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Girls: Guys in clubs with shirts on/off? Guys: Why do you take off shirt?

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If you've got it, show it! (I'll leave mine on, thank you very much) I used to wear a tanktop at Twilo but I felt a little like a guintaloon, so I stick with a tee.


Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

Smithers, come here. I need you.

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Originally posted by MarioNY:

Yeah I saw her too! I was dancing in that corner when all of a sudden I noticed her shirt was gone. She looked like she was with her husband or boyfriend.

So where were you, anyway? I was kind of roaming around before Jr., and once he got on I danced off to the side, then danced on the speaker (shirt off, of course) for a while, and then sat down in the corner and actually saw Jesse chilling there too.

Originally posted by MarioNY:

Forget her. Did you notice those two tall blondes dressed in black? They kept pulling up the bottom of their tops to show cleavage.

No, but I did meet a rather interesting person - this asian woman who kept trying to convince me that she was a transsexual. Don't get any funny ideas now - I didn't look for proof.

Originally posted by MarioNY:

2. Anyone who spent an hour at the gym knows it's tough. When you've spent hundreds of hours you become a little proud. So when there is an opportunity to show off our bodies, we do. Girls do it every day, why can't men?

You've pretty much got it there. In some way this sounds like what I've frequently heard from girls on the beach about guys wearing speedos - "Ohmygod that should be illegal!" Well, that's sexist - what about you and your g-string all the way up your crack? Should that be illegal too? I'm not saying that every male on the beach should be sporting a speedo, nor that every female should be styling in a g-string, but let's be fair - we have the right to wear damn near whatever we want, and if you don't like how it looks, don't look damn it!

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k i had to put my dolla's worth in here. when i went to ny and went to Exit, i found myself wishing, dare i say it, wishing that the guys in philly would do that. the one club near my house here that i promise myself i wont go too, but my friends always seem to drag me to, has guys just walkin around, shoving you outta there way and are soo rude about it, think they're all hard yet they're never into the music or sweating so much that they have to take their shirts off. i was so happy seeing that at Exit only cuz for the most part people didn't give a fawk, and maybe if it wasn't such a stigma here, if i was really hot and sweaty i would strip down to a bra or maybe wife beater (yes girls can wear them too smile.gif the only time it bothers me is if the guy is obviously doin it to get some action, which to me shows how small minded he is. If it gets cold, put your clothes back on! if youre sweaty that's fine too, just be nice about it, don't purposely rub it all over me in my clothes which one boy did there at EXit, some people were carrying around towels, which to me is the smart thing to do. otherwise, let me see that flesh baby!!! take it off! take it off!!




"Well you think i'd leave ya lonely... you know me better than that... if you'd think i'd leave you down when your down on your knees... well i wouldnt do that.. you're so much better than you know..."

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Resident - I was all over the place most of the time too. I did spend some time dancing on the corner where Junior spins. I can't wait to go back this Wednesday. Should be a good time.




Now let my body do the moving

And let my hands do the soothing

Let me show you the world in my eyes - DM

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Originally posted by missincognito:

Mario- you crack me up sometimes....





Now let my body do the moving

And let my hands do the soothing

Let me show you the world in my eyes - DM

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Originally posted by egotrip94:

I think you need to mind your own neck!


Hey man, just because you don't have a body worth showing off or looking at, there's no need to get snippity with me.

There are many of us gals who appreciate looking at those well toned guys with no shirts, as I'm sure you like looking at well toned girls in little outfits. I'm sure you wouldn't be so adamantly opposed to girls taking their shirts off!



Peace Love Happiness y'all


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I go to Exit and there are def shirts off guys there and they look good so why not

But guys plz shave or wax those chests, HATE hairy guys major turnoff!

When I go to EXit with Partytime we are not even in there for 10 minutes and the shirt is gone.........but he has every reason to take that shirt off...NICE body BABY!! UGH!



Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long. Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

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I apologize for being a newbie and discussing a topic that's been covered before but this was to settle a bet with my gf. She said that most girls don't like to see a guy w/o his shirt but I said girls don't mind especially when you don't treat them like shit! The board has proven me right!

She also accused me of not wearing a shirt just to show off. I'll plead guilty to that one but it's because I've put a lot of work into my and am proud! So if you got it-flaunt it! Hey! Its NYC, a land of individuals!

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I take my shirt off because I can, I'm not a juicehead but naturual muscles look better, and I'm not hairy or slimed with grease. I always make an effort when I'm moveing not to bump into anybody It's always the ladies shoving themselves into me when I'm shirtless.

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Originally posted by gene2k:

I take my shirt off if it's real hot in the club & I'm dancing & sweating or when I'm rolling & the material of the shirt bothers me. I'm not a steroid monster who's trying to show off nor do I rub on people with my shirt off, if I'm sweatin' I make sure I keep a distance from other people as much as possible.

See, poeple like you I don't mind... it's when these skeezy ass guys with their sweaty selves come all rubbing up on you like you're their favorite leg to hump straight out of nowhere, thinking they're all charming -- that's just nasty, no matter how good looking the guy is.

cwm34.gif - Meli - cwm34.gif



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Originally posted by nycvoyeur:

Want to hear from the girls: Do you like guys with their shirts on or off in the clubs i.e, SF, Exit? Even if the guy has a good physique? Do you like the guy to shave his chest or do you prefer hair? Need to know-have bet with gf. I'll let you know her opinion. From the guys: Why do you take off shirt?

i dont like to see a guy with no shirt at all..i think a nice tank top would do the trick for me...something that shows me a peek of some nice juicy muscle (no pun intended)..

As for hair..i like a nice smooth hairless chest..(gotta have a bod to go with it though) a little hair is ok too...too much hair is no good!! keep ur shirts on for that!! LOL


~~PaRt TiMe AngEL angel.gif PaRt tImE DeViL~~ sgrin.gif

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I like ogling shirtless guys as much as the next girl... but, like many others have noted, there are some basic rules that must be followed: 1) Nice body (not necessarily the bulging, musclebound type, but nothing is worse than love handles swinging in the breeze) 2) All hair must go, no exceptions 3)if you're really sweaty avoid sliming people at all costs 4) DON'T GET CREEPY! I will never understand the guys who think they have the right to come up to me and try to dry-shag me on the dance floor when I have given them no encouragement whatsoever. Disgusting. That's why I love going to gay clubs so much... Hot, stylish, friendly guys as far as the eye can see, and no one tries to grope me!


"Nothing makes one more vain than being told one is a sinner."

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Having a shirt on or off is not really the problem.....the problem is when guys have a few drinks or drop a pill, take off their shirts, and then all of the sudden...poof....they feel they have mystically become the toughest, most attractive guy who is all the sudden the best dancer in the club......it is even worse when a guy like this and a few of his friends do it together cause then you have the millennium version of the T-birds from Grease walking around......setting it straight, I don't take my shirt off but I have no problem with guys or girls who do......hell, my friends from Jersey do it everytime we go clubbing......I think it is the attitude that mysteriously surfaces once the shirts come off that is the problem.......all in all, if people are cool, shirt or no shirt, I'm cool with them.....



Room to dance?....Oh..I will take that..thank you...


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I couldn't even begin to imagine what it would be like to get my chest (and I guess you gotta do the arms too) waxed. I'd probably come home crying looking like a plucked duck. I'm a guy, I grow hair on my chest and I think it should stay there.

Even though woman say they like the smooth chest, when it get's right down to it, i've found they like a little hair on the frontside of their guy (back and ass hair excluded).

Diva and Nikki - you saw my chest for about 2 seconds at Googies. would it be possible to defuzz me? I couldn't even imagine.

Do people wake up one day and say they want to be a body waxer? odd profession.

Originally posted by divalicious:

On the hair issue, I prefer a bare chest, but if it is buzzed, that can look nice too. But we don't like those Alec Baldwin, Sasquatch, carpet chest dudes!

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Yeah..... I took my shirt off once at a club...... to put on another shirt I had that was dry.

Yay, me!!



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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All the girls in this post that said that guy's chest hair must go are fucking assholes. You freaking nymphos let me tell you something, MEN ARE SUPPOSED TO HAVE HAIR ON THEIR CHEST. It was put there for a reason, and let me tell you something, waxing your legs or your bush is very different than waxing your pecs and your stomach and your shoulders. You should appreciate the Alec Baldwin look, it's masculine and it's really the only thing that separates your flat as a board chest from your boyfriends chest.

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Originally posted by bastardino:

All the girls in this post that said that guy's chest hair must go are fucking assholes. You freaking nymphos let me tell you something, MEN ARE SUPPOSED TO HAVE HAIR ON THEIR CHEST. It was put there for a reason, and let me tell you something, waxing your legs or your bush is very different than waxing your pecs and your stomach and your shoulders. You should appreciate the Alec Baldwin look, it's masculine and it's really the only thing that separates your flat as a board chest from your boyfriends chest.

Women have hair in some places too but we SHAVE/WAX.. But I guess you like your women nice and hairy too LOL..

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Women have hair in some places too but we SHAVE/WAX.. But I guess you like your women nice and hairy too LOL..






Now let my body do the moving

And let my hands do the soothing

Let me show you the world in my eyes - DM

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shirts *on*

no goddamn prickly backs and arms and chests rubbing anywhere near me . . . and rubbing your sweat all over me - save the sweat for when we're having sex. wink.gif

i don't give a shit how nice you look, i keep my damn shirt on when i'm hot, so can you . . .





"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."



AIM: loves2cox

i love Rob *always&forever*

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