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Sandra Collins...your our hero!!!

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Thank you sister, that was off the hook!!!!

I know, I haven't been around in a while but...I"M BACK!!!

Blueskygirl and I were mezmerized by the talent and incredible vibe of Sandra Collins, Guy Somethingorother, who opened for her, rocked it just as hard...

Hope your week-end was a happy one


"And that is what empower-meant when she said; you'll miss me baby but I'm not going anywhere." - mbd

[This message has been edited by sillylittlename (edited 11-26-2000).]

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WERD!!! Good god, she was so good I don't even know what to say about it...

BTW, we're still up for the afterhours at our place and I'm spinning the PVD listening hour for a COd audience of two. Anyone up? IM us at my aim addy.





Just saying no to drama.


aolim mbdewey

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