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Webster Hall Last Night...

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Webster Hall pisses me off. Last night, I waited on line for 2 hours in the freezing fucking cold, only to find out that the place was way over crowded and they weren't letting anyone else in the club. It was way overcrowded because they allowed the people without tickets to get in before ticketholders. The line was around the block with ticketholders who ended up getting screwed because they payed 40 beans for those tix. There was also a fight in the basement, some chick came out bleeding(i think she got hit with a bottle in the head) and someone else got jumped. It was a huge f*cking mess. Basically, I am just pissed off because I wasted the evening waiting on line for that stupid assed place and it killed my whole night.

Anyone else get dicked like that?



...aND oN THaT NoTe, LeTS GeT BaCK To THe PRoGRaM...

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Originally posted by chrismakk69:

Webster Hall pisses me off. Last night, I waited on line for 2 hours in the freezing fucking cold, only to find out that the place was way over crowded and they weren't letting anyone else in the club. It was way overcrowded because they allowed the people without tickets to get in before ticketholders. The line was around the block with ticketholders who ended up getting screwed because they payed 40 beans for those tix. There was also a fight in the basement, some chick came out bleeding(i think she got hit with a bottle in the head) and someone else got jumped. It was a huge f*cking mess. Basically, I am just pissed off because I wasted the evening waiting on line for that stupid assed place and it killed my whole night.

Anyone else get dicked like that?

thats exactly why i stayed local last night, sorry you had a shitty night, i hope dinner is better


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"TO EACH HIS OWN" not sure by who but i like it

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro



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definetly, i've dealt w/ the thanksgiving crowds before and its just ridiuclous. i can only imagine how many people were there

sorry about, the night but maybe now you'll now better smile.gif



"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use"

-Soren Kierkegaard


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HA HA..know exactly what you went through last night..Attended Webster 2 New Years Eve ago..took 1/2 hour to go from 80s room to techno room..coat check/bathrooms mobbed..no room to dance..fuck that...not worth 50 George Washingtons..


What da.....

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ouch... sorry you guys got burned... well as for me i got my tick for 30 bucks...and got in without waiting online cause i got tehre early... and had a really decent time inside... not great but not bad by any means. except for that hugre brawl on the main floor that killed the vibe for awhile (some guy like fell onto me and got blood all over my arm which was NNNNNNNNNNNNASSSSTTTYYY) and the fact that i never did find half the people i was supposed to meet up with it was as good as can be expected for a thanksgiving eve party imo. the crowd wasnt personally my ideal, but it was nice to run into old friends.

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