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company "holiday" party...


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Then you probably know where we went afterwards. The Gate House. They had some Latin night or something that night.

....oh god.......lmao......yeah, i lived in the condo complex next to there for about six months......they tore the gate house down....i dont know whats there now......i'll have to go and check it out....as well as hit paneras for a cinnamon crunch bagel.........:)

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so does ur company do anything for the holidays??? holiday luncheon, dinner, party???

my company does this extravegant party (everything is free and we can bring a date/friend) where we all get boozed up and act like we're all friends and the come monday no one remembers anyones real name...i personally havent gone to my company holiday party since 2000...this year my company has decided since the head count has gotten lower and lower each year they want to do a party in jan or feb...that way everyone is around for it...i still wont go...

Ours does, however I don't do company events.. I work with these stunads 50 hours a week.. I definately don't want to party with them on my own time:laugh:

But I'll be on a cruise during the party this year anyway :)

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