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I'm not going to Paul Oakenfold Tonight b/c My A-hole "Friends" F@#KED Me Over!!!


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How I got screwed out of going to Paul Oakenfold:

A bunch of freinds and myself agreed on going to see Paul Oak since we went last year. Because he was such a big hit when he came to the Bowery Ballroom in the Spring of '99 my friends that I went with were worried about it getting sold out at The Roxy last year. So they were on my back to find out how to get the tickets how to get the tickets how to get the tickets....

Found out that you could get them through Ticket Master and went and purchased 3 tickets for my other 2 friends Vik and Nim.

Never got paid for them.

We then had Neel who found out that we were going who picked up tickets for him, Raj (who knows nothing about this music and still listens to Twilight Zone by 2 Unlimited), and Tom.

Everybody went...everybody had a great time.

This year we all said that we'd go again.

All the tickets were bought, and I was in close contact with Vik who was in close contact with Raj who was in close contact with Neel, who made the purchase of the tickets. 10 tickets were purchased. Vik said that he would make sure that he got mine as he owed me for last year's tickets, plus that he would pay me for the other one that I got for Nim last year.

All along Vik told me that we have a ticket for you we have a ticket for you, but Raj was like I don't know if Neel got you one. WTF asshole, you couldn't ask Neel if I was one of the 10??

Even last night at 1 am Vik told me we have a ticket for you.

Today I get up with a message on my cell from Vik:

"Yo I just called Ticketmaster and they said that tickets are still available, and you can get one...."

How FUCKED UP is that?? These guys are supposed to be my friends. We are all a crew that all decided collectively that we will go together. I was the one that came through with the tickets last year when Vik was worried about it getting sold out. The deal was that they would get me my ticket this year and pay me for the other one that I paid for last year and then we would be even. And they forgot ME??

Now I have no ticket. I can get one, but just based on the fact that they viloated what they knew in principle put a whole damper on my mood. I don't want to go. Fuck it...I don't want to go. Tom was like just come and I was like nah dude...now I know where I stand with these guys and how important I am to them...


Don't call me baby...

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at least now you know what to expect from them in the future...better learn now rather than when your ass is really on the line

i'd stil go if i were you, wouldn't miss out on aokie because of some dick


"fall in love with music, fall in love with dance"

[This message has been edited by sosultan (edited 11-23-2000).]

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Originally posted by sosultan:

at least now you know what to expect from them in the future...better learn now rather than when your ass is really on the line

i'd stil go if i were you, wouldn't miss out on aokie because of some dick

thanks!! that really means a lot to me. i think i might just do that now!!



Don't call me baby...

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Bro just go ... Oakenfold plays a good set.

Don't deny yourself this opportunity; just

because your crew is a bunch of idiots. I'm sure you will meet people there that you can hang out with. I have had this same problem before; and my policy now is . Everybody

buys their own ticket........

Go Bro and Have A Good Time !!!!


Sobeton cwm32.gif

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That sucks bro, but I can relate. I bought tickets for me and my crew for the last Oakie show at Roseland. We all went and had a crazy time...what a show that was. So my friend Tom and his lady owed me the loot for the tickets and never got me back.

Then along came the Moby show at Hammerstein...a must see. I asked him if he wants tickets and he wanted in with his lady again. I said it was no problem...and that I'll hook him up...again. So along comes the concert and it turns out that game 1 of the Subway series is on that Sat. night too. So I get a call two days before the show and he says he can't go because he can't miss the game. What a crock of shit! I'm a die hard Yanks fan too...ohh I was pissed!

So I call all my boys to go to the show and everyone wants to watch the game...great! So I eat the two tickets and go to the show...and what a show it was! Moby Rules!

Then after the show we go to the closest bar...which turns out to be Fridays. We go in there rolling and sweating our asses off and see from the 8th inning on. It worked out perfectly and turned out to be an incredible night.

Thus, my advise to you is to go to the show. Fuck your bitch ass frinds and go have a great time!


"Up all night...sleep all day."



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That sucks and is bullshit. Go enjoy the show with people worth hanging out with. Your "friends" are those that are there for you, not the ones taht arent. People have alot of issues sometimes cause they argue that "weve known each other forever" but when friends go bad (and they do, i have experience) its time to move on)

Friends arent always forever, thats why you need to keep close the ones that you are "tight" with and who always got yur back.




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That does suck!

We all have friends that fuck things up like that. At least it lets you gage them for the future. Not all friends are all things. These peeps seem to be pretty unreliable.

A couple times I've been out with just one other person at a club, and after 20 minutes they are like "...bro, I think I am going to bounce..." and then they left me there alone! Always ends up working out, but people need to show a little consideration!

Anyone else have stories of "friends" ruining your night?


[This message has been edited by sguid266 (edited 11-23-2000).]

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