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TWILO/SF (??????)


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Oh, shit....here we go again.....okay, I everyone try to just say your piece and not be offensive......here we go

It is hard to say b/c they are very different types of clubs......I would recommend Twilo over SF though for a few reasons.....

1) Far better music.....Twilo residents include Sasha & Digweed, Carl Cox, Paul Van Dyk, Timo Maas, Deep Dish, Junior Vasquez, etc......not a single club in NY can compete with such a lineup....SF doesn't even touch it.

2) Great vibe......the crowd at Twilo is just amazing....no problems, very friendly, love music, can dance, party till closing......SF crowd is also good but it has it's fair share of garbage.....

3) Best Soundsystem in the country......the Phazon digital sound system is loud, clear, and doesn't give you god damn ringing ears for two days after going to the club.....again, no competition there.....

To sum it up, Twilo represents NYC club scene for the rest of the world.....if you go to Europe or wherever they talk about coming to NY to go to Twilo.......then again, SF is still a great club.......I am more praising Twilo, not dissing SF......have fun...



Room to dance?....Oh..I will take that..thank you...


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Twilo if your gay

SF if you like hot girls(saturday)

But if it's friday go to Twilo over SF but I rather go to chaos,LL,or Ohm, or Roxy if it turns out good.

Hope that helps.

[This message has been edited by tempkid (edited 11-20-2000).]

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Originally posted by tempkid:

Twilo if your gay

SF if you like hot girls(saturday)

(edited 11-20-2000).]

Twilo if you're gay???? WTF?!?!?!? Hold on...I guess you never just went out to have fun. You know there are some people that actually go to clubs just to dance and have fun? Not for the amount of "hot girls" that go to the club. So who cares if aliens go to Twilo on Saturday as long as you enjoy the music and have fun.

Sorry to go off so harsh but I'm sick and tired and seeing eyes pop out everytime I tell someone I go to afterhours at Twilo. I think Junior is by far the best DJ in NY and one of the best in the world. The crowd now is more mixed then most people think. Maybe you should try it out sometime. Personally I feel that afterhours at Twilo has the friendliest crowd and best music in NYC.




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Originally posted by MarioNY:

Twilo if you're gay???? WTF?!?!?!? Hold on...I guess you never just went out to have fun. You know there are some people that actually go to clubs just to dance and have fun? Not for the amount of "hot girls" that go to the club. So who cares if aliens go to Twilo on Saturday as long as you enjoy the music and have fun.

Sorry to go off so harsh but I'm sick and tired and seeing eyes pop out everytime I tell someone I go to afterhours at Twilo. I think Junior is by far the best DJ in NY and one of the best in the world. The crowd now is more mixed then most people think. Maybe you should try it out sometime. Personally I feel that afterhours at Twilo has the friendliest crowd and best music in NYC.

Hey Mario,I couldn't have said it any fucking better than you just did.The best music and best crowd,Twilo afterhours.Even though I haven't gone in a while...


02_24_w.gif is in the 02_19_w.gif = boogie-ing_man.gif

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There are quite a few beautiful women at Twilo...and if you don't look desperate, and not there just for hooking up, they'll actually talk to you, and you can make a friend (or two). Depends what you're going for...are you going out to meet people and just have fun in general or to hook-up. And IMO, Twilo has the best vibe in the city...Fri OR Sat. Sat night is technically a gay party but I've heard that the crowd is very mixed (uptill 6/7am anyway).


Raving is a state of mind.

It has nothing to do with what you wear, how old you are or how you look.

Its all about the vibe!

[This message has been edited by raver_mania (edited 11-20-2000).]

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Originally posted by MarioNY:

Twilo if you're gay???? WTF?!?!?!? Hold on...I guess you never just went out to have fun. You know there are some people that actually go to clubs just to dance and have fun? Not for the amount of "hot girls" that go to the club. So who cares if aliens go to Twilo on Saturday as long as you enjoy the music and have fun.

Sorry to go off so harsh but I'm sick and tired and seeing eyes pop out everytime I tell someone I go to afterhours at Twilo. I think Junior is by far the best DJ in NY and one of the best in the world. The crowd now is more mixed then most people think. Maybe you should try it out sometime. Personally I feel that afterhours at Twilo has the friendliest crowd and best music in NYC.


I am so happy he posted this because I am also sick of people wondering why I as a female love Twilo so much for Sat afterhours

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Originally posted by bolts:



here's the deal strictly crowd wise cuz mike basically summed everything else up

fridays is a mixed crowd like most places in the city are on any night

saturdays is mixed too, but after 6 when junior comes in its much more geared to the gay crowd. however the females there are gorgeous b/c they know they can go out have fun and not generally worry about getting hit on every two seconds or their asses grabbed



"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use"

-Aabye Kierkegaard


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Originally posted by nightprincess2:

Originally posted by nightprincess2:

I am so happy he posted this because I am also sick of people wondering why I as a female love Twilo so much for Sat afterhours


Next time you're going for Junior let me know. We'll meet up!




Now let my body do the moving

And let my hands do the soothing

Let me show you the world in my eyes - DM

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Personally, my choice is

Friday - Twilo (like mikey said, great variety of dj's)

Saturday - SF (same JP but god I love him)

Twilo on Sat, I've never been there but I'm definitely going one of these days. Mario LMAO smile.gif Your reaction made me laugh smile.gif Glad someone cleared it up for some ppl though..

All in all, in my opinion, Twilo and SF cannot be compared.. They are too different places with two different crowds and different music. Which one is better? Everyone has their own answer to that question. Personally, I love the crowd at SF much more than at Twilo (fridays). But then again, you always hear ppl complaining about it. So go figure.. After going to both you'll be able to form your own opinion, asking everyone else's is kind of pointless in my opinion..

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Originally posted by MarioNY:

Twilo if you're gay???? WTF?!?!?!? Hold on...I guess you never just went out to have fun. You know there are some people that actually go to clubs just to dance and have fun?

You got it. I'm straight and I go to Twilo Saturdays (or Sunday mornings rather) all the time. The music is worth it. Having said that, I go to SF afterhours too, just not as much.

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Personally, my choice is

Friday - Twilo (like mikey said, great variety of dj's)

Saturday - SF (same JP but god I love him)

Twilo on Sat, I've never been there but I'm definitely going one of these days. Mario LMAO smile.gif Your reaction made me laugh smile.gif Glad someone cleared it up for some ppl though..

All in all, in my opinion, Twilo and SF cannot be compared.. They are too different places with two different crowds and different music. Which one is better? Everyone has their own answer to that question. Personally, I love the crowd at SF much more than at Twilo (fridays). But then again, you always hear ppl complaining about it. So go figure.. After going to both you'll be able to form your own opinion, asking everyone else's is kind of pointless in my opinion..

Hey Zoya! cwm12.gif

After getting this far down this thread, I'm starting to think that most SF fans have not gotten out of bed yet! Usually these debates go fiery within one-two posts. Glad this one hasn't yet though.

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Originally posted by resident:

Hey Zoya! cwm12.gif

After getting this far down this thread, I'm starting to think that most SF fans have not gotten out of bed yet! Usually these debates go fiery within one-two posts. Glad this one hasn't yet though.

Hey there.. Where've you been??? Hehe.. I think ppl finally got tired of this battle. It's so pointless!!!!!! I'm still sleeping too smile.gif

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Originally posted by dv8:

My 3 recommended spots

1) Twilo - Best alternating DJ lineup and crowd in the city, if you want to see international superstar DJ's, Paul Van Dyk, Sasha&Digweed, Dave Seaman, Anthony Pappa, Carl Cox, Sandra Collins, Junior Vasquez, Richie Hawtin, etc. (if you have no idea who the DJ's I just listed are, and are more interested in the physical appeal of a crowd, read no further, just go to Exit.)

If your looking for a crowd with a friendly vibe, go to Twilo. Basically Twilo is for people who are really into the music (trance, house, techno) and know what DJ's play what, people who pretty much follow the world scene. However if your one of those "as long as its got a lot of bass and its fast, I dont care" people and dont know or appreciate any particular DJ's or styles, and your just looking for a spot to hook up with chics (rather than meet cool women) than just go to Exit.

2) Centro-fly - Best DJ lineup next to Twilo, and getting better, smaller venue, but a lot of fun. Get DJ's like LTJ Bukem, DJ Dan, Bad Boy Bill, Doc Martin, Josh Wink, Roger Sanchez, in my opinion best nights are either Thursday's subliminal sessions or saturday's plant.

3) Vinyl - Danny Tenaglia - no further explanation needed.

Thats just my opinion

Very well put dv8......lol



Room to dance?....Oh..I will take that..thank you...


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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Hey there.. Where've you been??? Hehe.. I think ppl finally got tired of this battle. It's so pointless!!!!!! I'm still sleeping too smile.gif

Oh, lurking and such... haven't really had all that much to say either. Only recently things have let up at work to where I was able to catch up with the board happenings!

The battle between Twilo and SF is a pointless one indeed. Why would you want to have something as "The absolute best club in the city", anyway? That's when crowds, tourists, and undercover cops rush in and ruin the place. If a club has it's own following, that's great - it makes the place have it's own flava.

Anyway, dv8 - you forgot to mention that Centro-Fly doesn't have afterhours (unless I missed a very recent development) but instead has a big attitude and a crackly sound system. And what spoils it for me most is that I used to go there when the cover was only $10 and the attitude was the friendliest in the city. Oh, those were the days...

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My 3 recommended spots

1) Twilo - Best alternating DJ lineup and crowd in the city, if you want to see international superstar DJ's, Paul Van Dyk, Sasha&Digweed, Dave Seaman, Anthony Pappa, Carl Cox, Sandra Collins, Junior Vasquez, Richie Hawtin, etc. (if you have no idea who the DJ's I just listed are, and are more interested in the physical appeal of a crowd, read no further, just go to Exit.)

If your looking for a crowd with a friendly vibe, go to Twilo. Basically Twilo is for people who are really into the music (trance, house, techno) and know what DJ's play what, people who pretty much follow the world scene. However if your one of those "as long as its got a lot of bass and its fast, I dont care" people and dont know or appreciate any particular DJ's or styles, and your just looking for a spot to hook up with chics (rather than meet cool women) than just go to Exit.

2) Centro-fly - Best DJ lineup next to Twilo, and getting better, smaller venue, but a lot of fun. Get DJ's like LTJ Bukem, DJ Dan, Bad Boy Bill, Doc Martin, Josh Wink, Roger Sanchez, in my opinion best nights are either Thursday's subliminal sessions or saturday's plant.

3) Vinyl - Danny Tenaglia - no further explanation needed.

Thats just my opinion

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