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Peter Gatien's email to me.

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So i cut and pasted this, thought all you sweeties might enjoy this, it was a hoot:

Hey mikey, how are yout, forgivem myt typing, you knwo i only have 1 eye, lol.

i'm really sorry about thatl wholee jail thingy, goood to see (lol) that you are off the dope. weel , not really, i'll spromise tyat i will supply you again if you help me build up TUnnel and Limelight again. Well., just limelight, i thinkk Tunnkll is gone.

we don't have to tell anyone (especiall not that bitch wife of mine), you don;t have to pay taxes, just pleawse help me. I checked out some of the pother clubs ingonito and i wanted to cry.

Everyonre looks like a life-sized action figure passed out in a k-hole.

Oh, mikey, rememenber when WEE used to give the kids there drugs? It was rainning X, REAL X.Rememner when we rode the MDMA train? Please give me a call.



don't dissapoint me, i don't wanna be sasd anymore.(



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mikey why are you being so mean to me .( did you already forget all the good times we had together? all the drugs we did. we need to put the past behind and focus on the future. together we can bring the disco 2000 days back. we could have done a long time ago if it wasn't for that asshole giuliani. ill have my people take care of him

best regards

petey .(

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Originally posted by rudy_giuliani:


Sweetie, let's not talk about the hummers you got in the engine room.

There's a reason we knew when the NYPD was coming, it was the feds that did us in.

Want a cocktail?



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okay boys. everone knows that rudy is weak and on his way out. ill help you take care of him and bring the old scene back if you vote for me. afterall i used to party at 54 too with a good friend of mine ron jeremy. does anyone know where i could find him?


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