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This pills are dangerous, me and two of my friends had to be rushed to the hospital friday night. Our heartrates were at 170 beats per min. The doctor told us if we had waited any longer we would of most likely been dead. We didnt mix these pills with any other drugs before you go asking. Secondly this is definitely not our first or second time trying pills. Like i said before I have never in my life gotten a pill this strong. Someone else that i know who took this pill, rolled off of it for more the 24 hrs, with periods of speediness and periods of hallucinations. Please watch out for these pills. This story is not bullshit if you wanna call the hospital ask me for the number and I will gladly give it to you



Four Simple Words To Live By....


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These pills were most like mda and speed. As i am writing this now I am still feeling some of the effects from the pills. We didnt test them cos they were bought from a good friend, who after finding out what happened all that he could say was that no one mentioned my name.



Four Simple Words To Live By....


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Ok I think I have enough.. I don't do drugs anymore. This shit just scares the hell out of me!! If even e-tarded was hurt...

I wanna know.. what did you say in hospital? And what did they do with you when they foud out what's going on???


I've told myself so many times before

But this time I think I mean it for sure

We have reached a full stop

Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"


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Its been pretty well known on this board that these CK's you took would do exactly what they did to you. I dont understand how you post around check pillreports.com and other sites but fail to check it yourself. If it was something new I could understand but people have reported that these things will keep you up for days. Feel bad for ya but practice what you preach.

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Even if my own girl gave me pills that she said were good, I would still look into them. It's not Advil. cwm1.gif The good thing is that you are here today and have joined the mass of people that say "Stay Away From Yellow CK" . I warned my neighbor about them when he told me he had one. He threw it away.

[This message has been edited by lowmazda (edited 11-20-2000).]

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im glad to hear that you are alright, that shit is fucked up ands one of the reasons why i stopped playing with that shit, not to say i wont do it again but its getting to risky with whats going on nowadays. if the gov't would just legalize and regulate this shit would stop happening. I belive that these fake pills are the ones manufactured in the u.s as opposed to isreal and russia. they should find these bastards and make them swallow there own batch of bullshit. sorry i had to vent but this has got to stop, and the govt really needs to focus on the true problem at hand


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"TO EACH HIS OWN" not sure by who but i like it

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro



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You should never try a new pill without investigating it first. these days you never know. There is no way that that pill was MDMA. It sux that you had to learn the hard way. Good thing you didnt have any permanent damage. cwm24.gif


~The poor long for Riches,

The rich long for Heaven,

But the wise desire Tranquility.~

*"The only good is knowledge. The only evil is ignorance."* Socrates

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hi smile.gif ....just had them this past weekend...took a half on Thursday night.... usually half doesn't do much for me....but this time I was stil rolling on Friday night...didn't sleep for 24 hours....I liked it....but it was a lil too much for me frown.gif .....be careful smile.gif



"I don't want you to love me........"

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Originally posted by p00h:

thats pma

Actually, its probably meth...sounds too much like it.

I believe PMA is similar to mdma in all respects except for the fact that its "weaker", ie, the amount of pma needed to make you feel as "good" as an average mdma pill will result in your body temp sky-rocketing and burning up your nervous system.


Raving is a state of mind.

It has nothing to do with what you wear, how old you are or how you look.

Its all about the vibe!

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I took those last weekend. They were strong but very pure to me. No stomach ach, no dizziness, no halusinations. Just that clean E feeling, did last a long time, but I could eat and chill-I never felt cracked out.

Maybe they were a different batch.



The music makes the people come together...

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Originally posted by amalkav:

Ok I think I have enough.. I don't do drugs anymore. This shit just scares the hell out of me!! If even e-tarded was hurt...

I wanna know.. what did you say in hospital? And what did they do with you when they foud out what's going on???

They actually treated me quite decent, but they treated my friend like shit, calling her a junky and a drug addict. They rammed a catheter tube up and and just treated her royally like shit. Please don't tell me thats what you get. Dr's arent supposed to let there feelings getting involved with there job. Basically what they told me was that if it was ecstasy it should of already been out of my system, which most educated users know.So they gave me some downers and just monitored my heart for a while. Most of the nurses came in and started asking me about the pills and what they were like. They also asked me to compare the feelings of mdma to another drug. Which i told them i couldnt really explain it. So i just gave them the medical definition.



Four Simple Words To Live By....


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this is so OLD news guys- dont you guys check out pillreports.com??

e-tard- DTA!!! dont trust anybod-eeeee!

i reported on them about a month ago- not tryin to be cocky but... cwm6.gif

cwm41.gif take care + b-safe PLUR!


U know Y???????

cause I got it like dat

Ya dumb crakk-heeeeead!

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