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My Weekend - Friday and Saturday at Twilo

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Thanks everyone for another great weekend. Friday night was awesome. Want to say a quick hello to all the new people I met.

Satanus, Hugh (or shall I call you Brian Adams!!! LMFAO!!!!!), James, Myrlin are just a few of the guys that I met for the first time Friday night.

As for the girls:

Roxanne - Glad you sat down for dinner with us. Was nice to meet you in person.

Misskittie - You're nuts and I love it!!!

Jilly - No sweat about helping you out at Twilo...that guy WAS persistent! PS - Check your PM's

Misscognito - Wish we could have talked some more

It was a pleasure meeting you all and I hope to see you again soon!

Also thanks to Marcella for waiting up for me! I told you I wasn't gonna take long. wink.gif BTW, I LOVE those pants...GRRRRRRR!!!! Also to Zoya who joined me for dinner. Seems like you and I are always eating. What's up with that? smile.gif

And now for Saturday night.

A quick hello to Vejita, Crommy and the rest of the crew. Was nice meeting you all at the powerbar.

Resident - Sorry we didn't meet up. Next time!

Junior was playing an awesome set last Saturday. Too bad I was too tired to enjoy it. I only slept 5 hours from a wild 12 hour night on Friday. Luckily I didn't have to work Saturday morning but I still had to do my shopping, clean the apt, clean the aquarium, go to the gym, visit a friend in Brooklyn and then straight back to Twilo. I tried to save as much energy as possible for Junior's set but by about 8am I was struggling to walk. By 10am I could hardly move so I slowly made my way to a cab only to get a 4 hour nap! Wish I could have slept till today morning.

I’ll make sure to get enough rest for this Wednesday. I hear Junior will be playing all the classics going back to when he started at Sound Factory. Is anyone else going to Twilo this Wednesday? Let me know so we can plan a meet-up.




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Hey Mario!

I am glad you had fun in Twilo!

Did you get my PM today morning? My comp was going crazy in the morning so I am not sure if it went through... Anyway.. how comes I don't see your post in my Depeche Mode topic!!!!




I've told myself so many times before

But this time I think I mean it for sure

We have reached a full stop

Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"


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Sweety...it was a pleasure meeting you as well!!

We'll do it again soon- I promise!!

I don't even remember you leaving, and I was looking to say goodbye to you before i left- but you were no where to be found!! cwm13.gif

Thanks again for a great evening!! cwm4.gif



*~**~*~**~~ No man/woman is worth your tears... and the only one who would be- would never make you cry ~~**~*~**~*

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Originally posted by missincognito:

Sweety...it was a pleasure meeting you as well!!

We'll do it again soon- I promise!!

I don't even remember you leaving, and I was looking to say goodbye to you before i left- but you were no where to be found!! cwm13.gif

Thanks again for a great evening!! cwm4.gif

Uhm...I stayed there till the end. I didn't see most people off. One minute I was sitting in front of Rachel the next minute everyone was gone! Ooops!!!!

Amalkav - Getting to your post. Can't miss it!!! Also got your PM.




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Sorry guys! Was so busy trying to remember all the new people that I forgot to mention you.

And yes Rachel....Thanks soooo much for all the water and letting me pass out on you!!! LOL

Andy, Mike and Al...it's always always fun with you guys!

One little clarification - What I meant about Misskittie being nuts is in a totally positive way. She's a lot of fun to be with and knows how to have a good time! Party on girl...was nice to finally meet you!!!




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I absolutely had a blast on Friday. Ezdreamer, Shadowchaser, Shannah, Jill, Marty - y'all are da funk! Rachel - hope you had a good time... sure looked like you were! cwm12.gif

And everyone I forgot... sorry, the memory function of my brain had been incapacitated (gee, I wonder why... cwm12.gif ). So next time we meet up, just yell at me "Yo dummy, remember me!?".

The Saturday crew - I circled the Power Bar area around 3, is that where you were hanging out? I didn't see anyone familiar. Vejita and Mario - cool beans that you dig Vasquez also!

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Originally posted by ibhugh:

Mario, it was great hanging with you too bro. Thanks for the <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> </A> hookup. Wasen't thinking I was going out that night....

Brian Adams


Brian Adams!! Shit you cracked me up when those girls went in the bathroom and gave me such a DETAILED description of what might be going in in there. Complete with the sound effects.




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