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oh man how i miss this... remember getting allowance~!? what age did it stop and how much did you get~!? i was watching some shit on the news today and they were discussing this, and how too much is bad and too little isnt good either... and how to determine the medium... i remember my parents were stingy ol' goats...

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...never got an allowance and i couldnt buy my own shit like shirts, cologne, etc until i got a job and i could pay for it myself....i remember the first thing i ever wanted was this dress shirt from Alexanders on route 4 (r.i.p.)...at the time it was $16 and my dad was like, "I wont buy you a $16 shirt. Find a way to get it yourself!"...so i did...now the prick literally dumps money on his grandkids without thinking twice....grrrrrrrrrrr....

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thats sucks...

remember alexanders~!? holy... i used to hate shopping there... my parents would make me try on those shitty shoes that are ziptied together and if you put on both at one time you couldnt take more than two steps that were about 3.5" inches apart with out falling or stumbling... what kind of sadistic fuck makes ppl walk in shoes that are tied together~!?

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thats sucks...

remember alexanders~!? holy... i used to hate shopping there... my parents would make me try on those shitty shoes that are ziptied together and if you put on both at one time you couldnt take more than two steps that were about 3.5" inches apart with out falling or stumbling... what kind of sadistic fuck makes ppl walk in shoes that are tied together~!?

I got my best winter topcoat there on the UES, worth $500 for $120 in the 80s. Made it through two degrees and a move back to LA lol. I luved that store for some items. :( *

* if u ever saw my ass at CP meetup at under 30 degree weather, that would be the jacket I would need to wear lol.

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whoa, i thought they went bankrupt but looks like this companies been on fire... damn...

also remember these stores, steinbach, orbach, caldor, a&s~!?

lol...yes to all of the above. The first thing I wanted really badly was a pair of navy blue "pumps" at Caldor. :laugh2:

I used to get 10 bucks a week for allowance. I got as much as 40 at some points for doing all these chores around the house...and since my bro never did his, I usually got HIS allowance for doing them.

It stopped when I was 16 and was forced to get a job at Mandee.

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i think we determined 5 bucks a week or something.. but i never saw it because i never held up my end of the bargain (cleaning my room, taking the trash out etc.) i ended up getting a job as soon as i was able to.. for some reason i would have rather slaved for mcdonalds than my parents..

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