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Family & Holidays


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Anyone have probs with the family on holidays?? How do you deal with them?

i screen and dont return phone calls.......or if push comes to shove, i answer the phone like they called a pizza parlor.

but seriously tho, when it comes to family, i dont 'deal' with them, but cope...as much as we hate to admit it, we are a mirror reflecton of them..we just dont tend to see ourselves in the same light. i dont mind fighting with them from time to time.....gives me a sense of belonging.... i dunno if that made sense :half:

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I tend to avoid all holiday's except for christmas. That way i can use mass as an excuse to escape the bullshit, lol.

what usually works is being the last to show up and the first to leave. being there for a short time really puts the kibosh on any chance of unpleasantness, because they still miss you and you're still happy you saw them when you leave. :)

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sometimes its a lil overwhelming with all the ppl and kids trying to give everyone some of ur time. the only thing i dont like is the "y arent u married, or when are u gonna have some of these(kids)?

i want to bang my head into a wall when i get those questions considering i'm the only young one in my family not married, pregnant or engaged

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sometimes its a lil overwhelming with all the ppl and kids trying to give everyone some of ur time. the only thing i dont like is the "y arent u married, or when are u gonna have some of these(kids)?

yep, seeing anyone~!?, getting married soon~!? hows the market~!?, fix my computer~!?, what are you driving now~!?, Then Politics, Religion, Recent Movies, Dessert, Leave... somewhere between all that i yell "mother fucker i told i you i work at kinney shoes~!" and just walk over to the childrens table and goof around with them...

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lol im the debator, i'll sit there and if someone starts a debate with me, i will continue it for houuuuuuurs.

i just dont like the whole, "you know, you and him have been together quite some time, when are you two....."

good thing though, i volunteered as hostess when i was 7 and its been that way ever since. most holidays are at my house with my family, the rest of the family comes over. i manage to avoid most discussions/arguments/drama by putting out napkins, setting up the food, presents, dessert etc, however, its when we sit down to dinner where i want to rip my hair out

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loooooong ass time ago when i first got into the brokerage world i had to cold-call, and one morning i was calling missippi... and this irate man picks up the phone i go into my schpeel, and he stops me and says "are you a nigger, you sound like a nigger from new york..." and just hung up... i was like wtf was that... i rarely called there after...

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i HATE holidays! my family and friends tend to get all sappy and shit during the holidays and pretend that they like everyone and what-not. what's the point in pretending for a few days? i know you hate me, i sure as hell can't stand you - why fake it? :ghey:

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