were a" G :rolleyes:

When one of your gay or lesbian kids wants to get married, don't complain about it ;)

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i love how all these ppl are talking about bouncing or talking shit about how the us sucks now... it's like shut the fuck up already ... if you wanna bounce, then bounce, don't talk your shit about how the states sucks now and you gotta leave....

Look, it's a normal reaction to be saying this stuff when someone's upset and depressed. I just see this nation becoming more and more conservative, and that's not how i want to live my life. If i consider moving to another nation b/c i feel this nations values are depreciating, i have a right to say and do as i please.

I may be saying it and i may be joking, but i never talked shit about the states... just the current president (which i can say whatever i want ;)-)

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And GW DOESN'T do that for his wife Laura and both daughters?/?

yeah right :rolleyes:

re-read the sentence again bucko. he charters Teresa Heinz's private jet plane. as in he uses tax money to pay for the rental of an airplane (like all pres. candidates do)...yet the money he doles out basically goes right back into his pocket...i hope it clarified it

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I knew someone would respond to my post interpreting it gay-ly, but didn't think it'd be you, darrel "wish i were a" G :rolleyes:

When one of your gay or lesbian kids wants to get married, don't complain about it ;)

Ok, have a Thmurfy day. ;)

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re-read the sentence again bucko. he charters Teresa Heinz's private jet plane. as in he uses tax money to pay for the rental of an airplane (like all pres. candidates do)...yet the money he doles out basically goes right back into his pocket...i hope it clarified it

yeah yeah chester

but we could go back and forth about each respective candidates illegitimate campaign dole's. Im sure Bush performs similar illegitimate economic loopholes too...

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Bush said it best the other night on TV....

"Kerry is the wrong man for the wrong job at the wrong time."

That's it in a nutshell IMO

Let Kerry run again and win 5 - 10 years from now. Right now we need a leader like Bush. Regardless of all the other shit that most people do not support in terms of Bush, he is the only one to get us through this war.

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