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Guest gabo
like your family makes fun of you for "attracting black men"? i can see how you relate.
I attract Eskimos... I can also relate. I once told my mom I wanna live in an igloo and I got kicked out of the house.
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my advice evan, is she obviously isnt taking you, our well being, or your feelings into consideration, so you need to stop pussy footing around her, and start putting yourself first. I think she lacks the motivation to actually take down your boy or you. if you leave without you probably wont hear from her. she is totally using you and youre totally letting her. its all a game, just remember that.

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SHE'S NOT PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been living in fear. I was walking on eggshells. She would come to me kissing me and caressing me and tellng me how much she loves me. I wasn't buying it, I had an agenda...get out..and get out fast...'

Last week I was sleeping at 2 a.m and she came to my bed to wake me up. "I need cookies". I was like "what"? She said "You need to go to the store and buy me some cookies and cigarettes. I was like..."are you serious?" and she was like shocked that how can someone who loved her would not get right up and buy her food. She said "I'm fucken pregnant you asshole! Don't make me go outside and walk 2 blocks!" I replied "My mom worked every week of her pregnancy till the 9th month and you can't go outside because your 1 week late???!!! Here is $20. Here is my cell phone. Call the deli and have them deliver it to your sppoiled lazy ass." She took the phone and threw it at the wall trying to break it. I rescued it before she tried it again. I just gave in and went to the deli my self and got her the fucken cookies. I made myself feel better by telling myself that I would be rid of her VERY soon.

On Friday I finally cornered her in the bathroom just as she was about to pee. I wouldn't let up the toilet seat till she took the test. She tried to go in the bathtub but I wouln't move the showe curtain. She capitulated and took the test. Guess what. THE BITCH AIN'T PREGNANT. She 2 weeks late now, but it's probably the fucken tina messing with her schedual. I was like "You fucken woke me up and mde you get you cookies at 2 a.m. telling me you couldn't go out because you were pregnant and you NEVER WERE!" She tried to make me forget all this with sex but. honestly, I wasn't even feeling it.

I've been looking at apartments without her knowing, but on Monday, I was complaining to her that I couldn't get enough sleep at night and it was messing up my work schedual. She then SUGGESTED that maybe I should move out and get my own place. I was shocked..and I was like "But baybe..i don't wanna leave you.....but if you THINK it's a good idea...I'll do it!!!" and it WORKED! So now she is sad that I'm moving out, and even tried to sometimes talk me out of it, but I keep telling her I'm doing this for us so I can be successfull in my career.

So all in all. Problem solved. Thanx for all the helpfull advice guys. After this debacle I am gonna stay away from hot women with mental problems for a long long long time. At least a week. :doh:

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SHE'S NOT PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been living in fear. I was walking on eggshells. She would come to me kissing me and caressing me and tellng me how much she loves me. I wasn't buying it, I had an agenda...get out..and get out fast...'

Last week I was sleeping at 2 a.m and she came to my bed to wake me up. "I need cookies". I was like "what"? She said "You need to go to the store and buy me some cookies and cigarettes. I was like..."are you serious?" and she was like shocked that how can someone who loved her would not get right up and buy her food. She said "I'm fucken pregnant you asshole! Don't make me go outside and walk 2 blocks!" I replied "My mom worked every week of her pregnancy till the 9th month and you can't go outside because your 1 week late???!!! Here is $20. Here is my cell phone. Call the deli and have them deliver it to your sppoiled lazy ass." She took the phone and threw it at the wall trying to break it. I rescued it before she tried it again. I just gave in and went to the deli my self and got her the fucken cookies. I made myself feel better by telling myself that I would be rid of her VERY soon.

On Friday I finally cornered her in the bathroom just as she was about to pee. I wouldn't let up the toilet seat till she took the test. She tried to go in the bathtub but I wouln't move the showe curtain. She capitulated and took the test. Guess what. THE BITCH AIN'T PREGNANT. She 2 weeks late now, but it's probably the fucken tina messing with her schedual. I was like "You fucken woke me up and mde you get you cookies at 2 a.m. telling me you couldn't go out because you were pregnant and you NEVER WERE!" She tried to make me forget all this with sex but. honestly, I wasn't even feeling it.

I've been looking at apartments without her knowing, but on Monday, I was complaining to her that I couldn't get enough sleep at night and it was messing up my work schedual. She then SUGGESTED that maybe I should move out and get my own place. I was shocked..and I was like "But baybe..i don't wanna leave you.....but if you THINK it's a good idea...I'll do it!!!" and it WORKED! So now she is sad that I'm moving out, and even tried to sometimes talk me out of it, but I keep telling her I'm doing this for us so I can be successfull in my career.

So all in all. Problem solved. Thanx for all the helpfull advice guys. After this debacle I am gonna stay away from hot women with mental problems for a long long long time. At least a week. :doh:

learn from ur mistakes

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Someone busting ur cellphone. One of the greatest fears of mankind lol. That and loosing ur ipod.

I just bought this: http://www.archos.com/products/overview/gmini_400.html last month and she's tried to break it 3-4 times. <sigh> I have resorted to keep my most expensive things packed in my work suitcase so she can't get at them easily. She ried to pick up the bag and throw it once but it was too heavy for her. :gang:

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If you really wanna sell your soul I think I can find a buyer that will give you a much better deal than the devil. And as an added bonus, it'll earn me some brownie points with my Dark Gods :devil:

Of course, you may want to lease your soul instead... that way you dont have to worry so much about that eternal damnation thing... just a thought.

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I think I found somone worse than my girlfriend...though...I can see her doing this too:


"Ex rips off man's tackle

A JILTED girl tore off her ex-boyfriend's testicle with her bare hands - then popped it in her mouth, a court heard yesterday.

Amanda Monti, 24, grabbed Jeffrey Jones, 37, by the genitals in a rage after he refused to have sex.

She ripped off his left testicle leaving him in "excruciating pain". Monti, just 5ft 2in, then put it in her mouth to hide it.

The testicle was later found by a pal of Mr Jones who handed it back, saying: "That's yours." Doctors were unable to re-attach it.

The victim told Liverpool Crown Court how he had earlier ended their relationship but Monti refused to accept it.

After a party at his home in Netherton, she wanted sex but he was not interested. There was a struggle and she ripped off his shorts leaving him in his pants.

He said: "She grabbed my genitals and pulled hard. I noticed my underpants had come off and I was in excruciating pain."

Monti, of Birkenhead, admitted unlawful wounding but said she had little memory of what happened. She will be sentenced later.

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