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Happy B-day Roby!


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Happy birthday sweetie! No, I didn't forget. What are you doing for the weekend?? Let me know...

Also, make sure to use a browser or any other software that will allow you to view animated gif's to open the file. Talk to you soon...Sarah

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HUNNNIE.....you told me your B-Day was on the 27th!!! I could have swore you said the 27th!!! But, then again, I am a natural blond which means I am naturally ssslllooowww!!!!!

SO...until I hear from you I am not going to give you B-Day greetings.


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Now I'm all confused... whenever the fuck it is... HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBY!!!!!!!!



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me

"Day is gone I'm on my back Staring up at the ceiling I take a drink sit back relax Smoke my kind makes me feel Better for a short time

What I want is what I've not got What I need is all around me"

"Sometimes there is so much beauty in the world i feel i can't take it. and i feel like my heart is gonna cave in" -American Beauty

K and Erm...there is only one thing to say that will express my feelings about you guys......HAAAAAABUUUURRRBB


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THANK YOU, ONE AND ALL!! One small problem .. my birthday is Monday, not today. (Close enough, Sarah smile.gif) No worries .. I fully intend this to be a weekend celebration ... you don't change the first digit in your age too often. Besides, this will be my last chance to party before my back starts giving out (just ask Charlie).

The focal point will be S&D on Friday .. I hope to see all of you there. Saturday and Monday will be big booze-ups as well. As for tonight ... still up in the air and open for suggestions.

As for gift ideas .. a hot young woman, some funky club clothes, and - oh yes - huge pectoral muscles!! (yes, a direct quote from Ren Hoek). Barring all that, a hug and a Red Bull will do just fine.

Again, thanks for all the love everyone. I wasn't sure what kind of people I would meet off of this board, but I now know that there are some truly beautiful, fun, caring people here. I am proud to call all of you my friends.


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You're welcome sweetie. I didn't know the exact date, I just remembered you wanted to party this weekend cause it was your birthday. Anyway, if I don't see you this weekend I'll see you soon but until then here's a 'hug'...Sarah

PS - what's your email address?

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Originally posted by roby:

THANK YOU, ONE AND ALL!! One small problem .. my birthday is Monday, not today. (Close enough, Sarah smile.gif) No worries .. I fully intend this to be a weekend celebration ... you don't change the first digit in your age too often. Besides, this will be my last chance to party before my back starts giving out (just ask Charlie).

The focal point will be S&D on Friday .. I hope to see all of you there. Saturday and Monday will be big booze-ups as well. As for tonight ... still up in the air and open for suggestions.

As for gift ideas .. a hot young woman, some funky club clothes, and - oh yes - huge pectoral muscles!! (yes, a direct quote from Ren Hoek). Barring all that, a hug and a Red Bull will do just fine.

Again, thanks for all the love everyone. I wasn't sure what kind of people I would meet off of this board, but I now know that there are some truly beautiful, fun, caring people here. I am proud to call all of you my friends.


I think I'm going to tell you Happy B-day every day till Monday now.. smile.gif

Cuz I'm not going to be at S&D..

so here's my virtual HUG~~~~~~<<<>>>>>>>!!!!~~~~~

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Ladies, my responses:

Shannah - check your PMs

Rachel1997 - what do you mean you won't be at S&D?!!! Thanksgiving is over, family obligations have been met. There's no excuse!! We'll miss ya, baby. And can I swap that virtual hug for a real one someday?

Lexxxi - I love you too, sweetie. It's not the same when I go clubbing without you and Porn.

And for the rest of you - see you under the disco ball tonight!!

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Originally posted by roby:

Rachel1997 - what do you mean you won't be at S&D?!!! Thanksgiving is over, family obligations have been met. There's no excuse!! We'll miss ya, baby. And can I swap that virtual hug for a real one someday?


Yes you'll get your BIRTHDAY HUG. biggrin.gif

And plus I don't think I like S&D's music. Andy put a CD on for me and it sounded strange I think.

ENJOY ROBY!!! biggrin.gif

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