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Euro lounge is HORRIBLE!!!!!


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LOL! Does the drug solicitation in that club promote class? This was the only club that I've ever been approached to buy...

are you kidding me?? that place is the last place i'd go calling a crack den, and if you really were approachted to buy shit there (which i honeslty doubt to begin with) and it was your first time then obviously you dont go out very much cause i get that just about anywhere i go...

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First off, I'm no liar. Secondly, I've been to clubs in NJ,NY,FL,LV, and the Bahamas and this is the first place I've been approached. But maybe I don't travel, and get out that much... LOL... I'd say the place is careless with who they let in, unaware of the drug solicitation, and sucks. We won't be going again.

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I promoted at Euro lounge when it first opened.

The owners want to be too involved in the promotional part of things and not let you do your thing.

The security and door guy are rude and nasty.

The place has the potential to be mediocre at best with a fantastic DJ and the right promo team. This cant be acheived though with the above mentioned problems so the place will continue to be a dump.

Promoting in someones club with no permission is BS, not like the owner at euro would have let you anyway.

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Please correct me if i'm wrong but doesn't "LOUNGE" mean a place to mingle, sit down, smoke and have drinks?? I didn't know Euro Lounge changed their name to Euro Club!

And, so what if the place is small..it is a "LOUNGE"!

Would that mean, the definition to your name is "close minded".

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Yeah it's a real Lounge, that's why cafe is at the end of it's name and that's why it's not even listed in the Lounge section of Club Planet, it's under Dance Club. LOL! The website promotes dancing, does it not? They don't show you the pea sized dance floor, but some big place to dance...looks like they bit that from a real "clubs" website. Have you tried Deko Lounge? There's room to dance there, but it's a lounge.

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Yeah it's a real Lounge, that's why cafe is at the end of it's name. The website promotes dancing, does it not? They don't show you the pea sized dance floor, but some big place to dance...looks like they bit that from a real "clubs" website. Have you tried Deko Lounge? There's room to dance there, but it's a lounge.

if you ever tried promoting at my club id take you out back and have a butch lesbian inmate who just got out of the cell to handle you. :bounce:

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