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idea's for internet radio show


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so im going to start doing an internet radio show on metromixradio.com in a few weeks....and i was wondering about some ideas to throw in there...

dont know how long it is going to be yet....but i dunno if i want to do a FULL mix show for like 4 hrs :half:

maybe reviewing the new hot tracks for the week, discussing club land, maybe call ins with opinions and shit...i really want to make this a good and different show...

what are your thoughts?

should i hire bling to read reviews????

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...things that i've liked, esp from sheldon's show is the interaction with the audience via AIM and email.....as well as identifying tracks before or after they're played......giving away mixes is a plus......all things that sheldon does.....he has a great mix of those elements....the only thing he needed work on was his levels but i havent heard him in awhile so perhaps he fixed that.....

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nah but if i was to do that...i would screen the calls of course...

whatever your gunna have idiots calling all the time but i think it would be an uber-dope idea for people to call in and give their opinions on the hot spots in the city or all over the world. what their fave. tracks at the moment are. vent their discontent with bouncers or club staff. and of course.....sick sick mixes

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def. gunna be some shit talking in there.....dont wanna do a 4 hr mix....that would suck....why would people then come out and pay money to hear me spin if they can just hear me for long sets without a cost?

why would people pay to hear me anyway is beyond me but hey whatever

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